What does gámur in Icelandic mean?

What is the meaning of the word gámur in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use gámur in Icelandic.

The word gámur in Icelandic means container. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word gámur



Það er annar gámur í vörubílnum
There is another container in the truck

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Það er annar gámur í vörubílnum
There is another container in the truck
Íbúðin var full, og gámur með nokkrum tilbúnum dagsetningum kom til spámannsins í sem hann dýfði þremur fingrum.
The apartment was full, and a container with some prepared dates was brought to the Prophet into which he dipped three fingers.
Hver gámur af Folexin inniheldur 60 töflur og einnig er ætlast til að neyta á hverjum degi.
Each container of Folexin consists of 60 pills and also is expected to be consumed on a day-to-day basis.
Einn gámur af 60 töflum mun kosta þig $ 69,99.
One bottle of 60 tablets will certainly cost you $69.99.
Svo fyrir einfaldlega 199,85 USD þú færð 5 flöskur af PhenQ (einn gámur endist í mánuð).
So for simply 199,85 USD you get 5 bottles of PhenQ (one bottle lasts for a month).
Hver gámur er búin með 60 pillum, auk þeir ráðleggja að þú takir 2 fæðubótarefni á hverjum degi.
Each bottle is geared up with 60 pills, as well as they recommend that you take 2 tablets per day.
Hver gámur er búin með 60 pillum, auk þeir ráðleggja að þú takir 2 fæðubótarefni á hverjum degi.
Each container is equipped with 60 pills, as well as they advise that you take 2 supplements per day.
Notaðar Trenorol 4 vikur (1 gámur).
Used Trenorol 4 weeks (1 container).
Sérhver gámur af Decaduro samanstendur af 90 pillum fyrir mánaðarskammt.
Every container of Decaduro consists of 90 pills for One Month supply.
Sérhver gámur af Anvarol samanstendur af 90 töflum í þrjátíu daga framboð.
Every container of Anvarol consists of 90 tablets for 30 days supply.
Sérhver gámur af Decaduro inniheldur 90 töflur í 1 mánuð framboð.
Every container of Decaduro contains 90 pills for 1 Month supply.
Sérhver gámur af Anvarol inniheldur 90 pillur fyrir mánaðarskammt.
Every container of Anvarol includes 90 pills for One Month supply.
Sérhver gámur af Anvarol samanstendur af 90 hylkjum í 1 mánuð afhendingu.
Every bottle of Anvarol consists of 90 pills for Thirty Day supply.
Hver gámur er búin með 60 pillum, auk þeir ráðleggja að þú takir 2 fæðubótarefni á hverjum degi.
Each bottle is outfitted with 60 pills, as well as they suggest that you take 2 tablets daily.
Einn gámur af 60 spjaldtölvur mun örugglega kosta þig $ 69,99.
One container of 60 tablets will cost you $69.99.
Til dæmis 5 gámur pakki kostar einfaldlega $ 199,85, þú eyðir 3 gáma og þú vilja fá 2 flöskur FREE!
For example, the 5 container bundle prices merely $199.85, you pay for 3 containers as well as YOU WILL CERTAINLY EXPERIENCE 2 CONTAINERS FREE!
Sérhver gámur af Anvarol inniheldur 90 hylki í þrjátíu daga framboð.
Every container of Anvarol includes 90 capsules for Thirty Day supply.
Einn gámur af 60 spjaldtölvur mun örugglega kosta þig $ 69,99.
One bottle of 60 tablets will certainly cost you $69.99.
Hver gámur af PhenQ inniheldur 60 fæðubótarefni og viðskiptavinurinn þarf að neyta tvö hylki daglega með glasi af vatni.
Each container of PhenQ contains 60 supplements and the customer need to consume two capsules on a daily basis with a glass of water.
Afhending Upplýsingar: Leiðandi tíma fyrir einn fullur gámur af Snow White Pebble Stone tekur um 4 ~ 5 vikna.
Delivery Details: Leading time for one full container of Snow White Pebble Stone take around 4~5 weeks.
Einn gámur samanstanda af 30 pillum.
One container consist of 30 pills.
Einn gámur eru 30 pillum.
One container include 30 pills.
Takmörkun tíma Lækkað Tilboð: Fá 90 flipa (3 flöskur) fyrir $ 227,80 og einnig fá til viðbótar 30 flipa (1 gámur) algerlega frjáls!
Minimal time Discounted Offer: Acquire 90 tabs (3 bottles) for $227.80 and also obtain an added 30 tabs (1 container) for free!
Hver gámur af PhenQ eru 60 vörur og neytandi ætti að taka tvær töflur daglega með glasi af vatni.
Each container of PhenQ includes 60 tablets and also the consumer need to consume two capsules each day with a glass of water.
Horfðu á pakka sem talin eru upp hér að neðan: 1 gámur (30 flipa) kostar $ 69,95 2 flöskur (60 flipa alls) setur þig aftur $ 138,90
Have a look at their packages here: 1 bottle (30 tabs) sets you back $69.95 2 containers (60 tabs complete) costs $138.90

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Do you know about Icelandic

Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.