What does fyrir utan in Icelandic mean?

What is the meaning of the word fyrir utan in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use fyrir utan in Icelandic.

The word fyrir utan in Icelandic means apart from, outside, except, out of doors. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word fyrir utan

apart from


Þetta er góð grein, fyrir utan nokkrar stafsetningarvillur.
It's a good paper, apart from a few spelling mistakes.



Leigubíllinn bíður fyrir utan.
The taxi is waiting outside.



Hvađ hefur hún meira en ég, fyrir utan peninga?
What has she got more than me, except money?

out of doors


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10 Í Kaupmannahöfn hefur lítill hópur boðbera borið vitni á götunum fyrir utan járnbrautarstöðvar.
10 In Copenhagen, Denmark, a small group of publishers have been witnessing in the streets outside railway stations.
Hvađ annađ fyrir utan peningana?
But what else besides the money?
Fyrir utan ađ búnađurinn sjálfur er margbrotinn.
Plus the devices themselves are complicated.
Þá er friður okkar augljós jafnvel þeim sem fyrir utan standa.
At such times our peace is evident even to outsiders.
Krakkarnir úr hverfinu vildu alltaf vera fyrir utan.
The neighborhood kids always wanted to hang at my house.
1996 - Skotið var á bíl rapparans 2Pac fyrir utan hnefaleikvang í Las Vegas.
In May 1998 the two had another confrontation with a fight in Goad's car outside of Portland.
Af ūví viđ vitum báđir ađ ūađ er ekkert fyrir utan gluggann, ekki satt?
Because you and I both know that there's nothing outside that window, right?
Fyrir utan " halló " í morgun, mun það hafa verið í gær
Except for " hello " this morning, it was last night
Ūjķnn sagđi, " Ūađ vill einhver hitta ūig fyrir utan. "
A waiter says, " Somebody wants to see you outside. "
Fyrir utan það að vera viðkvæmur eins og allar manneskjur - þá er hann eini faðir minn.
Therefore, he is my model of manhood, and my estimation of him will govern the prospects of my adult relationships.
En fķlkiđ er allt fyrir utan.
But all those people are just right outside.
Ekki ūar fyrir utan.
But besides that, no.
Bíllinn bíòur fyrir utan
I have a car waiting out front
Fyrir utan mig.
Except for me.
Sama tilhögun verður í tengslum við sérstaka mótsdaginn fyrir utan að farið verður yfir alla dagskrána á 15 mínútum.
The same arrangement will be followed in connection with the special assembly day program, except that there will be one 15-minute part to review the entire program.
Þessir fyrirlestrar voru fyrir utan hinn hefðbundna skólatíma.
Such teachings extended beyond ritual practices.
Til vinstri, tvær manneskjur fyrir utan dyr.
To the left, there are two people outside a door.
Ūú hefur ekkert breyst, fyrir utan ūetta.
You haven't changed, except for this.
Þörungar eru yfirleitt mjúkir og sveigjanlegir, fyrir utan kalkþörunga.
Frequently the weather is cloudless, clear, and dry, except for the southwestern region of the peninsula.
Ekki standa svona fyrir utan.
Don't stand there like that.
Þrekvaxinn leiðsögumaðurinn er fyrrverandi kolanámuverkamaður og hann sýnir okkur námu 3 sem er rétt fyrir utan Longyearbyen.
Our burly guide, a veteran coal miner, shows us Mine 3, just outside Longyearbyen.
Charlie Kenton skuggaboxar fyrir utan hringinn.
Charlie Kenton is shadowboxing just outside the ring!
Sko, fyrir utan íūrķttamenn, bræđralagsgaura eđa í alvöru svalt fķlk.
Well, you know, not including athletes, frat guys, or actual cool people.
Hann sér ekkert þar fyrir utan, ekki einu sinni þig
He can' t see or hear anything beyond that, not even you
Nokkrir fullorðnir halda uppi ónauðsynlegum samræðum í anddyrinu, á salerninu eða fyrir utan ríkissalinn meðan samkoman stendur yfir.
A few adults carry on needless conversations in the foyer, lobby, rest room, or outside of the Kingdom Hall while the meeting is in progress.

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Do you know about Icelandic

Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.