What does ekkert in Icelandic mean?
What is the meaning of the word ekkert in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use ekkert in Icelandic.
The word ekkert in Icelandic means nothing, no, nay. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word ekkert
nothingpronoun (not any thing) Hvílík synd það væri ef Tatoeba tengdi ekkert nema setningar. What a waste it would be if Tatoeba were to link nothing but sentences. |
nodeterminer (not) Mér til undrunar var ekkert fólk í þorpinu. To my surprise, there were no people in the village. |
nayconjunction |
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Eins og þú veist gafst Páll samt ekki upp fyrir syndugum tilhneigingum og lét sem hann gæti ekkert við þeim gert. As you are aware, though, Paul did not resign himself to this, as if his actions were completely beyond his control. |
Þess. 2:1-3) Um aldaraðir höfðu menn litla þekkingu á Guði. Það átti bæði við um þá sem vissu ekkert um Biblíuna og eins þá sem kölluðu sig kristna. 2:1-3) For centuries thereafter, “the true knowledge” was far from abundant not only among those who knew nothing of the Bible but also among professed Christians. |
Hann veit ekkert um ūær. He's never met any French women. |
Ekkert... ķvenjulegt, raunar. Nothing unusual, really. |
Því það er ekkert að lækna. Because there's nothing to cure. |
Ekkert kjaftæði, strákur Don' t fuck with me, kid! |
Ekkert. Nothing. |
Ekkert kyss-kyss, ekkert bang-bang. No kiss-kiss, no bang-bang. |
" Ertu að gera eitthvað þetta síðdegi? " " Ekkert sérstakt. " " Are you doing anything this afternoon? " " Nothing special. " |
Ekkert mál. No problem. |
Ūú ert ekkert nema kjafturinn! All you fucking do is talk! |
Ekkert. Nothin'. |
Það var ekkert þak svo að ég skreið þangað inn og horfði upp til stjarnanna, kraup svo í bæn. There was no roof, and so I crawled in, looked up at the star-filled sky, and knelt to pray. |
Þegar Ísraelsmenn reikuðu um Sínaíeyðimörk fyrir um 3500 árum sögðu þeir: „Nú munum við eftir fiskinum, sem við fengum fyrir ekkert í Egyptalandi, gúrkunum, blaðlauknum, laukunum og hvítlauknum.“ (4. Some 3,500 years ago, as the people of Israel trekked across the wilderness of Sinai, they said: “How we remember the fish that we used to eat in Egypt for nothing, the cucumbers and the watermelons and the leeks and the onions and the garlic!” |
8 Hinir ‚vondu dagar‘ ellinnar veita ekki umbun þeim sem hugsa ekkert um skapara sinn og skilja ekki dýrlegan tilgang hans, heldur frekar þjáningar. 8 “The calamitous days” of old age are unrewarding —perhaps very distressing— to those who give no thought to their Grand Creator and who have no understanding of his glorious purposes. |
Þetta verður ekkert mál. It's no problem. |
„Ég lærði að ef maður reiðir sig algerlega á Jehóva, þá er ekkert ómögulegt,“ sagði hún við mig. — Filippíbréfið 4:13. “I learned that if you trust Jehovah completely, nothing will prove to be impossible,” she told me.—Philippians 4:13. |
Það er ekkert þarna There' s nothing in there |
Ekkert af þessu er í alvöru Look, none of this is real |
Við fundum ekkert vikum saman We' d found nothing for weeks |
Í bók sinni, The Languages of Australia, segir prófessor Dixon: „Ekkert þeirra 5000 tungumála eða þar um bil, sem töluð eru í heiminum, er hægt að kalla ‚frumstætt.‘ In his book The Languages of Australia, Professor Dixon wrote: “There is no language, among the 5,000 or so tongues spoken across the world today, which could be described as ‘primitive.’ |
Ég held hann viti ekkert. I'm not sure he knows. |
Til að byrja með sagði Guð ekkert um það hvernig hann myndi bæta skaðann sem Satan olli. Initially, God did not reveal how he would remedy the damage done by Satan. |
Ég gat ekkert gert. There wasn't anything I could do. |
Dálítiđ hallærislegt og augljķst enda ūũđir ekkert annađ, ekki satt? It's a little corny and obvious but what do you get out of being subtle, right? |
Let's learn Icelandic
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Do you know about Icelandic
Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.