What does gifs in Icelandic mean?

What is the meaning of the word gifs in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use gifs in Icelandic.

The word gifs in Icelandic means gypsum, plaster. To learn more, please see the details below.

Listen to pronunciation

Meaning of the word gifs


noun (mineral)

Þetta er ekki sandur, heldur gifs
It' s not sand.It' s gypsum



Hún hefur búiđ til gifs beiglur og rjķmaost upp á síđkastiđ.
Lately, she's been making these plaster-of-Paris bagels and cream cheese.

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Takio petta sárabindi, dyfio pví í blautt gifs, vefjio um hitt bindio, og eftir stundarfjôroung er pao grjôthart
Take this bandage, dip it into the plaster of Paris, wrap it around the cast, and in # minutes it' s hard as rock
Þetta er ekki sandur, heldur gifs
It' s not sand.It' s gypsum
Hún hefur búiđ til gifs beiglur og rjķmaost upp á síđkastiđ.
Lately, she's been making these plaster-of-Paris bagels and cream cheese.
Hann skellir honum í gifs og ūú segist hafa brotiđ fķtinn viđ fjallaklifur.
He's going to wrap it up in a cast, and you got a good how-I-broke-my-leg - mountain-climbing story.
Hvar eru ūessar gifs bréfapressur?
Where are those plaster-of-Paris paperweights, anyway?
Einfalt gallerí notað til að skoða myndir, myndbönd og gifs.
A simple gallery usable for viewing photos, videos and gifs.
Þú getur líka búið til þína eigin færslu innan fóðrunnar, þú getur annað hvort sent Gifs, Links, Photos, Videos, Music eða Text.
You can also create your own post within the feed, you can either post Gifs, Links, Photos, Videos, Music or Text.
GIF Góðan daginn, Gif Góðan daginn 2019, Góðan daginn Gif 2019, Góðan daginn Gif, Gleðileg Góðan dag Gif, Glaðan morgun Gif, Mjög Morning Gif, Morgunn Gifs Gif, Gifs Gifs, Morning Gif Kveðjur, Mjög Óskir, Góðan daginn Gif Safn, Nýtt Gif, Nýjasta Gif, Nýtt Góðan dag GIF, Góðan daginn Tilvitnanir.
GIF Good Morning, Gif Good Morning 2018, Good Morning Gif 2018, Morning gif, Happy Good Morning Gif, Happy Morning Gif, Very Morning gif, Morning Wishes Gif, Wishes Gifs, Morning Gif Greetings, Very Good Morning Gif, Very Good Morning Gif Wishes, Good Morning Gif Collection, New Gif, Latest Gif, new good morning gif, good morning Quotes.
✓ Innbyggt Tenor GIF leit - Milljónir GIFs fyrir þig til að breyta og deila
✓ Integrated Tenor GIF search – Millions of GIFs for you to edit and share
Tjáðu þig við myndir, myndbönd, gifs, skrár og fleira með einum tappa.
Express yourself with photos, videos, gifs, files and more with one tap.
Hvernig hægt er að búa til merkingu úr list sem getur verið hvað sem er, málverk, barnaleikfang, pappamassi, hreyfing, hugmynd, ópera, gifs.
How it is possible to extract meaning from art, which may be anything, a painting, a child’s toy, papier mâché, a movement, an idea, opera, plaster.
Njóttu fyndið gifs fyrir texti og emoji límmiða eða deila gifs á vettvang eins og Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp...
Enjoy funny gifs for texting & emoji stickers or share gifs on a platform such as Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp...
Urdu Takkaborð Nashtaleeq gefur fagurfræðilegu útlit með því að slá inn skilaboð í úrdú, ensku, arabísku og með fullt af fallegum emojis, límmiða og GIFs.
Urdu Keypad Nashtaleeq gives an aesthetic look by typing messages in urdu, english, arabic and with a bunch of beautiful emojis, stickers and GIFs.
RlayR Besta gifs fyrir Facebook athugasemdir og Whatsapp Status
RlayR Best gifs For Facebook Comments And Whatsapp Status
AndroSpot GIF app leyfir notanda að finna gifs fyrir texti og einnig notað sem GIF niðurhal.
AndroSpot gif app allows user to find gifs for texting and also used as a gif downloader.
GIFs ANIMATION: Þessi flokkur býður upp á stærsta safn af gimsteinum úr gerviefni og allar Gifs 80 eru með tveimur hnöppum (upp og handahófi)
GIFs ANIMATION: this category provide a largest collection of retrowave gifs animation and all 80's gif comes with two buttons (Up & Random)
-Fast hraði & Það er engin takmörk fyrir fjölda "Hi Hello" kveðjur sem þú getur Veldu og deildu Halló Gifs kveðju til þín fjölskyldu og vinum.
-Fast speed & There's no limit to the number of "Hi Hello" greetings you can send.
Þú getur notað News Break til að vera uppfærður í daglegu broti, staðbundnum fyrirsögnum og veðri, alþjóðlegum viðburðum, nýjustu myndskeiðum, fyndnum GIFs og öllu sem þú hefur áhuga á.
You can use News Break to stay up-to-date on daily breaking news, local headlines and weather, global events, trending videos, funny GIFs and anything you are interested in.
Textinn af póstkortinu er einnig skrifað í algjörlega öðruvísi sniði, bæði GIFS í vísu og prósa.
The text of the postcard is also written in a completely different format, both GIFS in verse and prose.
Ótrúlegt safn Rose gifs, Rose myndir og Rose quotes.
-Amazing collection of Rose gif, Rose images and Rose quotes.
Hún notar hendur sínar og líkama til að velta fyrir sér, forma og endurmóta efni. Að hvaða leyti getur hún, eingöngu með líkamanum, hagrætt efninu? Á Seyðisfirði hefur Nora notast við gifs, málmplötur, leir og olíukennt svart blek.
While reflecting upon it she uses her hands and body to form and reshape matter.In what ways can she, with the sole use of her body, manipulate a material? In Seydisfjordur Nora Mertes worked with plaster, sheets of metal and plastic, clay and oily black ink.
* Deila Quotes, Myndir & Gifs á Facebook, Twitter og Instagram.
* Share Quotes, Images & Gifs on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram .
Í leiknum eru bónusar - tyggigúmmí, ís, gifs til að gera það erfitt að spila.
In the game are bonuses – chewing gum, ice, gypsum to making it hard to play.
Settu upp ókeypis Emoji lyklaborð með einstökum Grammar Checker, Þemu, GIFs og fleira!
Install Free Emoji Keyboard with unique Grammar Checker, Themes, GIFs & more!
- Stuðningur senda Gifs.
- Support send Gifs.

Let's learn Icelandic

So now that you know more about the meaning of gifs in Icelandic, you can learn how to use them through selected examples and how to read them. And remember to learn the related words that we suggest. Our website is constantly updating with new words and new examples so you can look up the meanings of other words you don't know in Icelandic.

Do you know about Icelandic

Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.