What does ef til vill in Icelandic mean?
What is the meaning of the word ef til vill in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use ef til vill in Icelandic.
The word ef til vill in Icelandic means maybe, perhaps. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word ef til vill
maybeadverb (indicating a lack of certainty) Ef ūađ eru mistök, ūä er ef til vill eitthvađ hægt ađ gera viđ ūví! If it's a mistake, maybe we can do something about it! |
perhapsadverb Og ég gæti ef til vill líka sjálfur fariđ. And to where, one day soon perhaps, I might venture as well. |
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Ef til vill. Perhaps. |
‚Ég hélt að Jesús væri fæddur 25. desember,‘ segir ef til vill einhver. ‘I thought Jesus was born on December 25!’ some may exclaim. |
Þú gætir ef til vill bent þeim á hvernig Jehóva meðhöndlaði Manasse konung. Perhaps you could relate how Jehovah dealt with King Manasseh. |
Ef til vill hefur þér einhvern tíma liðið eins og honum. You may have had a similar experience. |
Niðrandi athugasemdir nágranna kunna ef til vill að láta þá missa móðinn. They may feel intimidated by neighbors who make disparaging remarks. |
Ef til vill er hyggilegt að kaupa inn til heimilisins á einum stað. So perhaps shopping in one central store might help. |
Ef til vill eru bæði hjónin farin að taka maka sinn sem sjálfsagðan hlut. Each may have taken the other for granted. |
Foringi, ef til vill er skotiđ af löngu færi. Maybe it's long-range artillery, after all. |
Ég kvađst dapur yfir ađ sjá svo margar brúđir sem verđa ef til vill ekkjur innan skamms. I told him I was unhappy to see so many brides who may soon become widows. |
Ef til vill hafa þeir ranghugmyndir um hann vegna falskra kenninga sem þeir hafa lært. Their view of God may be obscured by false teachings. |
Ef til vill vildi hann reyna að notfæra sér vald Jesú og orðstír sem vitur dómari. Perhaps he was trying to capitalize on Jesus’ authority and reputation as a wise judge in human affairs. |
2 Eftirfarandi spurning gæti ef til vill komið af stað samræðum: 2 You might be able to get a conversation started with this question: |
Ef til vill má koma kraftinum í henni til skila með sögninni ‚að steindrepa.‘ . . . ‘Slay utterly’ may express its force. . . . |
Viðmælandinn les ef til vill vers 44, 46 eða 48 sem eru orðuð svipað í sumum þýðingum Biblíunnar. Depending on the Bible version being used, the person might read verse 44, 46, or 48 because these verses read similarly in some versions. |
Hatur þessa heims sést ef til vill ekki alltaf til fulls en það er eftir sem áður ákaft. This world’s hatred may not always be fully manifested, but it remains intense. |
Það gæti ef til vill vakið áhuga hjá þeim sem þú talar við. That might spark the other person’s interest. |
Aðrir hafa ef til vill fært til stiga, planka eða málningardós. Others on the crew may have shifted a ladder, a plank, or a bucket of paint. |
o 2:13 — Margir kvæntir Gyðingar skildu við eiginkonur æsku sinnar, ef til vill til að kvænast yngri heiðingjakonum. ○ 2:13 —Many Jewish husbands were divorcing the wives of their youth, perhaps in order to marry younger pagan women. |
Þeir hafa ef til vill þurft að yfirstíga svipaðar hindranir og þú. They may have overcome challenges similar to yours. |
(1. Korintubréf 10:8) Ef til vill lá tala látinna milli 23.000 og 24.000 þannig að báðar tölurnar teljast fullnægjandi. (1 Corinthians 10:8) Perhaps the number slain was between 23,000 and 24,000, so that either figure would be satisfactory. |
Ef til vill trúði hann almennt á Krist en trúði ekki sérstaklega og persónulega Kristi. He may have believed in Christ generally but not believed Christ specifically and personally. |
Ef til vill erum við í aðstöðu til að hjálpa trúsystkinum sem skortir einhverjar nauðsynjar. Some Christians have needs, and we may be able to fill those needs. |
Getur tal þeirra og ef til vill fyndni gefið vísbendingu um hvort þeir séu heppilegur félagsskapur? Could their conversation, perhaps their jokes, indicate whether we belong in close company with them? |
Barnið verður ef til vill þögult en innra með því ólgar gremja og það fjarlægist foreldrana. Yet, in his heart he may be resentful, which could cause him to draw away from his parents. |
Ef til vill finnum við fjölskyldubiblíur, minningargreinar, ættarsögur, eða dagbækur og minningabækur. We may also find family Bibles, obituaries, family histories, or diaries and journals. |
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Do you know about Icelandic
Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.