What does fjörugur in Icelandic mean?
What is the meaning of the word fjörugur in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use fjörugur in Icelandic.
The word fjörugur in Icelandic means lively. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word fjörugur
livelyadjective Skynsamur, fjörugur og hefur fallega framkomu. Sensible, lively, and I never saw such happy manners! |
See more examples
Ūann 15. maí, í frumskķgi Nķl, í funa og sķl hann flaug út í laug, fjörugur buslađi í frumsk ķgarmķđ On the 15th of May, in the jungle of Nool, in the heat of the day, in the cool of the pool, he was splashing, enjoying the jungle's great joys, |
Hann er mjög fjörugur ūessi. He's a lively one. |
Ég var fjörugur krakki og líf okkar systranna var yndislegt, það er að segja fram til 1939. I was a lively child, and Käthe and I had a wonderful life —that is, until the year 1939. |
„Sökum þess að ég er glaðvær og fjörugur og tek þátt í lífi hinna heilögu, ættu þeir ekki að gera ráð fyrir að ég sé svo fáfróður að mér sé ekki ljóst hvað um er að vera. “The Saints need not think because I am familiar with them and am playful and cheerful, that I am ignorant of what is going on. |
Skynsamur, fjörugur og hefur fallega framkomu. Sensible, lively, and I never saw such happy manners! |
Hann var frækinn, hugrakkur og fjörugur og hafði oft sinnis stofnað lífi sínu í voða fyrir þess háttar hættuspil. Brave, bold, enterprising, this was not the first time he had risked his life in such endeavors. |
Upplifðu svo hápunktur safnsins í gegnum vísindarannsóknir, líkamlega niðurdælingu eða fjörugur tinkering aftur og aftur. Discover the highlights of the Museum through scientific research, sensory immersion, or playful puzzling time and again. |
Face adidas A fjörugur endurtúlkun á Yohji Yamamoto mála frá Y-3 Y-3 Watch Face adidas A playful reinterpretation of a Yohji Yamamoto painting from Y-3 |
Versla fjörugur gæludýr gír fyrir hunda og ketti! Shop playful pet gear for dogs and cats! |
En hlaupandi þema er að kalla á gleði, hvort sem það er sætur teikning eða fjörugur skúlptúr. But the running theme is to invoke delight, whether it’s a cute drawing or a playful sculpture. |
Fjörugur og skemmtileg apar eru mjög lítil og það þarf sérstaka nálgun. Playful and funny monkeys are very small and it needs a special approach. |
A fjörugur og gagnvirk umhverfi sem örvar nám barnanna. A playful and interactive environment that stimulates children's learning. |
"Breskir" eru fjörugur, en þeir geta ekki verið kallaðir ofvirkir, þeir eru í snertingu, en þeir vilja reglulega vera einn. "The British" are playful, but they can not be called hyperactive, they are contact, but they periodically want to be alone. |
Sjáðu hvað þú getur gert til að gera daginn skemmtileg og fjörugur! See what you can do to help make the day a fun and playful one! |
Þeir eru fjörugur, skemmtileg og sýna okkur mynd af skrímsli. They are playful, fun and show us the form of monsters. |
BB-8 er fjörugur, persónulegur og sönn á Star Wars TM vetrarbrautinni. BB-8 is playful, personable, and true to the Star WarsTM galaxy. |
Við vorum sitjandi inni að byggingunni., Im yfirleitt fjörugur stúlka,, getur ekki sitja á einum stað, svo foreldrar mínir sögðu mér að spila úti í gras .. We were sitting inside that building ., Im usually a playful girl,, can’t sit in one place, so my parents told me to play outside in grass.. |
Doura er fjörugur maður sem elskar fallega konur... Doura is a playful man who loves beautiful women... |
Við hönnun vörur okkar frá sjónarhóli krakkana til að styrkja börn til að vera fjörugur, að vera skapandi og að vera sem þeir vilja vera. We design our products from the kids' perspective to empower kids to be playful, to be creative and to be who they want to be. |
Samþykkja fjörugur kangaró og hoppa í gegnum gljúfur, klettum og skýjum til að ná tunglinu! Adopt a playful kangaroo and jump through canyons, cliffs and clouds to reach the moon! |
Námsforrit fyrir gítarleikara, FretQuiz gerir þér kleift að læra tónlistarskýringar á gítarbretti þinn og bæta færni þína í gegnum framsækin, fjörugur og lærdómsrík aðferð sem hönnuð er fyrir byrjendur og börn 6 ára og eldri. Add to Wishlist $0.99 Buy Educational app for guitarists, FretQuiz lets you easily learn music notes on your guitar fretboard and improve your skills through a progressive, playful and instructive method designed for beginners and children age 6 and up. |
Fjörugur leikur með Pigy svín þína og vini hans. Playful game with your Pigy pig and his friends. |
👌Our leikur mun hjálpa barninu þínu að læra að teikna börn á fyndið og fjörugur hátt. 👌Our game will help your child learn to draw kids in a funny and playful manner. |
Andrúmsloftið í Golfdeildinni hefur sína eigin eðli, það getur verið góður, fjörugur, dularfullur og jafnvel strangur, en getur ekki verið vondur! The atmosphere in Golf Defied has its own character, it can be kind, playful, mysterious, and even strict, but cannot be evil! |
Leikurinn er ekki hræðileg, en mjög fjörugur. The game is not terrible, but very playful. |
Let's learn Icelandic
So now that you know more about the meaning of fjörugur in Icelandic, you can learn how to use them through selected examples and how to read them. And remember to learn the related words that we suggest. Our website is constantly updating with new words and new examples so you can look up the meanings of other words you don't know in Icelandic.
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Do you know about Icelandic
Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.