What does geðlæknir in Icelandic mean?

What is the meaning of the word geðlæknir in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use geðlæknir in Icelandic.

The word geðlæknir in Icelandic means psychiatrist, alienist. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word geðlæknir


noun (doctor specializing in psychiatry)

Hann er geðlæknir hins opinbera í þessu máli
Dr. Harcourt is the People' s psychiatrist in this case



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Altchuler, geðlæknir við Mayo Clinic í Minnesota í Bandaríkjunum, segir: „Stuttu eftir barnsburð getur þróttleysi og svefnleysi gert smávægileg vandamál að stórmálum.
Altchuler, a psychiatrist at Mayo Clinic in Minnesota, U.S.A.: “In the period shortly after childbirth, lack of energy and an inability to sleep may make minor problems seem much more major.
Geðlæknir á Indlandi segir: „Þjóðfélagið er að missa menningarlega fótfestu sína.“
According to a doctor in India, “society is losing its cultural moorings.”
En þessi geðlæknir, hún er ekki bara gúmar
But this psychiatrist...... you know, she' s not just a goomar
Robert Taylor, sem er geðlæknir, segir um gagnleg áhrif jákvæðra samskipta af þessu tagi: „Sú vitneskja að maður geti leitað til einhvers annars þegar þess gerist þörf getur vakið upp mjög þýðingarmiklar tilfinningar svo sem öryggiskennd, bjartsýni og von — sem eru allt áhrifarík mótefni gegn streitu.“
Regarding the benefits that such positive relationships bring, Robert Taylor, a psychiatrist, adds: “Knowing you have people you can turn to in times of need can provide some very important feelings of security, optimism and hope —all of which can be great antidotes to stress.”
Dennings lék í Charlie Bartlett árið 2008, sögu um auðugan ungling (Anton Yelchin) sem þykist vera geðlæknir í nýja almenningsskólanum sínum.
Dennings starred in Charlie Bartlett in 2008, the story of a wealthy teenager (Anton Yelchin) who acts as a psychiatrist for his new public high school.
Kenshiro Ohara er geðlæknir við læknaháskólann í Hamamatsu í Japan. Hann segir að kenna megi „einsemd“ um nýlega aukningu sjálfsvíga meðal miðaldra karla þar í landi.
Kenshiro Ohara, a psychiatrist at Hamamatsu University School of Medicine in Japan, commented that “isolation” was behind the recent surge in suicides by middle-aged men in that country.
Hann er geðlæknir hins opinbera í þessu máli
Dr. Harcourt is the People' s psychiatrist in this case
Ertu geðlæknir núna?
You a shrink now?
Ég var vinur geðlæknir úr virðulegri fjölskyldu.
I was an esteemed psychiatrist from a respected family.
Ertu sérhæfður geðlæknir?
Are you a licensed psychiatrist?
Hann var þó ekki sálfræðingur, heldur geðlæknir.
He was not an intellectual man, but a craftsman.
Þú þarft að spyrja þig af hverju þú ert geðlæknir
You gotta ask yourself why you became a psychiatrist
Ef ekki líkamlega sjúkdóma er að finna, þú getur skotið til geðlæknir eða sálfræðingur, andlega heilbrigðisstarfsfólk sem eru sérstaklega þjálfaðir í að greina og meðhöndla andlega sjúkdóma eins GAD.
If no physical illness is found, you may be referred to a psychiatrist or psychologist, mental health professionals who are specially trained to diagnose and treat mental illnesses like GAD.
Sem geðlæknir með starfsgrein hef ég notað verk Percival til að auka lækningu og skilning á mörgum ruglingslegum einstaklingum - og það virkar! -JRM
As a psycho-physiotherapist by profession, I have used the works of Mr. Percival to further the healing and understanding of many confused individuals—and it works!
Ivan Goldberg hefur í mörg ár starfað sem geðlæknir í New York.
Dr. Ivan Goldberg has worked as a psychiatrist in New York for many years.
Í lok 2015 birtist ítarleg grein um fangelsismál á Íslandi á Vísi, en í henni kom fram að enginn geðlæknir væri starfandi á Litla Hrauni.
At the end of 2015, Vísir ran a story where it was revealed that no psychologist was employed at Litla Hraun and that due to lack of personnel and knowledge the individuals suffering from mental difficulties are placed in isolation.
James Krag, geðlæknir:
Dr James Krag, psychiatrist:
Sjá lækni, ráðgjafa eða geðlæknir nú, hvar sem þú ert, hvaða dag, hvenær
See a doctor, counselor or psychiatrist now,anywhere you are–any day, any time

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Do you know about Icelandic

Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.