What does gil in Icelandic mean?

What is the meaning of the word gil in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use gil in Icelandic.

The word gil in Icelandic means ravine, gully, arroyo. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word gil



Ūetta fķlk velti bílnum sínum skemmtilega niđur viđ gil.
These folks pulled the old flip-de-doo at the ravine.





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„Þó að stríð hafi alltaf hrakið einhverja á flótta var það fyrst á tuttugustu öld sem allir íbúar heilla landa urðu fyrir barðinu á alþjóðlegum átökum,“ segir Gil Loescher í bók sinni Beyond Charity — International Cooperation and the Global Refugee Crisis sem kom út árið 1993.
“Although war has always generated some refugees, only in the twentieth century has international conflict affected entire populations,” explains Gil Loescher in his 1993 book Beyond Charity—International Cooperation and the Global Refugee Crisis.
Hún féll ofan í gil þegar hún reyndi að gulltryggja upplýsingarnar okkar.
Slipped down a crevasse attempting to secure our information.
Kloobda er helgur leiđarvísir ađ hreinu lífi... talandi salamöndru les hann fyrir Gil.
The Kloobda is the holy guide to living pure... dictated to Gil by a talking salamander.
Okkur var ljóst að á leið okkar eftir hinni 24 km stórbrotnu slóð yfir hin skorðóttu Klettafjöll yrðu mörg djúp gil og löng göng.
We knew our ride along the magnificent 15-mile (24 km) trail would include trestles stretching over deep canyons and long tunnels penetrating rugged mountains.
Skelltu fast á mig, Gil.
Hit me hard and high, Gil.
Sá hluti landamæranna sem hann stefnir til er ađ mestu djúpt gil.
That little patch of border he's headed towards... is mostly deep canyon.
Þann 27.september 2007 eftir 8 seríur, var lítil stytta af skrifstofu Gil Grissom (sem hann sjálfur var að byggja í seríu sjö) sett til sölu á eBay.
On September 27, 2007, after CSI's season eight premiered, a miniature model of Gil Grissom's office (which he was seen building during season seven) was put up for auction on eBay.
Meðal þeirra staða sem tunglfararnir æfðu á var naflaust gil sunnan við Drekagil.
The oldest available sources disagree as to where Sun Tzu was born.
„Þar sem flóttamannavandinn er alþjóðlegur þarf að leita alþjóðlegrar lausnar á honum.“ — Gil Loescher, prófessor í alþjóðasamskiptum.
“Since refugees are a global problem, the search for solutions must also be global.”—Gil Loescher, professor of international relations.
Og alltaf, eins og hvítt tunglið sýnir affrighted andlit hennar úr bratt gil í the sorti kostnaður, aghast Jónasar sér eldi bowsprit bendir hár upp, en fljótlega slá niður aftur í átt að kveljast djúpt.
And ever, as the white moon shows her affrighted face from the steep gullies in the blackness overhead, aghast Jonah sees the rearing bowsprit pointing high upward, but soon beat downward again towards the tormented deep.
Ūetta fķlk velti bílnum sínum skemmtilega niđur viđ gil.
These folks pulled the old flip-de-doo at the ravine.
Gil González Dávila herforingi leiddi menn sína norður frá svæðinu sem nú heitir Kostaríka og kom inn á yfirráðasvæði Nicaraos árið 1523.
Captain Gil González Dávila led his troops north from what is now Costa Rica and entered Nicarao’s land in 1523 C.E.
Náinn vinur Gil Grissoms og eftir brottför hans, þá myndaði hann samskonar samband við Ray Langston.
When Grissom left, he developed a friendship with Ray Langston.
Gil, ūú ūarft ađ...
Gil, what I need from...
Gil, komdu.
Gil, come here.
Gil Reed, yfirmađur markađsdeildar hjá Simon and Schuster.
