What does grind in Icelandic mean?

What is the meaning of the word grind in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use grind in Icelandic.

The word grind in Icelandic means matrix, lattice, pilot whale. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word grind


noun (biology: embedding material or tissue)


noun (partially ordered set in algebra)

Grafín er eitt lag kolefnisatóma sem raðast í sexhyrnda grind eða net.
This refers to a single layer of carbon atoms arranged in a hexagonal mesh, or lattice.

pilot whale

noun (either of two species of whale)

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Fyrstu bátsskrokkar sem gerðir hafa verið voru líklega holir trjábolir (eintrjáningar) en þegar á steinöld hefur mönnum tekist að smíða báta úr grind sem húðir voru strengdar á (húðkeipur).
It is likely that sometimes the wood blanks that they started from were tree branches (or juvenile trunks) that had been shaped by a vine wrapped helically around them while they grew.
Grafín er eitt lag kolefnisatóma sem raðast í sexhyrnda grind eða net.
This refers to a single layer of carbon atoms arranged in a hexagonal mesh, or lattice.
Einkenni BMX-hjóla eru lítil grind og dekk, hátt stýri og lágt sæti.
The data pins are driven by the DRAM chip if RAS and CAS are low, WE is high, and OE is low.
Trésmiður smíðar grind og hvetur gullsmiðinn til að klæða hana málmi, kannski gulli.
A wooden frame is fashioned by a carpenter, who then encourages the goldsmith to plate it with metal, perhaps gold.
Hvernig geta hálfsjálfstæðar, smásæjar frumur sameinast um að framleiða milljónir glernála og gera úr þeim svona margbrotna og fagra grind?
How could quasi-independent microscopic cells collaborate to secrete a million glassy splinters and construct such an intricate and beautiful lattice?
Klukkan 9:45 var búið að slá upp grind fimm veggja af sex.
By 9:45 a.m. five of the six walls were up.
Oftast er það grind með snúru.
They are usually bound with rope.
Sýna grind Sýnir eða felur grindina á táknmyndagrunninum
Show grid Toggles the grid in the icon edit grid on/off
Akshra Infotech gera myndirnar þínar svo sérstakt við innri grind.
Akshra Infotech make your photos so special with interior photo frames.
Með sérstyrktri grind sinni og öryggisbúnaði er Citroën Berlingo Multispace bíll sem tryggir þér hugarró þegar þú keyrir um með fjölskylduna þína.
With its reinforced structure and safety equipment, Citroën Berlingo Multispace is a car to ensure peace of mind when you’re out with the family.
• Skrifa kveðjur og óskir um grind.
• Write greetings and wishes on frame.
An aukabrennara er fastur á grind.
An auxiliary burner is fixed on the frame.
Gisting fyrir Gisting fyrir Startup Grind Global Conference 2019
Places to stay for Startup Grind Global Conference 2019
Það eru alls konar þættir sem þarf að hafa í huga þegar þú ert að leita að réttum valkosti fyrir þig, þar á meðal akstursbraut, grind og mótor.
There are all sorts of factors to consider when looking for the right option for you, including drivetrain, frame, and motor.
Margmiðlun: grind, bílskel, undirvagn, gler, hurð osfrv.
Media: frame, car shell, chassis, glass, door, etc.
Sá sem getur borið meira en eitt tonn þarf sterka grind.
Convincing robustness Carrying more than a tonne requires a strong backbone.
Fá einn af bestu mynd grind apps fyrir Android TM tækinu og byrja að frjáls mynd grind!
Get one of the best photo framing apps for AndroidTM device and start free picture framing!
Miðdrifsmótor er einnig venjulega minni og léttari en miðstöðvamótor af svipuðum krafti.Minni og léttari miðdrifsmótorar eru oft laumuspilari vegna þess að hægt er að fella þær beint í grind hjólsins.
A mid-drive motor is also usually smaller and lighter than a hub motor of similar power. Smaller and lighter mid-drive motors are often stealthier because they can be incorporated directly into the bicycle’s frame.
Skýringar [1] Speglunum í safnspegli ELT verður komið fyrir í grind með áföstum jaðarnemum — þeim nákvæmustu sem notaðir hafa verið í sjónauka — sem munu stöðugt mæla staðsetningu þeirra miðað við speglana í kring og gera þeim kleift að starfa saman sem fullkomið ljósmyndakerfi.
Notes [1] The ELT primary mirror segments will be installed in a common support structure and equipped with edge sensors — the most accurate ever used in a telescope — that will continuously sense the locations of the ELT primary mirror segments relative to their neighbours and allow the segments to work together to form a perfect imaging system.
Grind tengd orkuframleiðsla Kína hefur ekki enn byrjað, en sumir af raforku sem notuð eru í Ólympíuleikunum í Peking 2008 verður veitt af sólarorku og vindorku.
China's grid-connected power generation has not yet started, but some of the electricity used in the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games will be provided by solar power and wind power.
Festið þennan raka klút upp á einhverskonar grind, t.d.
Fasten the damp cloth on to some sort of frame, e.g.
Meira en 300+ skipulag í boði í þessari umsókn og alls konar ljósmynd grind eru í boði eins og 2d skipulag, 3d skipulag o.fl.
More than 300+ layout available in this application and all kind of photo grid are available like 2d layout, 3d layout etc.
Samningurinn snýr að hönnun, framleiðslu, flutning, smíði, uppsetningu á staðnum og prófanir á hvolfþaki og grind sjónaukans.
The contract covers the design, manufacture, transport, construction, on-site assembly and verification of the dome and telescope structure.
Þessi ábyrgð er ógild í heild sinni með breytingum á grind, gaffli eða íhlutum.
This warranty is void in its entirety by any modification of the frame, fork, or components.
Hver eining BTS5V6A með 8 rásir og mætti setja Max.10 einingar á grind gera upp 80 rásir.
Each of unit BTS5V6A has 8 channels and could be installed Max.10 units on a rack make up 80 channels.

Let's learn Icelandic

So now that you know more about the meaning of grind in Icelandic, you can learn how to use them through selected examples and how to read them. And remember to learn the related words that we suggest. Our website is constantly updating with new words and new examples so you can look up the meanings of other words you don't know in Icelandic.

Do you know about Icelandic

Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.