What does gluggakista in Icelandic mean?

What is the meaning of the word gluggakista in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use gluggakista in Icelandic.

The word gluggakista in Icelandic means windowsill, window ledge, window sill. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word gluggakista



window ledge


window sill


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The geitungar komu þúsundir til að leggja mitt í október, að vetur fjórðunga, og settust á minn gluggakista innan og á veggjum kostnaður, stundum hindra gestir frá inn.
The wasps came by thousands to my lodge in October, as to winter quarters, and settled on my windows within and on the walls overhead, sometimes deterring visitors from entering.
The óhamingjusamur- útlit tala í úreltur silki húfu liðin upp götuna af litla þorp með byrðum sínum, og hvarf inn í réttir myrkrið utan ljós the gluggakista.
The unhappy- looking figure in the obsolete silk hat passed up the street of the little village with his burdens, and vanished into the gathering darkness beyond the lights of the windows.
Framhlið gluggakista fyrir Porsche
Front Door Window Switch for Porsche
Samhliða ofangreindum, getur þú valið að fá "snemma tilkynningar", svo sem "tilkynna mér daginn áður" í Disney veitingastaðnum eða Fastpass + úrval gluggakista opnar og fleira...
Along with the above, you can choose to receive 'early notifications', such as "notify me a day before" the Disney dining or Fastpass+ selection windows open, and more...
Þú verður undrandi á tengi sem líkist gluggakista tölvunnar.
You will be amazed at the interface that resembles my computer's windows directory.
Eftir að hafa smellt á spilunin opnast stigavalmynd gluggakista þar sem þú þarft fyrst að opna stigið smám saman einu sinni og getur spilað það nokkrum sinnum.
After clicking on the play the level selection windows open where you have to first unlock the levels gradually one time and can play it several time.
Engin auka kerfisíhlutur verða sett á þinn Gluggakista og myndi líklega hægja á tölvunni þinni.
No extra system component will be installed to your Windows and would probably slow down your computer.
Skjárarnir eru tilvalin fyrir gluggakista þar sem sveigjanlegt ljósgervi er krafist og þar sem ekki er heimilt að nota varanlega notkun límmynda.
The screens are ideal for windows where flexible light transmittance is required and where permanent application of adhesive window film is not allowed.
Herbergin eru mjög þægileg og hrein, þau eru með baðherbergi með heitu og köldu vatni, loftkælingu, lítill bar og gluggakista.
The rooms are very comfortable and clean, they have a bathroom with hot and cold water, air conditioning, mini bar and windows.
Vélrænir eiginleikar gera kleift nákvæm vinnsla og inngangur gluggakista.
Mechanical properties enable precise machining and entrance windows can be made.
Windows 10 kemur í veg fyrir að þetta gerist með því að leyfa Gluggakista til að nota merki í upplýsingar til að búa til sérstakt tákn.
Windows 10 helps prevent this from happening by allowing Windows to use your sign in info to create a special token.
Rafmagns gluggakista fyrir Ford Zetec
Electric Window Switch For Ford Zetec
Lágt verð Hágæða rafmagns gluggastýringarkerfi fyrir Corolla farþegaframleiðendur og birgja - sérsniðin rafmagns gluggakista heildverslun - YAOPEI Saga Um okkur
Low Price High Quality Electric Power Window Control Switch For Corolla Passenger Manufacturers and Suppliers - Customized Auto Electric Window Switch Wholesale - YAOPEI
Rafmagns gluggakista fyrir Ford Zetec 93BG14A132AB
Electric Window Switch For Ford Zetec 93BG14A132AB
Hot Tags: Gluggakista skipstjóri fyrir Chevy, framleiðendur, birgja, sérsniðin, heildsölu, lágt verð, ókeypis sýnishorn
Hot Tags: window master switch for Chevy, manufacturers, suppliers, customized, wholesale, low price, free sample
Upphaflega þróuð fyrir hjólhýsi glugga á skipum sjávar, gagnsæ glervörn skjár okkar eru einnig tilvalin fyrir gluggakista í stjórnstöðvum VTS (Control Authority) og Vessel Traffic Services (VTS).
Originally developed for wheelhouse windows on marine vessels, our transparent anti-glare screens are also ideal for windows in Port Authority Control Rooms and Vessel Traffic Services (VTS) Control Towers.
Guangzhou YaoPei Bílavarahlutir Co, Ltd Factory Verð Rafmagns Gluggakista 1J3959857 1J3959857B Fyrir Skoda Fabia Octavia VW Golf MK4 2 Door 1996-2006 10.Quality er menning okkar Q6: Hvað með greiðslu?
Guangzhou YaoPei Auto Parts Co., Ltd. Factory Price Electric Window Switch 1J3959857 1J3959857B For Skoda Fabia Octavia VW Golf MK4 2 Door 1996-2006 10.Quality is our Culture Q6: How about the payment?
Guangzhou YaoPei Bílavarahlutir Co, Ltd Nýr Svartur Rafmagns Rafhlaða Stýrispennur Gluggakista Bezel Control 35750-SDA-H12 Fyrir Honda Accord 4 Door 2003-2005 2006 2007 9.
New Black Electric Master Driver Power Window Switch Bezel Control 35750-SDA-H12 For Honda Accord 4 Door 2003-2005 2006 2007 9.
PVC gluggakista framleiðslu Schirmer, Rotox BAZ 1000-G6 / VU Krakau
PVC windows production Schirmer, Rotox BAZ 1000-G6 / VU Krakau
Sjálfvirk gluggakista framleiðslulína
Automated windows production line
Ímyndaðu þér að geta athugað skilaboð, opnað gluggakista, starfrækt ljós og gluggatjöld og fylgstu með hversu mikið fé húsið þitt hefur gert þér úr endurnýjanlegri orkukerfinu þínu, í gegnum snjallsíma þína, hvar sem er í heiminum! Grunneiginleikar:
Imagine being able to check messages, open windows, operate lights and curtains and monitor how much money your house has made you from your renewable energy system, through your smart phone, from anywhere in the world!
Vinsamlegast vertu viss um að kaupa rafmagns rafmagns gluggakista rafmagns á lágu verði hér og fáðu ókeypis sýnishorn frá verksmiðjunni.
Please rest assured to buy bulk auto electric window switch at low price here and get free sample from our factory.

Let's learn Icelandic

So now that you know more about the meaning of gluggakista in Icelandic, you can learn how to use them through selected examples and how to read them. And remember to learn the related words that we suggest. Our website is constantly updating with new words and new examples so you can look up the meanings of other words you don't know in Icelandic.

Do you know about Icelandic

Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.