This is Gil Reed, head of Marketing at Simon and Schuster.
Gil Eanes var portúgalskur landkönnuður sem sigldi meðfram ströndum Afríku og náði árið 1433 að Kanaríeyjum.
João Grego (15th century) was a Portuguese explorer of the African coast.
3 - Hotel San Gil, Seville, Herbergi fyrir tvo, Herbergi 4 - Hotel San Gil, Seville, Herbergi fyrir tvo, Herbergi
3 - Pasarela, Seville, Double Room (2 adults and 1 child), Guest Room 4 - Pasarela, Seville, Guest Room
11 Wausan-ro 26-gil 2018 (með ljósmyndum): Topp 20 staðir til að dvelja hér: 11 Wausan-ro 26-gil – orlofsleiga, orlofshús - Airbnb 11 Wausan-ro 26-gil, Seúl, Suður-Kórea Stökkva beint að efni
25 Keunjang-ro 26-gil 2018 (with Photos): Top 20 Places to Stay in 25 Keunjang-ro 26-gil - Holiday Rentals, Holiday Homes - Airbnb 25 Keunjang-ro 26-gil, Daegu, South Korea
11 Wausan-ro 26-gil 2018 (með ljósmyndum): Topp 20 staðir til að dvelja hér: 11 Wausan-ro 26-gil – orlofsleiga, orlofshús - Airbnb 11 Wausan-ro 26-gil, Seúl, Suður-Kórea Stökkva beint að efni
19-3 Wausan-ro 21-gil 2018 (with Photos): Top 20 Places to Stay in 19-3 Wausan-ro 21-gil - Holiday Rentals, Holiday Homes - Airbnb 19-3 Wausan-ro 21-gil, Seoul, South Korea
Oncology, Pediatric, Transport Zone Celas dyrnar að öllum stöðum í City 10 mínútna göngufjarlægð frá Republic Square, hjarta borgarinnar með teato Gil Vicente, BAR Association Academica Coimbra, Top Hat Café með verönd og Mc Donalds og Mötuneyti á Polo 1-15 mínútna göngufjarlægð.
Oncology, Pediatric, Transport Zone Celas the door to all locations in the city 10 minute walk from Republic Square, the heart of the city with teato Gil Vicente, BAR Association Academica Coimbra, Top Hat Café with terrace and Mc Donalds and Canteens of POLO 1-15 minute walk.
Hentu þér niður í 109 metra djúpt gil í teygju, sjáðu heiminn eins og þú hefur aldrei séð hann áður þegar þú flýgur á hvolfi í áhættuflugvél, hoppaðu niður úr kláfi í 134 metra hæð ofan í Nevis ánna. Sameinaðu þyrluferð og frábært rafting niður Shotover ánna eða smelltu á þig brettinu og renndu þér í ósnortnum púðursnjónum hátt uppi í fjöllunum.
Launch yourself from 109 metres into a canyon on a swing, see the world like never before as you fly upside down in a stunt plane, jump out of a cable car 134 metres above the rugged Nevis River, combine a helicopter ride with a wild trip of white water rafting down the Shotover River or click into your bindings and explore the untouched powder snow high in the mountains, everything is possible!
Barra do Gil - sjá hótel þar á korti
See Barra do Gil hotels on a map
Bæirnir sem nú eru í eyði austan ár, talið utanfrá: Fossgerði, Breiðamýri, Lýtingsstaðir, Fagurhóll og Gil (Selárbakki).
Abandoned farms east of the river, outer to inner: Fossgerði, Breiðamýri, Lýtingsstaðir, Fagurhóll and Gil (Selárbakki).
11 Wausan-ro 26-gil 2018 (með ljósmyndum): Topp 20 staðir til að dvelja hér: 11 Wausan-ro 26-gil – orlofsleiga, orlofshús - Airbnb 11 Wausan-ro 26-gil, Seúl, Suður-Kórea Stökkva beint að efni
19-9 Wausan-ro 17-gil 2018 (with Photos): Top 20 Places to Stay in 19-9 Wausan-ro 17-gil - Vacation Rentals, Vacation Homes - Airbnb 19-9 Wausan-ro 17-gil, Seoul, South Korea

Let's learn Icelandic

So now that you know more about the meaning of gil in Icelandic, you can learn how to use them through selected examples and how to read them. And remember to learn the related words that we suggest. Our website is constantly updating with new words and new examples so you can look up the meanings of other words you don't know in Icelandic.

Do you know about Icelandic

Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.