What does atvinna in Icelandic mean?

What is the meaning of the word atvinna in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use atvinna in Icelandic.

The word atvinna in Icelandic means job, work, profession, employment. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word atvinna



En í þróunarlöndunum var atvinna efst á listanum.
But in developing lands, having a job ranked as high as number one!



Já, atvinna er svo mikilvæg að ef hana vantar leiðir það oftast til alvarlegra þjóðfélagsvandamála.
Yes, work is so important that the lack of it usually invites serious social problems.


noun (occupation)

Ūađ er göfug atvinna.
That's a noble profession.


noun (relationship between the employee and the employer)

Atvinna: Ertu svo upptekinn af vinnunni að þjónustan við Guð sitji á hakanum?
Secular employment: Have you become so absorbed in your work that spiritual interests are being pushed aside?

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Nánari upplýsingar um mál, sem þarf að hugleiða þegar atvinna er annars vegar, er að finna í Varðturninum, 1. maí 1999, bls. 29-30, og 1. maí 1983, bls.
For a more detailed discussion of employment factors to consider, see The Watchtower, April 15, 1999, pages 28-30, and July 15, 1982, page 26.
Þar sem atvinna á svæðinu var af skornum skammti, hóf hann að starfa með hópi 11 systra og hvatti þær til að koma með hugmyndir að hugsanlegum sprotafyrirtækjum.
Since job opportunities in the area were scarce, he began to work with a group of 11 sisters, encouraging them to pursue the possibility of a small-business opportunity.
Í Belfast, var ūađ hættuleg atvinna.
In Belfast, that was a dangerous occupation.
Atvinna fullnægir löngun mannsins til að vera nýtur þjóðfélagsþegn og hafa tilgang í lífinu.
Work satisfies the human desire to be a productive member of society and to have a purpose in life.
Í Efesus fortíðar var smíði litilla silfurmustera gyðjunnar Artemisar ábatasöm atvinna.
For example, in ancient Ephesus, the making of silver shrines of the goddess Artemis was a profitable business.
Það gerðist árið 1933, í Kreppunni miklu, þegar atvinna var af skornum skammti.
The year was 1933, when because of the Great Depression, employment opportunities were scarce.
Það eru margar ástæður fyrir því að atvinna er okkur mikilvæg.
Work is important to us for many reasons.
En í þróunarlöndunum var atvinna efst á listanum.
But in developing lands, having a job ranked as high as number one!
18 Hún finnur, að atvinna hennar er arðsöm, á lampa hennar slokknar eigi um nætur.
18 She has sensed that her trading is good; her lamp does not go out at night.
Lengd þessa náms yrði breytileg eftir því hvers konar iðn eða atvinna verður fyrir valinu.
The period of these studies would vary according to the type of trade or occupation selected.
Þjónar Guðs ættu að velta fyrir sér hvaða sæti atvinna hefur í lífi þeirra. – w17.05, bls.
Christians should weigh the place that secular work has in their heart. —w17.05, pp.
Atvinna hafði minniháttar þýðingu fyrir Pál, Akvílas og Priskillu.
Working to provide a livelihood was of secondary importance to Paul, Aquila, and Priscilla
Atvinna: Ertu svo upptekinn af vinnunni að þjónustan við Guð sitji á hakanum?
Secular employment: Have you become so absorbed in your work that spiritual interests are being pushed aside?
(Vers 16) „Hún finnur, að atvinna hennar er arðsöm.“
(Verse 16) Since “her trading is good,” her activities are profitable.
Ūađ er atvinna mín ađ undirbúa ūá.
It is my job to get these men ready.
Atvinna í vopnatengdum iðnaði vegur þungt í þeirri umræðu.
Employment in weapons-related industries is also of prime consideration.
Hin lagalegu smáatriði voru margfölduð uns trúin varð atvinna og lífið óþolandi byrði.
Legal details were multiplied until religion became a trade, and life an intolerable burden.
Á þessum síðustu dögum getur atvinna hins vegar oft verið áhyggjuefni.
However, in these last days, secular work is often a source of anxiety.
Fóstureyðingar sem atvinna
The Business of Abortion
Óháð því hver atvinna þín er skaltu reyna að koma auga á það sem gerir vinnuna ánægjulega.
Regardless of your job, look for aspects that you find satisfying.
Á svæðum þar sem skortur er á atvinnu, eða atvinna hreinlega alls ekki til, getur ástandið verið næsta vonlaust.
In areas where jobs are not available, or are nonexistent, the situation can be desperate.
Hvers konar atvinna er í boði þar sem ég bý?
What employment opportunities are available where I live?
ATVINNA OG STARFSFERILL: Vinn ég fyrst og fremst til að sjá mér farborða eða er ég þræll vinnunnar?
MY JOB OR MY CAREER: Does it serve as a means of support, or am I really a slave to it?
En hjálpar núverandi atvinna þér að efla andlegt heilbrigði fjölskyldunnar?
Yet, does your present job help you to promote your family’s spiritual well-being?

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Do you know about Icelandic

Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.