What does fjör in Icelandic mean?
What is the meaning of the word fjör in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use fjör in Icelandic.
The word fjör in Icelandic means fun, sprightliness, zest. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word fjör
funnoun Og munið, það á að vera fjör um verslunarmannahelgina! Remember, we're going to have fun this holiday weekend. |
sprightlinessnoun (the property of being sprightly) |
zestnoun |
See more examples
Þúsundir, aðallega tútsímenn, áttu fótum fjör að launa. Thousands fled for their lives, particularly Tutsi. |
Cruise, var ekki mikiđ fjör í fyrstu umferđ? Oh, Cruise, it's been a lot of fun the first time, hasn't it? |
Það verður fjör It' il be a homecoming |
Jú, ūú ūarft fjör. Yeah, you need to get busy. |
Ég ætla ađ fara í hnetubúđina, ūar er meira fjör. I'm going to the nut shop, where it's fun. |
Þetta verður meira fjör. It'll be more fun. |
Ūađ var fjör hjá okkur síđast. That last time I saw you was some place very gay. |
Ūú færđ sko fjör núna! You're going to get something now! |
Ūađ er fjör ađ færast Í mķtmælin. The carnival's a little bigger today, huh? |
Hvernig var Fjör-Hömmerinn? How was the fun-vee? |
Ūú getur alltaf hringt í mig ef ūú vilt dálítiđ fjör. You know, if you ever want to just hook up, you can call me. |
Og þess vegna rímar Regina við fjör. And that's why Regina rhymes with fun. |
Spegilmynd úr eldinum lánuðu eins konar rauðum fjör að stór gleraugu hans þau hafði skorti áður. The reflection of the fire lent a kind of red animation to his big spectacles they had lacked hitherto. |
Fréttablaðið Süddeutsche Zeitung segir að margir ferðamenn, sem virða slíkar viðvaranir að vettugi, lifi eftir kjörorðunum: „Engin áhætta, ekkert fjör.“ According to the Süddeutsche Zeitung, many tourists who ignore such warnings live by the maxim, No risk, no fun. |
Verđur ūađ ekki fjör? And... won't that rock? |
Stöđugt fjör. Fun, fun, fun. |
Svaka fjör. By golly. |
Já, en ūađ er mitt fjör Yeah, but it's my party. |
Hvađ um ūađ, ūađ er alltaf jafnmikiđ fjör hjá mér. Anyway, the excitement still continues with me. |
Í fyrstu var ūađ bara fjör og leikir. It was all fun and games at first. |
Ūađ verđur fjör hérna. You're gonna have so much fun here. |
Núna verđur fjör. Now it's a party. |
Ūađ verđur fjör. It'll be a homecoming. |
Ūiđ hugsiđ ađeins um vinnu og eindaga en ég um snjķbolta og fjör. You're all hard work and deadlines, and I'm snowballs and fun times. |
Let's learn Icelandic
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Do you know about Icelandic
Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.