What does endurhæfing in Icelandic mean?

What is the meaning of the word endurhæfing in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use endurhæfing in Icelandic.

The word endurhæfing in Icelandic means rehabilitation, vocational rehabilitation. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word endurhæfing



Okkur varð fljótt ljóst að endurhæfing hans myndi taka mánuði ef ekki ár og það kom okkur niður á hnéin.
We were driven to our knees as it soon became apparent his rehabilitation would take months, even years.

vocational rehabilitation

noun (rehabilitation process focusing on accessing, maintaining or returning to employment or another useful occupation)

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Ég spurðist fyrir og mér var sagt að ég fyndi hann líklega á laugarsvæði sjúkrahússins, en þar fór líkamleg endurhæfing fram.
Upon inquiry I learned I would probably find him in the swimming pool area of the hospital, an area which was used for physical therapy.
Spítali, endurhæfing, hús
Convalescent homes, hospitals
Spítali, endurhæfing, hús.
Convalescent homes, hospitals.
Ūetta er engin endurhæfing.
This isn't a rehab program.
Okkur varð fljótt ljóst að endurhæfing hans myndi taka mánuði ef ekki ár og það kom okkur niður á hnéin.
We were driven to our knees as it soon became apparent his rehabilitation would take months, even years.
Líkamleg endurhæfing á fólki innifelur oftast í sér sjúkraþjálfun þar sem viðkomandi fer til sjúkraþjálfara.
More commonly a boy, or a group of boys, go to the hospital, where the operation is done under sanitary conditions.
Eftir reynslu sína telur Auður að meðferð á mænuskaða eins og hún er í dag, þ.e. eingöngu endurhæfing, sé aðeins hálf meðferð og með öllu ófullnægjandi. Hún telur að líta þurfi á mænuskaða sem bráðatilfelli og gera þurfi tilraunir til að lækna mænuna strax eftir slys á öllum sjúklingum þegar þess er nokkur kostur. Mænuskaðastofnun Íslands er stofnuð af háleitri hugsjón.
Based on her wealth of experience, Auður’s opinion is that current standard practice in the treatment of SCI, i.e. only rehabilitative physiotherapy, is only half a treatment and totally inadequate. She believes that SCI requires emergency treatment and that attempts must be made to cure spinal injuries immediately following the accident if there is even the remotest possibility of restoring life-enhancing function.
Í læknisfræðilegum hringi er Bobat meðferð þekktur sem taugafræðileg endurhæfing.
In medical circles, Bobat therapy is known as neurodynamic rehabilitation.
Endurhæfing og afturhvarf til vinnu eftir krabbamein: verkfæri og-ferlar
Rehabilitation and return to work after cancer — instruments and practices
Í stuttu máli gengur endurhæfing út á fimm þætti, mat, markmiðasetningu, endurhæfingaráætlun, inngrip og endurmat.
In short, rehabilitation consists of five factors: evaluation, goal setting, rehabilitation schedule, intervention and reassessment.
Þar að auki var athugað hvort munur væri á prósentu af áætlaðri gönguvegalengd milli LLT og LHB sjúklinga, hvort endurhæfing skilaði klínískt marktækri aukningu í gönguvegalengd og hvort fjöldi pakkaára sýni fylgni við prósentu af áætlaðri gönguvegalengd.
Also, the questions of whether a difference is seen or not in percentage of predicted walk distance between COPD and CHF patients, if rehabilitation yields a clinically significant increase in walk distance and whether the number of pack years is correlated with percentage of predicted walk distance were addressed.
Forvarnir gegn örorku, endurhæfing og endurkoma til vinnu verður sífellt mikilvægari.
Disability prevention, rehabilitation and return to work are of increased importance.
Endurhæfing er miklu auðveldara vegna þess að
rehabilitation is much easier because
kr. 50.000 Almenna heilsufarsskoðun á heilsugæslustöð, krabbameinsleit, almenn rannsókn hjá Hjartavernd, sjúkranudd, sjúkraþjálfun og önnur endurhæfing, tannviðgerðir, göngugreining og stoðtæki.
ISK 50,000 General health checks at a health clinic cancer screening, general check-up at The Icelandic Heart Association, massage therapy, physiotherapy and other rehabilitation, dental repairs, gait analysis and prostheses.
Endurhæfing og að snúa aftur til vinnu eftir krabbamein: Umsögn um útgefið efni
Rehabilitation and return to work after cancer: Literature review
Endurhæfing og stefnur varðandi endurkomu til vinnu eftir veikindi eru líka sífellt mikilvægari þegar kemur að öldrun vinnuaflsins.
Rehabilitation and policies on return to work after illness are also increasingly important in the context of an ageing workforce.
Endurhæfing og að snúa aftur til vinnu
Rehabilitation and return to work
Endurhæfing á sykursýki, offitu, hægðatregðu og hátt kólesteról og svo framvegis hafa góðan stuðning.
Rehabilitation of diabetes, obesity, constipation and high cholesterol and so on have a good supporting role.
Fræðsla og endurhæfing hjartasjúklinga.
Education and rehabilitaion of cardiac patients.
1. Endurhæfing og mænuskaða.
1. rehabilitation and spinal cord injury.
Endurhæfing og endurkoma til vinnu:
Rehabilitation and return to work
Endurhæfing og afturhvarf til vinnu: Greiningarskýrsla um stefnu ESB og einstakra aðildarríkja, stefnumarkanir og áætlanir
Rehabilitation and return to work: Analysis report on EU and Member States policies, strategies and programmes
Sálfélagslegar áhættur og streita Endurhæfing
risks and stress Rehabilitation
Endurhæfing röranna gæti verið meira en 2000 metrar;
Rehabilitating the pipes could be more than 2000 meters;

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Do you know about Icelandic

Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.