What does gallabuxur in Icelandic mean?
What is the meaning of the word gallabuxur in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use gallabuxur in Icelandic.
The word gallabuxur in Icelandic means jeans. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word gallabuxur
jeansnoun Og, klæđaburđarreglur banna ķtvírætt gallabuxur. Also, the dress code strictly prohibits blue jeans. |
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Og, klæđaburđarreglur banna ķtvírætt gallabuxur. Also, the dress code strictly prohibits blue jeans. |
Þessar gallabuxur hljóma kynæsandi. Oh, them jeans sound sexy. |
Hvergi sjást gallabuxur eða óhnepptir skyrtukragar. There is not a pair of jeans or an opened collar to be seen. |
Ūetta eru ekki ūröngar gallabuxur. Those aren't skinny jeans. |
Međ stķra hágreiđslu og sũruūvegnar gallabuxur. With huge hair and acid-washed jeans. |
Ađ ūú ert ađ fađma gallabuxur? That you're hugging a pair of jeans? |
Og gallabuxur? And blue jeans? |
Uh, þú veist, fastur gallabuxur, peysu. Uh, you know, tight jeans, a sweater. |
Ekki bara gallabuxur. These aren't just jeans. |
Gallabuxur og bolur er algengur fatnaður sérstaklega hjá karlmönnum. Jeans and cowboy hats are still extremely popular, especially with men. |
Hún ætlađi í hlöđuna og bursta Gallabuxur. She said something about going to the barn and brushing Blue Jeans. |
Þessar gallabuxur eru svolítið þröngar These jeans are a little tight |
Ég sé tķnlostann í gegnum ūessar gallabuxur. I can see your toner through those jeans. |
Þetta var snemma á áttunda áratugnum þegar friður, útvíðar gallabuxur, sítt hár og rokktónlist var í algleymingi. It was during the early ’70’s, when peace, bell-bottom jeans, long hair, and rock music were at their height. |
Bara útpissađar gallabuxur. Just some pissy jeans. |
Ūessar gallabuxur eru svolítiđ ūröngar. These jeans are a little tight. |
Ég skal sjá um Gallabuxur. I'll take Blue Jeans, put him away. |
Ūetta heita gallabuxur. These are called jeans. |
Ég á nokkrar týpur af buxum frá freddyshop.is og það verður að viðurkennast að þær eru einu þægilegustu “gallabuxur” sem til eru! I own several pants from Freddyshop.is and I have to admit that they are the most comfortable pants ever! |
Susanne spurði um fötin sem ég keypti mér í Kaupmannahöfn, þetta voru nú mest bara gallabuxur og bolir, ekkert merkilegt, en ég keypti mér líka nýja kápu, kannski kemur mynd af henni með sjalinu sem ég er að prjóna við hana, Susanne asked about the clothes I bought in Copenhagen. It was mostly ordinary jeans and t-shirts, nothing interesting, but I also bought a new overcoat, maybe there ́ll come a picture of it together with the shawl I am now knitting to go with it, that is when the shawl is ready. |
Kannaðu nýjustu strauma í lífsstíl og versla frá stærsta fataskáp fyrir Kurtas, föt, skó, skyrtur, jakka, gallabuxur, töskur, pils, skartgripir, smartwatches, skófatnað, fylgihluti, heimili húsgögn og margt fleira. Explore the latest trends in lifestyle and shop from the biggest clothing store for Kurtas, Suits, Shoes, shirts, Jackets, Jeans, Bags, Skirts, Jewellery, smartwatches, Footwear, accessories, Home Furnishing and much more. |
Ég hef alltaf klæðst fötum sem láta mér líða vel, mér hefur alltaf fundist föt svo skemmtileg að því leiti að ef mér líður vel þá klæðist ég helst litum eða casual fínum fötum, svo ef mér líður bara venjulega þá klæði ég mig bara í gallabuxur og eitthvað skemmtilegt að ofan, þegar eitthvað er að angra mig þá vel ég mér frekar hlutlaus föt, þetta á nánast alltaf við nema þegar ég fer á æfingar þá klæði ég mig í litrík föt sem veita mér orku. I’ve always worn clothes that make me feel good, I’ve always found clothes fun in the way that if I feel good I dress up in something colorful or casual nice, if I just feel normal I wear jeans and something fun up top, when something is bothering me I choose neutral clothes. This usually applies except when I go to trainings, then I wear colorful clothes that give me energy. |
Hvort sem þig vantar gallabuxur, jakka, skyrtur, hettupeysur eða annan fatnað, þá þarft þú ekki að leita lengra en í Jilted Generation. So whether you're looking for jeans, jackets, shirts, hoodies or any other clothing, then look no further than Jilted Generation. |
Við erum með gríðarmikið úrval þar sem þú finnur kjóla, jakka og gallabuxur svo þú getur verið viss um að finna eitthvað sem hentar þér. With a huge collection that includes dresses, jackets and jeans, you are sure to find something that exudes style. Shop Now shop now |
Átta ástæður fyrir því að velja Golden Laser - Denim gallabuxur Laser leturgröftur Machine Eight Reasons for Choosing Golden Laser – Denim Jeans Laser Engraving Machine |
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Do you know about Icelandic
Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.