What does halda í skefjum in Icelandic mean?

What is the meaning of the word halda í skefjum in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use halda í skefjum in Icelandic.

The word halda í skefjum in Icelandic means retain. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word halda í skefjum



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Þess vegna þurfum við að halda í skefjum sérhverri tilhneigingu til að mögla.
Hence, we need to control any possible inclination to murmur.
Sumum tilfinningum þarf hins vegar að halda í skefjum því að þær samræmast ekki kristnum persónuleika.
On the other hand, some emotions need to be curbed. They are not consistent with the Christian personality.
Taumhald er notað til að leiðbeina, stjórna og halda í skefjum.
A bridle is used to guide, to direct, to restrain.
(Matteus 9:12) Góðu tíðindin eru þau að margt er hægt að lækna eða halda í skefjum.
(Matthew 9:12) The good news is that many conditions can be treated.
Settar eru endalausar reglur og lög til að halda í skefjum skaðlegum löngunum þeirra og hegðun.
Mountains of rules and regulations are necessary to curb their hurtful appetites and behavior.
Þau kunna að búa yfir ákveðnum tilhneigingum sem eru kraftmiklar og sem erfitt kann að vera að halda í skefjum.
They may have certain inclinations which are powerful and which may be difficult to control.
Og hún átti drjúgan þátt í því að halda fólki í skefjum.
Moreover, she played an important part in keeping people in subjection.
(Lúkas 9:62; 17:32; Títusarbréfið 2:11-13) Við skulum því halda í skefjum sérhverri tilhneigingu til að safna okkur fjársjóðum á jörð og halda auga okkar heilbrigðu, láta það einblína á ríkið.
(Luke 9:62; 17:32; Titus 2:11-13) So let us curb any inclination to store up treasures on earth, and let us keep our eye simple, focused on the Kingdom.
Ūađ var lũjandi verk ađ halda stríđinu í skefjum, breiđa yfir ķsķmann, halda ķgæfusögu fjölskyldu minnar leyndri.
And a tiresome duty keeping the war contained, cleaning up the mess hiding my family's unfortunate history.
Ef Guð hefði lagt bann við einhverri ónáttúru, grimmd eða morði gætu einhverjir haldið því fram að fullkomið fólk hefði haft auvirðilegar tilhneigingar sem þyrfti að halda í skefjum.
Had God forbidden such vile things as bestiality or murder, some could claim that perfect humans had certain base inclinations that needed to be restrained.
Vegna framfara í læknavísindum er hægt að meðhöndla suma langvinna sjúkdóma eða halda þeim í skefjum.
Advances in medicine have enabled others to treat or control chronic illnesses.
Síðan þá hafa þær aukist stórkostlega, ekki einungis vegna framfara í því að halda sjúkdómum í skefjum heldur líka vegna bætts hreinlætis og lífsskilyrða.
Since then, it has increased dramatically not only on account of medical progress in controlling disease but also because of better sanitation and living conditions.
Síðan þá hafa þær aukist stórkostlega, ekki einungis vegna framfara í því að halda sjúkdómum í skefjum heldur líka vegna betra hreinlætis og lífsskilyrða.
Since then, it has increased dramatically, not only on account of medical progress in controlling disease but also because of better sanitation and living conditions.
Viđ verđum ađ halda ūeim í skefjum fram ađ árásinni.
We're gonna have to hold those things off till the strike gets here.
Ūađ hefur notađ hana til ađ halda hinum í skefjum.
It has been using her to restrain the others.
Löghlýðnir borgarar þrá stjórn sem gerir meira en bara að halda glæpum í skefjum.
Law-abiding citizens long for a government that will do more than just control crime.
Það hefur notað hana til að halda hinum í skefjum
It has been using her to restrain the others
Ūađ besta sem viđ getum gert er ađ halda honum í skefjum.
The best we can do is try to contain him.
Sumir nemendur eru til vandræða jafnvel þótt kennararnir geri sitt besta til að halda þeim í skefjum.
Some students will make trouble even when teachers do their best to keep them in line.
Máliđ er ađ halda sársaukanum í skefjum.
The point of the game is to minimize the pain caused by that equation.
Eftir að hafa reynt ýmsar aðferðir tókst okkur að halda flogaköstunum í skefjum.
After much trial and error, we were able to bring Andrew’s seizures under control.
Johnny Roastbeef sá um ađ halda ūeim í skefjum og í burtu frá neyđarrofunum.
Johnny Roastbeef had to keep them all tied up and away from the alarms.
Herinn reynir ađ halda ofbeldinu í skefjum en er borinn ofurliđi.
The Army is here trying to contain the violence but clearly, it is outmatched.
Ef þú ert með of háan blóðþrýsting skaltu skoða innihaldslýsingarnar á umbúðunum til að halda saltneyslunni í skefjum.
If this is your problem, use the information on food packaging to keep your sodium intake low.
Með því móti má halda barnsfæðingum í skefjum þar sem hætta er á offjölgun.
By this means the birthrate can be kept in check in countries where there is danger of a population explosion.

Let's learn Icelandic

So now that you know more about the meaning of halda í skefjum in Icelandic, you can learn how to use them through selected examples and how to read them. And remember to learn the related words that we suggest. Our website is constantly updating with new words and new examples so you can look up the meanings of other words you don't know in Icelandic.

Do you know about Icelandic

Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.