What does áminning in Icelandic mean?

What is the meaning of the word áminning in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use áminning in Icelandic.

The word áminning in Icelandic means warning, reprimand, reminder. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word áminning






noun (A message that appears at a specified interval before an appointment, meeting, or task that announces when the activity is set to occur.)

En jafnvel þótt hjólin séu einungis tímabundin áminning, þá er það í lagi.
But even if the wheels are a temporary reminder, that’s all right too.

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Þessi hrollvekjandi orð eru þörf áminning til foreldra.
Those chilling words are a useful reminder to parents.
Hvenær er einlæg áminning nauðsynleg?
Situations That Call for It.
14 Þetta er alvarleg áminning!
14 Sobering words indeed!
Hin tvíþætta áminning er: „Treystu Drottni af öllu hjarta“ og „mundu til hans á öllum þínum vegum.“
The two admonitions: “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart” and “in all thy ways acknowledge him.”
(b) Af hverju var áminning Páls raunhæf og hvernig getum við farið eftir henni núna?
(b) Why was Paul’s admonition practical, and how can we apply it today?
Kærleiksrík áminning, byggð á orði Guðs, getur komið mörgu góðu til leiðar.
Exhortation based on God’s Word and given in a spirit of love can accomplish much good.
265 52 Einlæg áminning
265 52 Effective Exhortation
Áminning, ūađ er fundur klukkan fjögur í fundarsalnum.
Just a reminder, we have a 4:00 meeting in the conference room.
Kæri Firmin, bara stutt áminning.
" Dear Firmin, just a brief reminder
16 Hér fylgja nokkrar ritningargreinar sem þú ættir að hugleiða þegar þér er veitt áminning: „Fámálugur maður er hygginn, og geðrór maður er skynsamur.“
16 Here are some scriptures to reflect on when you are reproved: “Anyone holding back his sayings is possessed of knowledge, and a man of discernment is cool of spirit.”
Þessi áminning er jafn viðeigandi fyrir kristna menn núna eins og hún var á fyrstu öldinni.
That admonition is as applicable to true Christians today as it was in the first century.
9. (a) Hvað er okkur öllum góð áminning?
9. (a) What is a good reminder for all of us?
Síðan verður biblíuleg áminning gefin í ræðunni „Varðveittu þig óflekkaðan af heiminum“ og í þrískiptri ræðusyrpu sem ber heitið „Unglingar — fylgið vegi Guðs.“
Next, fine Scriptural admonition will be provided in the talk “Keep Yourself Unspotted From the World” and in the three-part symposium “Youths—Follow God’s Way.”
Annað innblásið bréf Péturs var áminning til frumkristinna manna, og það er líka áminning til okkar.
Peter’s second inspired letter was a reminder to the early Christians, and it is to us as well.
11 Ef okkur finnst einhvern tíma freistandi að hagræða sannleikanum til að vaxa í áliti annarra skulum við minnast frásögunnar af Ananíasi og Saffíru en hún ætti að vera okkur kröftug áminning.
11 If we are ever tempted to distort the truth in an attempt to make people think well of us, may the story of Ananias and Sapphira stand as a sober reminder.
Altarið skyldi vera þeim stöðug áminning, „til vitnis“ þess að þær væru líka þjóð Guðs.
The altar would serve as a constant reminder, “a witness,” that they, too, were God’s people.
Auk þess var tjaldbúðin Ísraelsmönnum stöðug áminning um að tilbeiðslan á skaparanum væri þungamiðjan í lífi þeirra.
More than that, the tabernacle served as a constant reminder that the Israelites’ worship of their Creator was central to their lives.
Áminning er vægari refsing.
A less severe measure would be a reproof.
Þó að viðurkenndur klæðnaður sé breytilegur frá einum heimshluta til annars gildir áminning Biblíunnar um að klæðast „með blygð og hóglæti“ fyrir alla kristna menn óháð búsetu þeirra.
While standards of dress vary in different parts of the world, the Bible’s admonition to dress “with modesty and soundness of mind” remains the same for all Christians, regardless of where they live.
Þetta er áminning
It' s a reminder
Alvarleg Gregor er sár, sem hann leið í meira en mánuð - þar sem enginn héldu að fjarlægja epli, var það í holdi sínu sem er sýnilegt áminning - virtist af sjálfu sér að hafa minnt á föður að þrátt fyrir núverandi óhamingjusamur og hateful framkoma hans, Gregor var aðili að fjölskyldu, eitthvað sem maður ætti ekki meðhöndla sem óvin, og það var þvert á móti, krafa skylda fjölskyldu að bæla fjárfesta einn og að þola - ekkert annað, bara þola.
Gregor's serious wound, from which he suffered for over a month -- since no one ventured to remove the apple, it remained in his flesh as a visible reminder -- seemed by itself to have reminded the father that, in spite of his present unhappy and hateful appearance, Gregor was a member of the family, something one should not treat as an enemy, and that it was, on the contrary, a requirement of family duty to suppress one's aversion and to endure -- nothing else, just endure.
Það er skýr áminning fyrir þig og aðra að vera með myndir af maka þínum og börnum á vinnustað. Þannig geturðu minnt á hvað sé þér kærast.
Having photos of your marriage mate and children around the workplace will serve as a visual reminder to you and to others that you have priorities.
Þessi áminning er ekki einungis ætluð fólki í heiminum sem sér hana.
That admonition is not intended only for people of the world who see the sign.
Þetta er alvarleg áminning um mikilvægi góðs fordæmis.
This is a sobering reminder of the importance of setting a proper example.

Let's learn Icelandic

So now that you know more about the meaning of áminning in Icelandic, you can learn how to use them through selected examples and how to read them. And remember to learn the related words that we suggest. Our website is constantly updating with new words and new examples so you can look up the meanings of other words you don't know in Icelandic.

Do you know about Icelandic

Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.