What does berja in Icelandic mean?
What is the meaning of the word berja in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use berja in Icelandic.
The word berja in Icelandic means drum, beat, hit. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word berja
drumverb (to review to establish memorization) |
beatverb Ertu hættur að berja konuna þína? Have you stopped beating your wife? |
hitverb Sórstu ekki lygi svo hann hætti að berja þig? Didn' t you swear to a lie to stop him hitting you? |
See more examples
Berja drenginn? Beat the poor boy? |
Ef ekki, ūurfum viđ ađ berja okkur leiđ áfram. If it ain't, we're gonna have to bop our way back. |
Tala um það bil Litla drengurinn þinn, og berja hann þegar hann sneezes: 'Speak roughly to your little boy, And beat him when he sneezes: |
Sagđi hann ūér svo ađ berja hana til dauđa? Then he told you to beat her to death, huh? |
Ég borga fatafellum ekki lengur fyrir ađ berja mig. I'm not gonna pay strippers to beat me up anymore. |
Það hefur hjálpað okkur að framlengja okkur sjálf líkamlega, fara hraðar, berja hluti fastar, og það hafa verið takmörk á því. It has helped us to extend our physical selves, go faster, hit things harder, and there's been a limit on that. |
Ég ætla ađ berja ūig. I'm going to hit you. |
Sórstu ekki lygi svo hann hætti að berja þig? Didn' t you swear to a lie to stop him hitting you? |
Já! Og ég skal berja ūig raunverulega! Yeah, and I'll give you a real beating. |
Čg vil síđur láta ūá berja á mér samtímis. I don't want these two pitching knuckle balls at me at the same time. |
Sumir þeirra berja okkur og segja svo að við höfum barið þá. Some of them smite us and then claim that we did the smiting. |
Þú lést berja Noyce. You had Noyce beaten. |
Hins vegar, vegna skamms samtal, öðrum í fjölskyldunni varð ljóst að Gregor var óvænt enn heima, og þegar faðir hans var berja á annarri hliðinni dyr, veikt en með hnefa sínum. However, as a result of the short conversation, the other family members became aware that Gregor was unexpectedly still at home, and already his father was knocking on one side door, weakly but with his fist. |
Ef ūú heldur áfram ađ tala svona skal ég berja úr ūér líftķruna. If you keep talking like this, Kato I'm gonna beat the shit out of you. |
Í þessum versum er hugmyndin sú að berja með hnefum og misþyrma. In those verses, it conveys the idea of being beaten with fists. |
Með því að berja þær að utan og kalla, fundu þeir aðeins sex dverga svarafæra. Knocking outside and calling only discovered about six. |
Það berja ekki margir orðið að dyrum hjá mér I don' t get too many knocks on my door nowadays |
Hann ætti ekki ađ berja ūig Jenny. He should not be hitting you, Jenny. |
Ef ekki, þurfum við að berja okkur leið áfram. If it ain't, we're gonna have to bop our way back. |
Ūeir halda áfram ađ berja á honum ūar til hann fer burt. They'll just keep knocking him down until he goes away. |
En fyrr skaI ég drepa hann en Iäta hann berja mig! But I'll kill him dead before I let him beat me! |
Þú gætir berja hann ef þú varst einn. You might beat him if you were alone. |
Ūarf ég ađ berja ūig? Do I have to beat you up? |
Hann laumaðist inn í svefnherbergi Sifjar, en Þór eiginmaður hennar var í burtu að berja tröll. She survived by hiding in a closet but now jumps into the personalities of others to escape her own tortured mind. |
Ūú ættir ekki ađ berja mann međ hendur fyrir aftan bak. You shouldn't hit a man who has his hands behind his back. |
Let's learn Icelandic
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Do you know about Icelandic
Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.