What does einangrun in Icelandic mean?

What is the meaning of the word einangrun in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use einangrun in Icelandic.

The word einangrun in Icelandic means isolation, insulation. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word einangrun



Dýr alin í einangrun eru ekki alltaf þau skapbestu.
Animals raised in isolation aren't always the most functional.



Hérna setti ég nũja einangrun og ūú getur hjálpađ mér međ afganginn.
I boarded this with new insulation and you can help me with the rest.

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„Sjálfsvíg er afleiðing þess að finnast sem maður sé að kikna undan yfirþyrmandi vandamáli, svo sem félagslegri einangrun, ástvinamissi (einkum maka), skilnaði foreldra í æsku, alvarlegum veikindum, elli, atvinnuleysi, fjárhagserfiðleikum og fíkniefnanotkun.“ — The American Medical Association Encyclopedia of Medicine.
“Suicide results from a person’s reaction to a perceived overwhelming problem, such as social isolation, death of a loved one (especially a spouse), a broken home in childhood, serious physical illness, growing old, unemployment, financial problems, and drug abuse.”—The American Medical Association Encyclopedia of Medicine.
Harold King samdi lög og orti ljóð um minningarhátíðina meðan hann sat í einangrun.
While in solitary confinement, Harold King wrote poems and songs about the Memorial
Hvernig notaði systir Pötzinger* tímann skynsamlega þegar hún var í einangrun?
How did Sister Pötzinger* wisely use her time while in solitary confinement?
Já, náið samband við Jehóva veitti þessum tveim þjónum Guðs styrk til að þrauka í einangrun.
Yes, having a close relationship with Jehovah gave these two Christians the strength needed to cope with isolation.
Reyndar myndi einangrun hindra kristinn mann í að rækja skyldur sínar að prédika og kenna „opinberlega og í heimahúsum.“ — Postulasagan 20:20; Matteus 5: 16; 1. Korintubréf 5: 9, 10.
Actually, isolation would prevent a Christian from fulfilling his commission to preach and teach “publicly and from house to house.”—Acts 20:20; Matthew 5:16; 1 Corinthians 5:9, 10.
Algjöra einangrun og lokunarferli.
Full isolation and containment protocols.
Bróðir, sem var haldið í einangrun í mörg ár, sagði: „Mig langar til að hvetja trúsystkini mín til að sýna allri andlegri fæðu, sem við fáum, tilhlýðilega virðingu þar sem við vitum ekki hvernig hún á eftir að verða okkur til góðs.“
One brother who endured many years of solitary confinement said: “I would like to encourage everyone to show proper appreciation for all spiritual food that is given us, since we do not know just how it will be of value to us at some time.”
Það gefur búinu jafngóða einangrun gegn hita og kulda eins og 40 cm þykkur tigulsteinsveggur.
This insulates the nest from heat and cold as effectively as would a brick wall 16 inches thick.
Slík einangrun leiðir oft til depurðar.
Such isolation often leads to depression.
Hvað um þær ráðleggingar að hafa sjúklinga í einangrun sem eru með holdsveiki eða aðra smitsjúkdóma?
What about the quarantine of lepers or those with other diseases?
Nú á tímum nota andstæðingar sannrar tilbeiðslu hótanir um einangrun á svipaðan máta til þess að hræða sannkristna menn.
In more recent times, opposers of true worship similarly used the threat of isolation in an effort to put fear in the hearts of true Christians.
Ég fer ekki í einangrun.
I'm not going to solitary.
Í yfir 50 ár lét hún daglega stjórnast af vanmætti, ótta, reiði, óvissu, skömm, einmanaleika og einangrun.
For over 50 years her feelings of helplessness, powerlessness, fear, anger, confusion, shame, loneliness, and isolation guided her daily decisions.
Einangrun Berlínar átti sér stað frá 24. júní 1948 til 11. maí 1949.
This was the Berlin Blockade, which lasted from 24 June 1948 to 12 May 1949.
Hvað hjálpaði farandbóksölunum að halda gleðinni þrátt fyrir einangrun?
What helped isolated colporteurs to remain happy?
Samkvæmt Móselögunum átti fólk með vissa sjúkdóma að vera í einangrun.
Under the Law, those with certain diseases were to be kept isolated.
Þó að aðeins væru liðnir tæpir fjórir mánuðir frá því kirkjan var stofnuð, voru ofsóknirnar orðnar mjög harðar og leiðtogarnir urðu að leita öryggis í nokkurs konar einangrun.
Though less than four months had elapsed since the Church was organized, persecution had become intense, and the leaders had to seek safety in partial seclusion.
Einangrun bygginga
Building insulating
Ūeir taka ķIma menn eins og ūig og Ioka í einangrun bara tiI gamans.
They'll take a wild man and throw him in solitary just for fun.
(Matteus 15:1-20; Lúkas 6:1-11) Hið sama er að segja um einangrun essena frá umheiminum, trú þeirra á forlög og ódauðleika sálarinnar og um áherslu þeirra á ókvæni og dulspekilegar hugmyndir um þátttöku engla í tilbeiðslu þeirra.
(Matthew 15:1-20; Luke 6:1-11) Much the same could be said regarding the Essenes’ seclusion from society, their belief in fate and the immortality of the soul, and their emphasis on celibacy and mystical ideas about participating with the angels in their worship.
It's the hole.
Hvalspik virkar eins og flotholt, einangrun og orkuforði.
Whale blubber provides flotation, heat insulation, and food reserves
Trefjagler annað en fyrir einangrun eða textílnotkun
Fiberglass other than for insulation or textile use
Í einangrun í öryggisskyni.
Sequestered here for safety.
(2. Korintubréf 6: 17; 2. Tímóteusarbréf 3: 16, 17) Við erum ekki aðgreind með einangrun í klaustrum eins og munkar og nunnur Babýlonar hinnar miklu.
(2 Corinthians 6:17; 2 Timothy 3:16, 17) We are not set apart by isolation in monasteries and convents, as are the monks and nuns of Babylon the Great.

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Do you know about Icelandic

Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.