What does brot in Icelandic mean?
What is the meaning of the word brot in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use brot in Icelandic.
The word brot in Icelandic means excerpt, transgression, crease. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word brot
excerptnoun (a clip, snippet, passage or extract from a larger work) Brot úr textanum sem sýnir hið óþekkta orð í samhenginu sem það er í Text excerpt showing the unknown word in its context |
transgressionnoun (violation of a law, command or duty) Okkur verður refsað fyrir eigin syndir en ekki fyrir brot Adams. We will be punished for our own sins and not for Adam’s transgression. |
creasenoun (mark made by folding) |
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[ Brot opna dyr minnisvarða. ] [ Breaking open the door of the monument. ] |
Kevin, til eru alls konar brot sem eru flokkuð #- C Kevin, there are #- Cs, and there are #- Cs |
Hugleiddu aðeins þá angist og erfiðleika sem brot á gullnu reglunni hefur leitt yfir mannkynið allt frá uppreisninni sem Satan kom af stað í Eden. Reflect for a moment on the agony and suffering that disregard for the Golden Rule has brought on mankind since the rebellion in Eden, instigated by Satan the Devil. |
(Hebreabréfið 13:4; Orðskviðirnir 5:18-20, þýtt úr Today’s English Version) Hjúskaparbrot er brot á lögum Guðs og veldur vandamálum í hjónabandinu. (Hebrews 13:4; Proverbs 5:18-20, Today’s English Version) Yes, adultery is against God’s law; it leads to trouble in a marriage. |
Eða hefur hann tilhneigingu til að kenna mér um brot sitt? Or does he tend to blame me for his wrongdoing? |
Þar má nefna lausnargjaldið fyrir upphaflegt brot Adams, svo að enginn meðal mannkyns þyrfti að standa skil á þeirri synd.8 Önnur altæk gjöf er upprisa allra manna, karla, kvenna og barna, frá dauðum, sem nokkurn tíma hafa eða munu lifa á jörðinni. These include His ransom for Adam’s original transgression so that no member of the human family is held responsible for that sin.8 Another universal gift is the Resurrection from the dead of every man, woman, and child who lives, has ever lived, or ever will live on earth. |
Ef Mitchell færi fram á símayfirlitin ūín myndirđu ávæna hann um brot á einkalífslögum. Carl, if John Mitchell wanted your phone records... you'd be running around yelling invasion of privacy. |
Þú sýndir mér fyrst brot af raunverulegu lífi en sagðir mér síðan að halda áfram að lifa fölsku lífi You gave me my first glimpse of a real life...... and then you told me to carry on with a false one |
Hér er það sem mun gerast ef þú ert með tvöfaldur- lokið pípa brot. Here's what'll happen if you have a double- ended pipe break. |
Ūetta er brot á fangelsunarlögunum! This is a violation of the ruddy Incarceration Act! |
Ef ég gæti gefiđ ūér smá brot af ūessari rödd ūá myndi ég gera ūađ. Listen, if I could break you off a piece of this voice and give it to you, I would. |
Íbúar verndarsvæđisins eru ævareiđir ūví sem ūeir kalla ruddalegt brot gegn sjálfstjķrnarrétti ūeirra. Residents of the reservation are outraged over what they're calling a gross violation of their territorial sovereignty. |
Varðveitt er brot úr verki hans Um stjórnskipun. In his office of Warden he left a record of his administrative capacity. |
Þau eru aðeins lítið brot þeirra tugþúsunda ungmenna um heim allan sem muna eftir skapara sínum. They are only a small portion of the tens of thousands of young ones who are remembering their Creator worldwide. |
Versið á eftir sýnir að jafnvel soltinn þjófur varð að gjalda fyrir brot sitt með þungum fjársektum. — Orðskviðirnir 6: 30, 31, NW. The next Bible verse thus showed that even a hungry thief had to “make it good” by payment of a severe penalty. —Proverbs 6:30, 31. |
Formađur, ég hvet til ađ Lindbergh-lögin verđi samūykkt svo mannrán verđi brot á alríkislögum. Mr. Chairman, I urge passage of the Lindbergh Law... making kidnapping a federal offense. |
56 Og sannlega segi ég enn: Þerna mín afyrirgefi þjóni mínum Joseph brot hans, og þá munu henni fyrirgefin brot hennar, þau sem hún hefur brotið gegn mér, og ég, Drottinn Guð þinn, mun blessa hana og margfalda og láta hjarta hennar fagna. 56 And again, verily I say, let mine handmaid aforgive my servant Joseph his trespasses; and then shall she be forgiven her trespasses, wherein she has trespassed against me; and I, the Lord thy God, will bless her, and multiply her, and make her heart to brejoice. |
Því var það svo að frelsari, hinn eingetni sonur Guðs, Jesús Kristur, þjáðist og dó til að friðþægja fyrir brot Adams og Evu, og gerði þannig upprisu og ódauðleika að veruleika. Thus, a Redeemer, the Only Begotten Son of God, Jesus Christ, suffered and died to atone for Adam and Eve’s transgression, thereby providing resurrection and immortality for all. |
Já, það falla brot um alla götuna Yes, it does.There are pieces falling all over the street |
Úr því að svo er greinilega ekki virðist sú niðurstaða tæplega umflúin að núverandi ástand alheimsins hafi með einhverjum hætti verið ‚valið‘ úr gríðarlegum möguleikafjölda, sem allir nema örsmátt brot eru alger ringulreið. As this was clearly not the case, it appears hard to escape the conclusion that the actual state of the universe has been ‘chosen’ or selected somehow from the huge number of available states, all but an infinitesimal fraction of which are totally disordered. |
Þú vilt kannski fá það sem brot. Perhaps you'd like that as a fraction. |
Löggjöf Magnúsar byggðist á þeirri hugmynd að glæpur væri brot gegn ríkisvaldi fremur en einstaklingi og dró þar með úr vægi hefndarinnar. His code introduced the concept that crime is an offense against the state rather than against the individual and thus narrowed the possibilities of personal vengeance. |
" Víst, ladyship þitt, " sagði Jeeves, " það er sanngjarnt að gera ráð fyrir að heiðursmaður af eðli lávarđur hans fór í fangelsi af eigin vilja sínum en að hann framið nokkur brot á lögum sem nauðsynlegar handtöku hans? " " Surely, your ladyship, " said Jeeves, " it is more reasonable to suppose that a gentleman of his lordship's character went to prison of his own volition than that he committed some breach of the law which necessitated his arrest? " |
Ef þú gætir tekið brot á stærð við títuprjónshaus úr miðju sólarinnar og komið því fyrir hér á jörðinni væri þér ekki vært innan 140 kílómetra frá þessum agnarsmáa hitagjafa. If you could take a pinhead-sized piece of the sun’s core and put it here on the earth, you could not safely stand within 90 miles [140 km] of that tiny heat source! |
18 Og sjá. aBjörgin klofnuðu. Þau brustu á yfirborði allrar jarðarinnar, svo að sjá mátti brot úr þeim og rifur og sprungur um allt yfirborð landsins. 18 And behold, the rocks were rent in twain; they were broken up upon the face of the whole earth, insomuch that they were afound in broken fragments, and in seams and in cracks, upon all the face of the land. |
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Do you know about Icelandic
Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.