What does áfallahjálp in Icelandic mean?
What is the meaning of the word áfallahjálp in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use áfallahjálp in Icelandic.
The word áfallahjálp in Icelandic means counselling, crisis counselling. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word áfallahjálp
counsellingnoun Stéttarfélagið bauð okkur áfallahjálp. Union's offering us counseling. Yeah. |
crisis counsellingnoun |
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Stéttarfélagið bauð okkur áfallahjálp. Union's offering us counseling. Yeah. |
Veitirđu njķsnurum áfallahjálp? You give grief counseling to spies? |
Ūurfti einhver áfallahjálp? Was anyone emotionally shattered? |
Bréfritarinn skrifar: „Bæklingurinn veitti mér ,áfallahjálp‘ þegar ég missti bróður minn í umferðarslysi.“ The writer explained: “When I lost my brother in a traffic accident, the brochure gave me ‘emergency help.’ |
Gabriel Cottin, sem starfar við áfallahjálp, sagði eftir flóðin á Aude-svæðinu: „Stuðningur, sem fólk getur fengið frá trúsystkinum, er einnig talinn gagnlegur.“ Gabriel Cottin, from a psycho-medical emergency committee, noted: “Any support from people of the same religious body as the victim is also considerably helpful.” |
Læknar sem veittu Adnan áfallahjálp komust að því að drengurinn var dofinn, tilfinningalaus, ekki einu sinni forvitinn. Doctors who treated Adnan for trauma found that the boy was numb, devoid of all feelings—even curiosity. |
Teymið hófst handa þegar í stað að kanna líkamlegt ástand fólks á skjálftasvæðinu og veita því áfallahjálp. They immediately got to work, not only checking the physical condition of quake victims but also helping them deal with any emotional trauma. |
Reynslu kvennanna af upplýsingagjöf og fræðslu mátti skipta niður í sex flokka eða þemu, en þau eru: áfallahjálp, fósturlát staðfest – næstu skref, minningarathöfn, orsök fósturlátsins, andleg líðan og félagsleg samskipti, og að lokum stuðningsúrræði. The women’s experiences of information and education could be divided into six categories or themes, which include: crisis counsel, miscarriage confirmed - the next steps, memorial, cause of miscarriage, mental condition and social interaction, and at last means of support. |
Áfallahjálp í hópslysum og á neyðartímum fellur undir skipulag almannavarna en fagleg ábyrgð er hjá embætti landlæknis. Trauma counselling in major accidents and emergencies fall under the jurisdiction of civil protection but the responsibility is with the Directorate of Welfare. |
Það er skilyrði fyrir bótaskyldu skv. gr. 3.1 til 3.4 að tjónsatvikið, sem orsakar að vátryggður þurfi á áfallahjálp að halda, sé bótaskylt og greitt skv. einhverjum kafla F plús A precondition for liability pursuant to Articles 3.1 to 3.4 is that the loss or damage incident(s) that cause the insured to need trauma counselling is compensable and paid in accordance with any section of the F plús insurance. |
Rannsóknin fjallar um áfallahjálp í grunnskólum Hafnarfjarðar þegar áfall hefur orðið af völdum sjálfsvígs eða sjálfsvígshegðunar. This study deals with grief counseling in the wake of suicide or suicidal behavior in the primary schools of Hafnarfjörður. |
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Do you know about Icelandic
Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.