What does bekkur in Icelandic mean?
What is the meaning of the word bekkur in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use bekkur in Icelandic.
The word bekkur in Icelandic means bench, class, grade, bench. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word bekkur
benchnoun (long seat) Ūessi bekkur er fyrir sjúklinga. This bench is for patients. |
classnoun (group of students in a regularly scheduled meeting with a teacher) Jæja, bekkur, heilsið nú Stetko lögreglufulltrúa Suðurskauts- hlýlega Now, class, give a nice, warm South Pole hello to Marshal Stetko |
gradenoun 7. bekkur er erfiđur en hann virđist ánægđur í skķlanum. Seventh grade is difficult, but he seems happy at school. |
benchverb noun (piece of furniture on which several people may sit at the same time) Ūessi bekkur er fyrir sjúklinga. This bench is for patients. |
See more examples
7. bekkur er ekki ūitt besta ár. Seventh grade is not your moment. |
Bekkur er húsgagn sem fleiri manneskjur geta setið í á sama tíma. A bench is a long seat on which multiple people may sit at the same time. |
Það orkar ekki tvímælis að samviskusamir kennarar og vel siðaður bekkur geta í sameiningu gert bekkjarferðalag bæði gagnlegt og ánægjulegt. There is little question that conscientious teachers and a well- mannered class can combine to make a class trip educational and enjoyable. |
Jæja, bekkur, heilsið nú Stetko lögreglufulltrúa Suðurskauts- hlýlega Now, class, give a nice, warm South Pole hello to Marshal Stetko |
7. bekkur er erfiđur en hann virđist ánægđur í skķlanum. Seventh grade is difficult, but he seems happy at school. |
Sjötti bekkur. Sixth grade. |
Jæja, bekkur, heilsiđ nú Stetko lögreglufulltrúa Suđurskauts-hlũlega. Now, class, give a nice, warm South Pole hello to Marshal Stetko. |
Ūetta er stķr bekkur. It's a big bench, you know? |
Ūessi bekkur er svo léttur. This class is such a gut. |
Ūessi bekkur er fyrir sjúklinga. This bench is for patients. |
Nei, 8. bekkur verđur betri. Yeah, eighth grade will be better. |
Hvenær hófst fyrsti bekkur Ríkisþjónustuskólans og hver var tilgangur hans? When did the first Kingdom Ministry School class begin, and what was its purpose? |
Þegar bekkur sýnir leikrit koma foreldrar alltaf og horfa á börnin sín leika í sprenghlægilegum og fróðlegum atriðum. Held in fall, Grandparent's Day allows children to invite their grandparents to visit the garden and pick a bouquet of flowers. |
,Æðsti bekkur‘ (4) var nálægt kistunni og sneri að söfnuðinum. Þar sátu samkundustjórarnir og virtir gestir. Near the ark and facing the congregation were the front seats (4) for the presiding officers of the synagogue and any distinguished guests. |
Þessi bekkur er fyrir sjúklinga This bench is for patients |
Leiðtogar sem leita opinberunar geta tryggt að sérhver fundur, lexía, bekkur, athöfn og starfsemi Líknarfélagsins uppfylli þann tilgang sem að var stefnt með stofnun þess. Leaders who seek revelation can ensure that every meeting, lesson, class, activity, and effort of the Relief Society fulfills the purposes for which it was organized. |
Svo sagði hann aflað í flugvélinni, og gamla silki handkerchief his fyrst dusting the bekkur, kröftuglega stillt á hefla burt á rúminu mínu, meðan grinning eins og api. So saying he procured the plane; and with his old silk handkerchief first dusting the bench, vigorously set to planing away at my bed, the while grinning like an ape. |
Fimmti og sjötti bekkur bjó til og leikstýrði „stop motion“ videoi þar sem pólutísk málefni voru tekin fyrir, skoðuð og skopstæld. The 5th and 6th grade directed a stop motion video in where contemporary political issues were tackled, destroyed, reinvented and appreciated. |
Því lægri sem eldþolinn bekkur byggingarinnar er, því viðkvæmari fyrir útbreiðslu elda, ætti að auka brunabilið. The lower the fire-resistant grade of building, the more vulnerable to the spread of fires, the fire spacing should be increased. |
Highlight daga þar sem ég gerði bekkur stutt og lyfti meira en 80kg í að minnsta kosti 5 reps Highlight days where I did bench press and lifted more than 80kg for at least 5 reps |
Sendu inn beiðni 4 Bekkur varaformi 150 mm Submit request 4 Bench vice 150 mm |
Í þol, uppgötvaði ég smám saman greinarmun á þol mitt á 1 mánaða tímabili, bekkur uppörvun minn frá 50kg fyrir 8 til 75kg fyrir 8 og digur aukning mitt frá 80kg fyrir 5 að 100kg fyrir 5. ég var að benching um 20kg enn meiri í lok hringrás minn. In toughness, I discovered a steady difference in my strength over the 1 month duration, my bench boost from 50kg for 8 to 75kg for 8 and also my squat boost from 80kg for 5 to 100kg for 5. I was benching regarding 20kg even more at the end of my cycle. |
Í heimsókninni verður rætt um menningu, trú, þrælahald og viðhorf á víkingaöld. Fjöldi: Einn bekkur During this visit, we'll be talking about religion, slavery, culture and the attitudes of people during the Viking Age. |
Fyrir framan saununa eru sturtur og snyrting. Einnig bekkur og snagar fyrir sloppa og handklæði. In front of the sauna are showers, WC and a bench with towel and robe rack. |
Í þol, uppgötvaði ég smám saman greinarmun á styrk minn á 1 mánaða tímabili, bekkur uppörvun minn frá 50kg fyrir 8 til 75kg fyrir 8 og einnig digur uppörvun mína frá 80kg fyrir 5 til 100kg fyrir 5. ég var að benching um 20kg meira í lok hringrás minn. Til að fá þetta sem ég þurfti 3 daga hringrás, fyrsta daginn var fótleggir og aftur þá daginn eftir var vopn og einnig abdominals eftir að síðasta daginn var axlir og einnig fætur. In toughness, I discovered a progressive distinction in my strength over the 1 month period, my bench rise from 50kg for 8 to 75kg for 8 as well as my squat boost from 80kg for 5 to 100kg for 5. I was benching regarding 20kg more at the end of my cycle. To get this I had a 3 day cycle, first day was legs and also at that time the next day was arms and abs after that the last day was shoulders and also legs. |
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Do you know about Icelandic
Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.