What does bjór in Icelandic mean?
What is the meaning of the word bjór in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use bjór in Icelandic.
The word bjór in Icelandic means beer, beaver, pediment, Beaver, pediment. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word bjór
beernoun (solution produced by steeping plant materials) Ölstofa er vinsæll samkomustaður þar sem drukkinn er bjór. A pub is a popular gathering place in which to drink beer. |
beavernoun (aquatic rodent) |
pedimentnoun (architectural element) |
Beaverproper noun |
pedimentnoun (element in classical, neoclassical and baroque architecture) |
See more examples
Vegna þess að það er bjór aftur í. Because there's beer. |
Og þegar ég upptæk bjór og spurði þá mjög fallega að fá smá asna sína burt bátinn minn, ". And when I confiscated the beers... and asked them very nicely to get their little asses off my boat, |
Það er ekki bara bjór í kútnum, heldur bjór og blóð There' s not only beer in that keg, there' s beer and blood |
Ég er ekki í skapi til að drekka bjór í kvöld. I don't feel like drinking beer tonight. |
Bjór, ruðningsbolti, svartur föstudagur. Beer, football, Black Friday. |
Viðskipti þeirra var af einka eðli og hafði eitthvað að gera með eðlisþyngd af bjór þeirra. Their business there was of a private nature, and had something to do with the specific gravity of their beer. |
Ég drekk ekki svo mikinn bjór. I don't drink all that much beer. |
Þú keyptir tvo kúta af bjór í síðustu ferð That' s with telling us you only took two kegs of beer last trip |
Þegar allir voru komnir bað ég vinnufélagana um að gefa tveimur þeirra bjór sem voru óvirkir alkóhólistar. When they had assembled, I told them to give two of the men, who were self-confessed alcoholics, a beer. |
Mungát getur átt við Bjór einkum heimabruggað öl. "Local Brewers make harvest beer with Local Hops". |
Viltu annan bjór? You want another beer? |
Hann elskar bjór He loves beer |
Viltu bjór, T? You want a beer, T? |
Mjög humlaður og beiskur bjór. LoQal Food and Beverage. |
Við ætlum bara að horfa á ruðningsbolta, drekka bjór. Svo ætlum við að fara í Best Buy á svarta föstudeginum. We're just gonna watch football, drink beer and then we are going to Best Buy for Black Friday. |
Felliefni og rotvörn fyrir bjór Beer-clarifying and preserving agents |
Stundum er bjór eða mjólk bætt við í staðinn fyrir vatnið. Other recipes may use beer or milk batter, where these liquids are often substitutes for water. |
Systir hans spurði oft föður sinn hvort hann langaði til að hafa bjór og gjarna í boði að sækja það sjálf, og þegar faðir hans var hljóður, sagði hún, í því skyni að fjarlægja einhverjar efasemdir sem hann gæti hafa, að hún gæti sent konu umsjónarmaður er að fá það. His sister often asked his father whether he wanted to have a beer and gladly offered to fetch it herself, and when his father was silent, she said, in order to remove any reservations he might have, that she could send the caretaker's wife to get it. |
Ég ætti líklega ekki að drekka bjór því ég má það ekki...... vegna aldurs I probably shouldn' t be drinking beer.Seeing as I' m so...... underage and all? |
Bjór, takk. A beer, please. |
Viltu meiri bjór? Would you like some more beer? |
Í Tékklandi var gert átak fyrir nokkru þar sem borgurum landsins var boðið að slökkva þorstann með bjór í lítratali í skiptum fyrir blóð! A campaign in the Czech Republic invited citizens to quench their thirst with quarts of beer in exchange for some of their blood! |
Fáum okkur bjór. Adam, let's go get some root beer. |
Bandarískir unglingar drekka yfir einn milljarð dósa af bjór og yfir 300 milljónir flaskna af vínblöndu á ári! In fact, U.S. teenagers drink over a billion cans of beer and more than 300 million bottles of wine coolers, a carbonated wine drink, a year! |
Þetta er ekki bara bjór You think I' d care if it was just beer in that keg? |
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Do you know about Icelandic
Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.