What does gangur in Icelandic mean?

What is the meaning of the word gangur in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use gangur in Icelandic.

The word gangur in Icelandic means march, corridor, hallway. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word gangur


noun (steady forward movement or progression)



Ūađan liggur gangur út á götu.
A corridor leads to the street.



Ūetta er lengsti gangur allra tíma!
This is the longest hallway of all time!

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Nákvæmur gangur reikistjarnanna um sporbaug sinn getur líka minnt okkur, eins og Voltaire, á það að skaparinn hljóti að hafa stórkostlega skipulagsgáfu, vera óviðjafnanlegur úrsmiður. — Sálmur 104:1.
The precision of the orbits of the planets can also remind us, as it reminded Voltaire, that the Creator must be a Grand Organizer, a Master Clockmaker. —Psalm 104:1.
En nú getur gangur sögunnar breyst á örskoti, jafnhratt og byssukúla launmorðingja hittir skotmark sitt.
Not so today, when the course of history can shift in the time it takes for an assassin’s bullet to find its mark!
Sjötti gangur.
Corridor six.
Sumir segja ađ ūađ sé gangur mála.
Some say that's the way of it.
Ūađ er eđlilegur gangur lífsins.
That... is the natural order of things.
Ef ég væri sá mađur væri gangur ūessa stríđs allt annar.
If I were that man, this war would be going quite differently.
En þrátt fyrir að nákvæm orsök og gangur sjúkdómsins sé enn hulinn læknavísindum segir dr.
But though the exact cause and mechanism of the disease elude medical science, Dr.
Gangur D. 2-8 eru miđja vegu á hægri hönd.
The two eights are halfway on your right.
Og þessi gangur mála veldur einnig áhyggjum í flestum öðrum heimshlutum. (sjá W.
And these trends are also troubling in much of the rest of the world. (See W.
Gangur í lagi.
Hallway clear.
(Matteus 24: 37-39) Það gefur til kynna að enda þótt ástandið á hinum síðustu dögum yrði þjakandi myndi því ekki hraka svo mikið að eðlilegur gangur lífsins yrði ómögulegur.
(Matthew 24:37-39) This would indicate that while conditions during the last days would be distressing, things would not degenerate to the point where the normal pursuits of life would be impossible.
4 Nú á dögum finnst flestum synd og dauði vera eðlilegur gangur lífsins.
4 Many today do not see sin and death in such dire terms.
En hann bætti við: „Því miður hefur gangur heimsmálanna á allra síðustu árum brugðist þessum bjartsýnisvonum.“
But he added: “Sadly, the record of world affairs over the past few years has largely belied those optimistic expectations.”
Röskur gangur
Brisk walking
Það er átta tíma gangur aðra leiðina.
It's an 8-hour walk one way!
Næstu 300 árin var allur gangur á því hvort þjóðin hlýddi lögum Jehóva.
For some 300 years, the nation did not consistently obey Jehovah’s laws.
Í vegginn voru raufar sem þeir gátu horft (eða skotið) út um, en enginn gangur.
There were holes wall through which they could see (or shoot) but no entrance.
Gangur lífsins gengur yfir líf okkar núna!
The circle of life is circling our lives right now!
Það er um 20 mínútna gangur heiman frá mér til skrifstofunnar.
My office is about 20 minutes’ walk from our flat.
Ef þú átt bíl færð þú ef til vill bifvélavirkja til að stilla vélina til þess að gangur hennar verði þýðari og hún nýti eldsneytið betur.
If you own a car, you may hire a trained mechanic to tune its engine, so that your car will run smoother, more efficiently.
„Fimm klukkustunda gangur, myndi ég ætla.
‘Five hours march, I should think.
Hinn langi gangur.
The lοng... walk.
Í Room for one colour (1998), gangur sem var lýstur upp með gulum eintíðnis túbum, upplifði þátttakandinn herbergi fyllt af ljósi sem hafði áhrif á skynjun hans á öllum öðrum litum.
In Room For One Colour (1998), a corridor lit by yellow monofrequency tubes, the participants find themselves in a room filled with light that affects the perception of all other colours.
Ūađ er fjögurra daga gangur hér í gegn.
It's a four-day journey to the other side.

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Do you know about Icelandic

Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.