What does áfall in Icelandic mean?

What is the meaning of the word áfall in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use áfall in Icelandic.

The word áfall in Icelandic means trauma, disaster, jolt, shock. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word áfall



Alvarleg veikindi eða áfall fyrr á ævinni getur stuðlað að þessum vandamálum.
A serious illness or a past trauma could be the cause.



Nýtt áfall reið yfir Býsanska ríkið árið 1204.
The year 1204 saw further disaster for the empire.





Gott og vel, Bridget, ég ætla ekki að láta sem þetta sé ekki áfall.
Bridget, I'm not going to pretend this isn't a shock.

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Ég veit ađ ūetta hryggilega slys á liđūjálfanum er mikiđ áfall.
Men, I realize this tragic injury to your drill sergeant is a real shock.
(Postulasagan 12:20-23) Hvílíkt áfall fyrir þá sem lögðu traust sitt á mennska leiðtoga.
(Acts 12:20-23) What a shock to those whose hope was in human rulers!
Missir barns er hræðilegt áfall — einlæg samúð og hluttekning getur hjálpað foreldrunum.
The loss of a child is a terrible trauma —genuine sympathy and empathy can help the parents
Ūetta var mikiđ áfall fyrir Daisy.
It was a terrible shock for Daisy.
10 Árið 1996 var loks dæmt í málinu en dómurinn var mikið áfall fyrir andstæðinga sannrar tilbeiðslu.
10 Finally, in 1996, the ECHR delivered a stunning blow to opposers of pure worship.
Bróðir Russell dó árið 1916, aðeins 64 ára, og það var mikið áfall fyrir marga þjóna Guðs.
In 1916, Brother Russell died at only 64 years of age, leaving many of God’s people in shock.
Þetta hlýtur að hafa verið mikið áfall fyrir Jeremía. — Jeremía 26:20-23.
What a shock that must have been for Jeremiah! —Jeremiah 26:20-23.
Missirinn var hræðilegt áfall fyrir André og skildi eftir tómarúm sem honum finnst að aldrei verði fyllt.
For André, it was a terrible blow, and it left a void that he feels will never be completely filled.
„Það var líka heilmikið áfall að uppgötva hvernig loftslagið var.
The climate was also quite a shock.
Alvarlegt áfall, til dæmis það að missa maka sinn, getur orðið til þess að fólk missi áhugann á því að lifa á jörðinni.
The death of a mate or some other tragedy might cause them to lose interest in life on earth.
Þetta var mikið áfall fyrir bræður okkar,“ segir bróðir Dumakude, ritari safnaðarins.
“This has been a very great shock to the brothers,” says Brother Dumakude, the congregation secretary.
Ūetta varđ hr. Cohen mikiđ áfall, sérstaklega svo skömmu eftir andlát hr. Marks.
Naturally, it has come as a great shock to Mr. Cohen... particularly coming so soon after the death of Mr. Marks.
Ginger segir ađ ūú sért ađ fá áfall af allri vinnunni og náminu.
Ginger says between work and school, you're cracking up.
Í byrjun getur slíkur agi virst óþægilegur alveg eins og snyrting getur verið visst áfall fyrir tré.
Initially such discipline may not seem pleasant, just as pruning may cause some shock to a tree.
Ja hérna, mamma fengi áfall.
Gee, that'd scare Mom into a green hemorrhage.
Þetta er mesta áfall sem mafían í New Jersey hefur orðið fyrir síðan snemma á #. áratugnum
They represent the most crippling blow to Mob activities in New Jersey...... since the early #s
Þetta er náttúrulega áfall.
Well, it... was a shock of course.
Annað áfall reið yfir þegar tíu börn Jobs fórust í ofviðri.
Further tragedy struck when Job’s ten children died in a storm.
Ef satt skal segja, játa ég ađ augljķsar tilfinningar eins og áfall og hryllingur flugu fyrir rétt eins og Finch.
If I am honest, I admit that the obvious emotions... like shock and horror, flew as Finch had, here and gone...
Ályktun öryggisráðsins var mikið áfall fyrir Argentínumenn.
The massacre profoundly shocked Canadians.
Kyung-sook segir: „Þessi veikindi voru mikið áfall fyrir mig.
She said: “This health issue hit me hard.
Ūvílíkt áfall.
It's such a freaking shocker.
Ūetta er áfall.
This is shock.
Ég vona að þetta sé ekki ađ vera áfall, en viltu giftast mér?
I hope this is not gonna be a shock, but, would you marry me?
Samkvæmt einni rannsókn verða evruskiptin „áfall“ fyrir marga Evrópubúa.
According to one study, the switch to the euro will be a “traumatising” experience for many Europeans.

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Do you know about Icelandic

Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.