What does gull in Icelandic mean?
What is the meaning of the word gull in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use gull in Icelandic.
The word gull in Icelandic means gold, gold. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word gull
goldnoun (element) Ekki er allt gull sem glóir. Not all that glitters, is gold. |
goldadjective verb noun adverb (chemical element with the atomic number of 79) Gull er verðmætara en nokkur annar málmur. Gold is more precious than any other metal. |
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5 Ekki er nóg gull og silfur í fjárhirslu konungs til að greiða skattgjaldið svo að Hiskía tekur alla þá góðmálma sem hann getur úr musterinu. 5 Since there is not enough gold and silver in the royal treasury to pay the tribute, Hezekiah retrieves what precious metals he can from the temple. |
Jes 13:17 – Í hvaða skilningi mátu Medar silfur einskis og girntust ekki gull? Isa 13:17 —In what sense did the Medes regard silver as nothing and take no delight in gold? |
Hvernig gull hafa þeir nú sent niður eftir ánni til að launa okkur? What sort of gold have they sent down the river to reward us? |
Því eru orð sálmaritarans enn í fullu gildi: „Orð Drottins eru hrein orð, skírt silfur, sjöhreinsað gull.“ Thus, the psalmist’s words are still true today: “The words of the Lord are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times.” |
Langar þig til að finna þetta „gull“? Do you want the “gold”? |
En ef maður tínir saman viskumolana í hverri þeirri gagnrýni sem maður fær safnar maður fjársjóði sem er dýrmætari en gull. But if you find and apply the nuggets of wisdom in any criticism you receive, you’ll gain a treasure worth more than gold. |
Verðmæti kórala má sjá af því að Biblían fjallar um þá á svipaðan hátt og gull, silfur og safírsteina. The Bible indicates the value of coral by referring to it in much the same way as it does to gold, silver, and sapphire. |
* Gull, silfur, eir, blátt garn, ýmis lituð efni, hrútskinn, selskinn og akasíuviður voru meðal framlaganna til gerðar tjaldbúðarinnar og áhalda hennar. * Gold, silver, copper, blue thread, various dyed materials, ram skins, sealskins, and acacia wood were among the donations for the construction and furnishing of the tabernacle. |
Konungurinn veitti honum „allt sem hann óskaði“ fyrir hús Jehóva – gull, silfur, hveiti, vín, olíu og salt, samanlagt að núvirði yfir 13 milljarða króna. The king grants Ezra “everything he requested” for Jehovah’s house —gold, silver, wheat, wine, oil, and salt, all worth well over $100,000,000 (U.S.) at modern values |
Dálítiđ gull? Little gold, hmm? |
Kaupmenn gerðu sér að lokum grein fyrir því að finna þyrfti hentugra kerfi til að kaupa og selja vörur, og var þá byrjað að nota eðalmálma eins og gull, silfur og eir sem gjaldmiðil. Traders eventually saw the need for a more convenient commodity that could be used to buy and sell goods. |
Ūá öđlast hinir kjarklausu ūađ gull The meek inherit all the Army's gold |
Rithöfundur segir að Beatty hafi verið „gagntekinn af nákvæmum hlutföllum arabíska letursins . . . og hrifist mjög af skrautritun og skreytingum með gull- og silfurþynnum og öðrum skærlitum efnum“. He was, says one writer, “enthralled by the mathematical proportions of the Arabic script, . . . and his sense of colour was excited by the embellishment of the calligraphy with gold and silver leaf and other vivid minerals.” |
(1. Mósebók 12:5; 13:2, 6, 7) Hinn réttláti Job átti líka miklar eignir — búfénað, þjóna, gull og silfur. (Genesis 12:5; 13:2, 6, 7) Righteous Job also had considerable wealth —in livestock, servants, gold, and silver. |
En þó geta varir okkar verið enn verðmætari en gull og perlur. Yet, our lips can be even more precious than these. |
Þeir voru viðstaddir þegar gull var uppgötvað í janúar 1848. They were present when gold was discovered in January 1848. |
24 Árið 1938 var komið með meira „gull“ þegar ákveðið var að skipa alla þjóna í söfnuðunum með guðræðislegum aðferðum. 24 In 1938, more “gold” was brought in when it was established that all servants in the congregation were to be theocratically appointed. |
En þótt hann gjöri það ekki, þá skalt þú samt vita, konungur, að vér munum ekki dýrka þína guði né tilbiðja gull-líkneskið, sem þú hefir reisa látið.“ But if not, let it become known to you, O king, that your gods are not the ones we are serving, and the image of gold that you have set up we will not worship.” |
Sálmaritarinn lýsir því ágætlega hve gagnslítil slík hlutadýrkun er: „Skurðgoð þeirra eru silfur og gull, handaverk manna. The psalmist well describes the uselessness of such objects of worship: “Their idols are silver and gold, the work of the hands of earthling man. |
Ræðan er silfur en þögnin gull. Speech is silver, silence is gold. |
Sálmaritarinn söng: „Skurðgoð þjóðanna eru silfur og gull, handaverk manna. Concerning such objects, the psalmist sang: “The idols of the nations are silver and gold, the work of the hands of earthling man. |
Ekkert gull? No gold. |
Hvorki gull, silfur né önnur verðmæti veita þá nokkurt öryggi eða skjól. Gold, silver, and other valuable things will provide no security whatsoever. |
Bóndi hennar fann gull á vesturströndinni. Her husband had struck gold someplace out west. |
Hann lætur þjóna sína sækja gull- og silfurkerin, sem afi hans, Nebúkadnesar konungur, hafði tekið með sér úr musteri Jehóva áratugum áður. He has his servants bring in the gold and the silver vessels that his grandfather, King Nebuchadnezzar, took from Jehovah’s temple in Jerusalem decades earlier. |
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Do you know about Icelandic
Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.