What does -andi in Icelandic mean?
What is the meaning of the word -andi in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use -andi in Icelandic.
The word -andi in Icelandic means -ing. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word -andi
-ingSuffix (to form present participles) |
See more examples
4:4-6) Andi Jehóva og blessun hans er tengd eina bræðrafélaginu sem hann notar. 4:4-6) Jehovah’s spirit and blessings are linked to the one association of brothers that God is using. |
7 Og þetta gjöri ég í aviturlegum tilgangi, því að svo hvíslar andi Drottins, sem í mér býr. 7 And I do this for a awise bpurpose; for thus it whispereth me, according to the workings of the Spirit of the Lord which is in me. |
Hvað eru „sál“ og „andi“? “Soul” and “Spirit” —What Do These Terms Really Mean? |
2, 3. (a) Hvað átti Páll stundum við þegar hann notaði orðið „andi“? 2, 3. (a) When using the word “spirit,” to what was Paul at times referring? |
Það er því rökrétt að frelsi ríki í návist Jehóva og „þar sem andi Drottins er“. It stands to reason that in the presence of Jehovah and “where the spirit of Jehovah is,” there is freedom. |
Af hverju er hvetjandi að vita hvernig andi Guðs starfaði með . . . Why are you encouraged to know how God’s spirit operated upon . . . |
Hverja hefur heilagur andi stutt bæði að fornu og nýju? Who, in ancient times and today, have been supported by holy spirit? |
Þessi dæmi minna okkur á hvers vegna það er mikilvægt að heyra hvað andi Guðs segir. Such examples remind us why it is vital to listen to what the spirit of God says. |
Heilagur andi sagði Elísabetu að María yrði móðir Jesú Krists. The Holy Ghost told Elisabeth that Mary would be the mother of Jesus Christ. |
Heilagur andi heiðrar reglu sjálfræðis. The Holy Ghost honors the principle of agency. |
En þar sem „Guð er andi“ er armur hans að sjálfsögðu ekki úr holdi. Of course, since “God is a Spirit,” it is not an arm of flesh. |
Hvaða augljós merki eru um að andi Jehóva starfi meðal þjóna hans? What sure evidence is there of Jehovah’s spirit at work among his people? |
Sá eiginleiki er hluti af þeim ávexti sem heilagur andi Guðs getur hjálpað þér að þroska með þér. That quality is part of the fruitage that God’s holy spirit can produce within you. |
Hinn mikli andi, Jehóva, skapaði milljónir andavera. The great Spirit, Jehovah, created millions of spirit persons |
Væri ekki svo, gæti heilagur andi ekki dvalið í okkur. Were it not so, the Holy Ghost could not ddwell in us. |
3-5. (a) Hvernig vitum við að heilagur andi hjálpaði Móse að rísa undir skyldum sínum? 3-5. (a) How do we know that Moses acted with the help of holy spirit? |
4, 5. (a) Hvaða andi hafði haft áhrif á Efesusmenn áður en þeir gerðust kristnir? 4, 5. (a) What spirit had influenced those in the Ephesian congregation before they became Christians? |
12:4-6, 11) Heilagur andi getur sem sagt starfað með mismunandi hætti með hverjum og einum í söfnuðinum í ákveðnum tilgangi. 12:4-6, 11) Yes, holy spirit can operate in different ways on different servants of God for a purpose. |
(Sálmur 37: 1, 2) Lastið frá óvinum Guðs er merki þess að andi hans hvíli yfir þjónum hans. — Matteus 5: 11, 12; 10: 24-31. (Psalm 37:1, 2) Reproach from God’s enemies stands as evidence that Jehovah’s people have his spirit. —Matthew 5:11, 12; 10:24-31. |
Það er þá sem heilagur andi getur haft milligöngu fyrir okkur. It is here that the holy spirit can intercede for us. |
* Sjá einnig Andi; Líkami * See also Body; Spirit |
Ljóst er að heilagur andi Guðs leiðbeindi þeim. Clearly, God’s holy spirit played an active role in guiding them. |
* Andi minn mun ekki endalaust takast á við mennina, sagði Drottinn hersveitanna, K&S 1:33. * My Spirit shall not always strive with man, saith the Lord of Hosts, D&C 1:33. |
Páll sagði: „Enginn [hefur] komist að raun um, hvað Guðs er, nema Guðs andi.“ Paul said: “No one has come to know the things of God, except the spirit of God.” |
Hvað er ‚andi heimsins‘ og hvernig „verkar“ hann í fólki? What is “the spirit of the world,” and how is that spirit “at work” in disobedient humans? |
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Do you know about Icelandic
Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.