What does deild in Icelandic mean?
What is the meaning of the word deild in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use deild in Icelandic.
The word deild in Icelandic means division, department, branch. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word deild
divisionnoun Er nokkuđ viss um ađ ég hef nefnt Kathy Dougherty nokkrum sinnum í minni deild. I'm pretty sure I've mentioned the name Kathy Dougherty a time or two in my division. |
departmentnoun Hve mörg ár hefurđu starfađ í ūessari deild? How many years have you been with this department? |
branchnoun |
See more examples
Aðgangur á Deild C er bannaður án skriflegs leyfis og viðveru minnar og Cawley læknis. Admittance to Ward C is forbidden without the written consent and physical presence of both myself and Dr. Cawley. |
Hún var í sigurliði BÍ í 2. deild kvenna árið 1989. At the Hungarian Women's Championship in 1982 she was third. |
Stuttu eftir komuna þangað var hann og hans deild send til Somme. Not long after his apartment and office were sacked by demonstrators. |
Innan tíu mínútna eiga allirmenn í #. deild aö vera utan viö klefana In ten minutes, we expect all men in shop period # to meet outside cellblock |
DEILD (eða grein) WARD (or branch) |
Stjórn deildarinnar hafði ákveðið að fjölga um tvö lið í efstu deild. Officer candidates were selected from two main categories of personnel. |
Pilot Abilene, leikari sem gerđist hermađur, slasađist alvarlega í bardaga í Írak í gær af völdum sprengjubrots úr handsprengju sem hermađur úr hans eigin deild henti. Actor-turned-soldier Pilot Abilene was critically wounded during battle in Iraq yesterday by shrapnel from a grenade thrown by a soldier in his own unit. |
Vera má að þú viljir einnig merkja þær sem eru hluti af ritningarlista Trúarskóla yngri deild. You may wish to also note those that are part of seminary scripture mastery verses. |
Brenda og forgangs manndráps deild eigast við kraft fjölmiðla í þessari þáttaröð þegar fréttaritari Los Angeles Times fylgir þeim eftir en með sitt eigið efni í huga. Brenda and the Priority Homicide Division deal with the power of the media this season, when a Los Angeles Times reporter shadows them, but with an agenda all his own. |
* Sækja Trúarskóla yngri deild (þar sem það er hægt). * Attend seminary (where available). |
En hann velti því fyrir sér af hverju kirkjuleiðtogar í deild hans og stiku notuðu alltaf ritningarnar við ræðuflutning og kennslu. But he wondered why Church leaders in his ward and stake always used the scriptures in their talks and lessons. |
Þessi deild í Buenos Aires er gott fordæmi um anda trúboðsstarfs. This ward in Buenos Aires exemplifies the spirit of missionary work. |
* Látið fylgja fullt nafn ykkar, fæðingardag, nafn á deild og stiku (eða grein og umdæmi) og netfang foreldra ykkar, með í tölvupóstinum. * In your email, please include your full name, birth date, ward and stake (or branch and district) name, and an email address for your parents. |
„Ég þekki þann andlega árangur sem hlýst af námi í yngri og eldri deild trúarskólans. “I know the power that comes from associations in the seminary and institute programs. |
Á hvađa deild er hún? What department is she in? |
Sumir segja að Lark gerir sætur deild, þetta rennur ekki svo, að hún divideth okkur: Some say the lark makes sweet division; This doth not so, for she divideth us: |
Deild C. Opnađu dyrnar. Ward " C. " Open the door. |
Ef þið hafið þegar komið ykkur fyrir í deild eða grein, hvet ég ykkur til að huga að vinum eða trúsystkinum, sem prestdæmisleiðtogar þeirra hafa misst sjónar af. If you are established in a ward or branch, I challenge you to think of friends or associates in the gospel who have become lost to their priesthood leaders. |
Ég var enn djákni þegar fjölskylda okkar flutti í fjölmenna deild í Utah. I was still a deacon when our family moved to a large ward in Utah. |
Öll þessi var Fylkir nálægt því að komast upp um deild en það gerðist þó ekki fyrr en árið 1977 þegar að draumurinn rættist. All these years Fylkir was on the edge of promotion but it was not until 1977 that the dream came true. |
Næsta ár féll það þó aftur niður í þriðju deild. However the following year the team again descended to the second level. |
Á Deild C, til dæmis. To Ward C, for example. |
Hann er ekki á þessari deild. He's not in this ward. |
Hann sagði: „Ég ætla að ljúka yngri deild trúarskólans og fara svo í eldri deild trúarskólans til að búa mig undir trúboð. He says, “I want to finish seminary and start institute classes in order to be prepared for a mission. |
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Do you know about Icelandic
Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.