What does greining in Icelandic mean?

What is the meaning of the word greining in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use greining in Icelandic.

The word greining in Icelandic means analysis, ramification, mathematical analysis, Diagnostics. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word greining


noun (decomposition into components in order to study)

Greining bendir til ađ morđing - inn hafi veri truflađur viđ limlestingarnar og hafi hlaupiđ niđur stigann.
Our analysis suggests the killer was startled and ran from the bedroom and down the stairs.


noun (branching process)

mathematical analysis

noun (The mathematical study of functions, sequences, series, limits, derivatives and integrals.)


(A feature of Windows that checks for problems associated with network connections.)

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Greining á tvískiptingu
Double-system recording
Á meðan sumir telja undirtegundina maritima vera þá upprunalegustu og að hinar séu frávik sem hafi myndast vegna fjarlægðar, þá benda morphometric (greining á formi) og phylogeographic rannsóknir til að Oklahoma undirtegundin (subsp. oklahomensis) sé í raun sú upprunalegasta að tegundin hafi áður haft mun víðari útbreiðslu í Bandaríkjunum.
While some believe that subspecies maritima is the oldest of the three subspecies and that the other two disjunct populations resulted from some form of long distance dispersal, evidence from morphometric and phylogeographic studies indicates that the Oklahoma population (subsp. oklahomensis) is in fact the most ancestral and that the species probably had a wide, continuous distribution across the United States in the past.
Maeve, greining!
Maeve, analysis.
Ekki er til neitt greiningarpróf fyrir síþreytu og fæst greining því með því að meta einkenni sjúklingsins.
No specific test is available for CRPS, which is diagnosed primarily through observation of the symptoms.
Núverandi skoðun er sú að viðurkenndar tegundir eigi að vera færri heldur en fleiri; þegar þrengri greining á tegundum er notuð, eru afbrigðin hér á listanum sjálfstæðar tegundir.
Current tendencies are to reduce the number of recognised species; when a narrow species concept is adopted, the varieties indented in the list below may also be accepted as distinct species.
Fjárhagsleg greining
Financial analysis
Greining er ekki alltaf auðveld
Not Always Easy to Identify
Er hægt að lækna hana?“ „JHG - greining“.
"Can I Be Allergic to Glass?" - article.
Greining: mikiđ.
Analyze: severe.
Greining er erfiđ án ūess ađ vita uppruna svo fyrst finnum viđ hvar fyrsta tilfelliđ kom upp.
Hard to know what it is without where it came from.
Þessi greining hefur enn ekki verið almennt viðurkennd.
These hypotheses are not yet generally accepted.
Greining á ME er í rauninni þar sem flogaveiki eða MS var fyrir hundrað árum, eða jafnvel þrjátíu árum.
Got a few tricks. The diagnosis of M. E. is really in a place where something like epilepsy or multiple sclerosis was a hundred to even thirty years ago.
Ritgerðin hans var einungis yfirborðskennd greining á vandamálinu svo það kom honum verulega á óvart þegar hann fékk hæstu einkunnina í bekknum.
His essay gave only a superficial analysis of the problem, so it was a real surprise to him when he got the highest grade in the class.
Sem þýðir að það er engin greining fyrir dauða.
Which means there's no diagnosis before death.
Greining fyrir olíuvinnslu
Analysis for oil-field exploitation
Greining á þyngdarbylgjum mun hefja nýtt tímabil í rannsóknum á alheiminum.
The observation of gravitational waves will start a new phase in the study of the universe.
Enda ūķtt ūessi greining hafi veriđ hrífandi var hún alröng.
Your diagnosis, although fascinating, was entirely incorrect.
Greining hans er alltaf hárrétt.
His diagnosis is always accurate.
Greining á bitförunum á Sean.
Wildlife's report on Sean's bite marks.
Áður flokkuð sem undirtegund af Pinus patula, en DNA greining hefur sýnt að þetta er aðskilin tegund sem er í raun skyldari Pinus oocarpa.
Formerly classified as a subspecies of Pinus patula, DNA analysis has shown that is a different species and that is closer to Pinus oocarpa.
Þessi listi er tekinn saman úr: Nýlegar "molecular phylogenic" greining á Medicago benda til að deildir og undirdeildir eins og settar eru upp af Small & Jomphe, eins og sést hér fyrir ofan, eru almennt polyphyletic.
Recent molecular phylogenic analyses of Medicago indicate that the sections and subsections defined by Small & Jomphe, as outlined above, are generally polyphyletic.
Þessi greining og slípun er nauðsynleg til að semja áhrifaríka ræðu úr góðu efni.
The process of analyzing and refining is essential to shaping good material into an effective talk.
Lykilatriđi er greining á fyrstu stigum.
The key is early diagnosis.
Öll greining byggist á hans eigin rannsóknum.
His work is now represented exclusively by his own studio.

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Do you know about Icelandic

Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.