What does heim in Icelandic mean?

What is the meaning of the word heim in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use heim in Icelandic.

The word heim in Icelandic means home, homewards, Home. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word heim


adverbnoun (house or structure in which someone lives)

Hún kom heim í fyrsta skipti í fimm ár.
She came home for the first time in five years.



Sömuleiðis er viðbúið þegar mótsgestir snúa heim, að þeir beri með sér smit og valdi mikilli sjúkdómahættu um víða veröld.
Likewise, through return travel, infectious diseases may be carried homewards and present a public health threat to other countries worldwide.


noun (The default tab on the ribbon interface that provides the basic features that users need most frequently for each application.)

Eigum við að fá okkur drykk á leiðinni heim?
Want to grab a drink on the way home?

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Hefjið ykkar eigin dásamlegu ferð heim.
Begin your own wonderful journey home.
" Hann er alltaf ađ spyrja hvenær ūú komir heim.
" He keeps asking,'When's Daddy coming home? '
19 Fyrir milligöngu sonar síns hefur Jehóva fyrirskipað að þjónar sínir kunngeri um allan heim, nú á hinum síðustu tímum, að Guðsríki sé eina ráðið við öllum meinum manna.
19 Through his Son, Jehovah has directed that in this time of the end, His servants make an earth-wide proclamation that the only remedy for all human suffering is Kingdom rule.
Sú staðreynd ein að við getum þetta kemur heim og saman við þau orð að skaparinn hafi ‚lagt eilífðina í brjóst mannsins.‘
The mere fact that we have this ability harmonizes with the comment that a Creator has put “eternity into man’s mind.”
En ūú getur ekki komiđ heim í kvöld.
But you can't come to Mom and Dad's tonight.
Gerðu það pabbi, komdu heim.
Please come home, Daddy.
Heimskreppan mikla hafði slæm áhrif um allan heim.
This growth had a profound effect on the entire village.
Í ljósi þess hve algeng hryðjuverk eru um heim allan tóku þjóðir heims fljótt höndum saman í herför gegn hryðjuverkum.
In view of the magnitude and global scope of terrorism, nations around the earth quickly banded together to combat it.
9 Árið 1922 voru starfandi rúmlega 17.000 boðberar í 58 löndum víða um heim.
9 By 1922, more than 17,000 Kingdom proclaimers were active in 58 lands around the world.
Hún sprengdi heim minn í loft upp.
She blew my world up.
Ef ég kem heim með fleiri teppi drepur konan mig.
And if I bring home another rug, my wife'll murder my motherfucking ass, Chris.
Ég kom til að ná í Jean heim.
I came to bring Jean home.
Förum heim til mín.
Let's go home.
18 mín: Gefum skýrslu um hlutdeild okkar í vitnisburðarstarfinu um allan heim.
18 min: Reporting Our Share in the Worldwide Witnessing Work.
Vitur faðir, sem elskar börn sín, leiðbeinir þeim. Það gerir Guð líka. Hann kennir fólki um allan heim hvernig best sé að lifa.
Just as a wise and loving father instructs his children, so God teaches people everywhere the best way to live.
Ég kom heim í kvöld og fķr inn í lyftuna.
I came home tonight and got into the elevator.
The coroner geta auðvelda flytja við jarðarför heim.
The coroner can facilitate the transfer to the funeral home.
Og það sem enn betra er, friður Guðs þýðir heim án sjúkdóma, kvala, sorgar og dauða.
Better still, God’s peace means a world without sickness, pain, sorrow, or death.
Hvenær förum viđ heim?
Daddy, when will we go back home?
Korinta var erilsöm viðskipta- og heimsborg, alræmd um allan hinn grísk-rómverska heim fyrir siðlaust líferni.
Corinth was a busy, cosmopolitan, commercial city, notorious throughout the Greco-Roman world for its loose living.
Stígđu inn í minn heim.
Step into my world.
Hann kom eins mikiđ heim og hann gat en hann varđ ađ borga reikninga.
I mean, he'd come home as much as he could, but, you know, he had to pay the bills.
Eftir að hafa hitt Rebekku var honum boðið heim til Betúels, föður hennar.
After meeting Rebekah, he was invited into the home of her father, Bethuel.
Og um hugmyndir segir alfræðibókin The New Encyclopædia Britannica að um síðustu aldamót hafi Vín verið „uppspretta hugmynda sem mótuðu heim nútímans til góðs eða ills.“
As for ideas, The New Encyclopædia Britannica calls turn-of-the-century Vienna “a fertile breeding ground for ideas that—for good or bad—were to shape the modern world.”
Postularnir stjórna málefnum kirkjunnar um gjörvallan heim.
The Apostles administer the affairs of the Church throughout the world.

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Do you know about Icelandic

Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.