What does félagi in Icelandic mean?
What is the meaning of the word félagi in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use félagi in Icelandic.
The word félagi in Icelandic means friend, companion, member. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word félagi
friendnoun (sarcastic) form of address used to warn someone) Starfi þínu fyrir byltinguna er enn ekki lokið, félagi. Your work for the revolution is not quite done yet, my friend. |
companionnoun (someone with whom one spends time or keeps company) Eldri félagi hans hafði tvisvar verið trúboðsforseti og auk þess þjónað í öðrum leiðtogastöðum. His senior companion had been a mission president twice and had served in other leadership positions. |
membernoun (one who officially belongs to a group) Varst ūú félagi í Hillsborough-klúbbnum 2. janúar 1984? Were you a member of the Hillsborough Country Club on January 2, 1984? |
See more examples
Mundu skrefin, félagi. Remember the steps, mate. |
Hvar er félagi minn? Where's my partner, huh? |
Vertu međ, félagi. Join in, dude. |
Hvađ i fjandanum var félagi ūinn ađ gera hér? What the hell was your partner doing here? |
Í öðrum flokki eru blöð gefin út af félagi. Quite a bit of the rest is spent on the party journal, which is distributed among the party members. |
Hvernig hefurđu ūađ, félagi? Hey, pal. |
Vel gert, félagi. Nice work, pal. |
Einmitt, félagi. ( Panting ) Right, buddy. |
Reyndar gamall félagi. Actually, he's my old partner. |
Heyrđu, félagi, ég sel mjög sérstaka tķnlist hérna. Listen, mate, I do a very specific kind of music here. |
Félagi minn og ég vorum að banka á hurðar. My companion and I were house-to-house proselyting. |
Takk, félagi. Thanks, partner. |
Hugsađu vel um mömmu, félagi. You be careful with my momma, man. |
Buddy, félagi Terrys. Buddy, Terry's partner. |
Leyfðu mér að aðstoða þig, félagi. Let me help you, son. |
Hún bætir við: „Þar eð líkaminn er hluttakandi í glæpum sálarinnar og félagi í dyggðum hennar virðist réttlæti Guðs krefjast þess að líkaminn fái hlut í refsingu sálarinnar og umbun.“ It adds: “As the body is the partner of the soul’s crimes, and the companion of her virtues, the justice of God seems to demand that the body be the sharer in the soul’s punishment and reward.” |
Ef ég er hetja ūá er félagi minn, fornleifafræđingurinn ungi, ūađ líka. And if I'm a hero, then my young archeologist partner is one, too. |
Heyrđu félagi, ūetta er rangt borđ. Look buddy, you got the wrong table. |
Félagi minn eltir grunađan mann. My partner is in pursuit of a suspect. |
Ūarna er félagi ūinn. There's your fucking pal. |
Og hvaða lærdóm gætir þú eða félagi þinn dregið af þessu? And what lesson might this contain for you or for some young friend? |
Ætlið þið skaufalausi félagi þinn að há byssubardaga við mig? You and your dickless associate proposing to engage me in a gun battle? |
Félagi, ūú átt margt ķlært í sambandi viđ konur. My friend, you have a lot to learn about women. |
Segđu honum ađ ég sé félagi ūinn. Tell him you are now my homeboy. |
(Postulasagan 17:6) Í félagi við siðbótarmanninn Ulrich Zwingli risu yfirvöld í Zürich í Sviss öndverð gegn anabaptistum, einkum vegna þess að þeir neituðu að skíra ungbörn. (Acts 17:6) In Zurich, Switzerland, the authorities, linked with reformer Huldrych Zwingli, especially took issue with the Anabaptists over their refusal to baptize infants. |
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Do you know about Icelandic
Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.