What does ævintýri in Icelandic mean?
What is the meaning of the word ævintýri in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use ævintýri in Icelandic.
The word ævintýri in Icelandic means adventure, fairy tale, fable. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word ævintýri
adventurenoun (that which happens without design) Við viljum fá að heyra allt um ævintýri þín. We want to hear everything about your adventures. |
fairy talenoun (a folktale) Þegar ég var barn las móðir mín oft ævintýri fyrir mig. When I was a child, my mother would often read fairy tales to me. |
fablenoun |
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Á sama tíma var snædrottningin og önnur ævintýri Andersens sett á bið. On the second day, Anderson's Division was only lightly engaged. |
Í mínum eyrum hljómaði þetta eins og ævintýri. To me, it sounded like a fairy tale. |
PAGE ég næstum hræddur við að standa einn hér í kirkjugarðinum, en ég mun ævintýri. I am almost afraid to stand alone Here in the churchyard; yet I will adventure. |
Ég er að leita að einhverjum til að deila með ævintýri. I'm looking for someone to share in an adventure. |
Þið hrifuð mig úr örmum móður minnar eins og ófreskjur í ævintýri Snatching me from my mother' s hands, like two monsters in a fairy tale |
Leyfðu mér að kynna þig fyrir herra Merryweather, sem er að vera félagi okkar í í nótt er ævintýri. " Let me introduce you to Mr. Merryweather, who is to be our companion in to- night's adventure. " |
„Margir halda að frásagan af paradísinni Eden sé bara ævintýri. “Many of us struggle to make ends meet, and some people don’t even have life’s necessities. |
Við viljum fá að heyra allt um ævintýri þín. We want to hear everything about your adventures. |
Við viljum ekki nein ævintýri hér, þakka þér. We do not want any adventures here, thank you. |
Seinna um morguninn héldu mæðgurnar líklega á markaðinn og sú ferð gat verið ævintýri líkust. Later in the morning, the mother and her daughters might head to the local marketplace. |
" Ef ég gæti gert tillögu, Mr Corcoran - fyrir titill röð sem þú hefur í huga -'The Ævintýri Blobbs Baby ". " If I might make the suggestion, Mr. Corcoran -- for a title of the series which you have in mind --'The Adventures of Baby Blobbs.'" |
Kostnaður við slíkt ævintýri reyndist þó að lokum of mikill. The cost of this defeat in the long run proved very high indeed. |
Það er ævintýri. It's a fairy tale. |
Þetta ævintýri mun ekki hugnast bandamönnum okkar. This adventure, won't sit with our allies! |
Aventure en Australie (íslenska: Ævintýri í Ástralíu) er 34. Aventure en Australie (Adventure in Australia, 1985) 35. |
Árið 2001 framleiddi franska framleiðslufyrirtækið, Xilam 52 þætti undir nafninu Les Nouvelles aventures de Lucky Luke eða „Nýjustu ævintýri Lukku-Láka“. In 2001, Xilam produced the 52-episode animated series Les Nouvelles aventures de Lucky Luke (The New Adventures of Lucky Luke). |
Hann skrifaði að minnsta kosti 29 skáldsögur, 15 smásögur, 6 sagnasöfn (sögur og ævintýri), 6 söfn af ljóðum og 26 leikrit, auk sjónvarpsleikrita, útvarpsleikrita, non-fiction, þýðingar, og hundruð umsagna og greina. He wrote at least 29 novels, 15 novellas, 6 collections of stories or fairy-tales, 6 collections of poetry and 26 plays, as well as screen plays, radio plays, non-fiction, translations, and hundreds of reviews and articles. |
Þetta er hið mikla ævintýri ykkar. This is your great adventure. |
Það verður ævintýri að deyja. To die would be a great adventure. |
Hún hafði bara minnst á franska ævintýri sögu hún hafði einu sinni lesa kallað " Riquet a la She had just remembered a French fairy story she had once read called " Riquet a la |
Að fara út með þeim tveim er algjört ævintýri. A night out with those types is a total adventure. |
Alí Baba og ræningjarnir fjörutíu er ævintýri sem er þekktast sem hluti af sagnabálkinum Þúsund og ein nótt. The title is a mock of Ali Baba and the 40 Thieves, a tale from the classic One Thousand and One Nights. |
Flugrás 714 til Sidney (franska: Vol 714 pour Sydney) er 22. myndasagan í bókaflokknum Ævintýri Tinna eftir belgíska myndasöguhöfundinn Hergé. Flight 714 to Sydney (French: Vol 714 pour Sydney; originally published in English as Flight 714) is the twenty-second volume of The Adventures of Tintin, the comics series by Belgian cartoonist Hergé. |
Oft segja þær ævintýri, undirstrika áreiðanleika og hollustu og auka ímyndunarafl barnanna. Many tell stories of adventure, highlight dependability and loyalty, as well as enlarge a child’s imagination. |
En ef ævintýri er raunverulegt væri það þá ekki staðreynd? But if a fairy tale is real, then wouldn't it be fact? |
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Do you know about Icelandic
Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.