What does dæmisaga in Icelandic mean?
What is the meaning of the word dæmisaga in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use dæmisaga in Icelandic.
The word dæmisaga in Icelandic means fable, fable. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word dæmisaga
fablenoun (fictitious narration to enforce some useful truth or precept) Hinn þekkta dæmisaga Esóps um skjaldbökuna og hérann sýnir þetta vel. This is well illustrated in the widely known Aesop fable about the tortoise and the hare. |
fableverb noun (short fictional story that anthropomorphises non-humans to illustrate a moral lesson) Hinn þekkta dæmisaga Esóps um skjaldbökuna og hérann sýnir þetta vel. This is well illustrated in the widely known Aesop fable about the tortoise and the hare. |
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Dæmisaga Jesú um miskunnsama Samverjann dregur upp fallega mynd af því hvað það þýðir að sýna miskunn. Jesus’ illustration of the neighborly Samaritan vividly portrays what it means to show mercy. |
Hvað dregur þessi dæmisaga fram varðandi vöxtinn? What aspects of growth are highlighted in this parable? |
Hvað kennir þessi dæmisaga okkur um bænir? What does the illustration teach us about prayer? |
Við sjáum greinilega að þessi dæmisaga er gefin til tákns um það hvernig framrás kirkjunnar verður á síðustu dögum. Now we can discover plainly that this figure is given to represent the Church as it shall come forth in the last days. |
Það er dæmisaga fyrir ofhlaðna prestdæmishafa. It is a parable for overloaded priesthood holders. |
Þriðja líkingin var dæmisaga. Jesus related his third illustration in the form of a parable. |
Til dæmis sagði Jesús að þessi dæmisaga sé um „himnaríki.“ For example, Jesus said that this illustration is about “the kingdom of the heavens.” |
▪ Hvernig á dæmisaga Jesú við nú á dögum? ▪ What application does Jesus’ illustration have in our day? |
Samlíking og dæmisaga ætti þó venjulega að byggjast á því sem áheyrandinn þekkir vel. But an illustration should usually be drawn from things that are familiar to the listener. |
(Jesaja 42:1) Það var kjarninn í dæmisögunni um miskunnsama Samverjann sem er ein frægasta dæmisaga Jesú. (Isaiah 42:1) This was the point of one of Jesus’ most famous illustrations, that of the neighborly Samaritan. |
6 Slíkar spurningar sýna að þessi dæmisaga er alls ekkert svo einföld. 6 Such questions show that this illustration is not simple after all. |
Hvað merkir dæmisaga Jesú um mustarðskornið? What is the meaning of Jesus’ illustration of the mustard grain? |
Hvaða alvarlegar spurningar sitja eftir vegna þess hve endaslepp dæmisaga Jesú er? The abrupt ending of Jesus’ parable leaves us with what sobering question? |
Þessi dæmisaga ‒ líkt og á við um allar dæmisögur ‒ er í raun ekki um verkamenn og laun þeirra, fremur en aðrar eru um sauði og hafra. This parable—like all parables—is not really about laborers or wages any more than the others are about sheep and goats. |
Á þeim tímum er þessi dæmisaga uppfyllist eru ‚bræður‘ hans þeir sem hafa líkt eftir honum með því að vígja sig Guði skilyrðislaust. At the time of this parable’s fulfillment, his “brothers” are those who have imitated him by unreservedly giving themselves to God. |
Þessi dæmisaga lýsir því hvernig Jehóva Guð hefur sýnt mikla meðaumkun með því að fella niður háa syndaskuld hvers einstaks kristins manns sem trúir á lausnarfórn Jesú. — Matteus 18:27; 20:28. This illustrates that Jehovah God has shown great compassion in canceling a large debt of sin for each individual Christian who exercises faith in the ransom sacrifice of Jesus. —Matthew 18:27; 20:28. |
Hvernig getur dæmisaga Jesú um sauðina og hafrana verið okkur umhugsunarefni varðandi skaðlegt slúður? How might Jesus’ illustration of the sheep and the goats give us some food for thought regarding hurtful gossip? |
Hvaða dæmisaga, sem er samkvæmt Matteusi síðasti hluti spádóms Jesú um ‚tákn nærveru‘ hans, þarf að rætast? According to Matthew’s account, what final parable of Jesus must be fulfilled as part of the “sign” of His “presence”? |
Dæmisaga Jesú um miskunnsama Samverjann er gott dæmi um mann sem sýndi þurfandi einstaklingi miskunn. — Lúkas 10:29-37. Jesus’ illustration of the neighborly Samaritan provides a fine example of an individual who “acted mercifully” toward a person in need. —Luke 10:29-37. |
Dæmisaga Jesú um glataða soninn getur verið sumum hvöt til að snúa aftur. Reflecting on Jesus’ illustration of the prodigal son may move some to return to the flock |
Dæmisaga með djúptæka merkingu An Illustration With Deep Meaning |
En þessi dæmisaga ætti að koma okkur til að vera auðmjúk, ekki sjálfsánægð. But this illustration should move us to be humble, not self-righteous. |
Dæmisaga Jesú um „sauðina“ og „hafrana“, sem er að finna í Matteusi 25:31-46, hafði einnig mjög mikil áhrif á mig. Jesus’ illustration of “the sheep” and “the goats,” found at Matthew 25:31-46, also deeply impressed me. |
Það er hinsvegar dæmisaga fyrir annan dag. But that is a parable for another time. |
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Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.