英语 中的 trimmer 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 trimmer 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 trimmer 的说明。

英语 中的trimmer 表示更加整齐的,更整洁的 gèng jiā zhěng qí de,gèng zhěng jié de, 修剪机, 修边机, 修剪 xiū jiǎn, 修剪 xiū jiǎn, 修剪,剪 xiū jiǎn,jiǎn, 修剪 xiū jiǎn, 整齐的,整洁的 zhěng qí de ,zhěng jié de, 苗条的,纤秀的,修长的 miáo tiáo de ,xiān xiù de ,xiū cháng de, 调整使飞机平稳飞行 tiáo zhěng shǐ fēi jī píng wěn fēi xíng, 饰物,配件,内部装潢 shì wù,pèi jiàn,nèi bù zhuāng huáng, 家庭装饰,墙上饰品 jiā tíng zhuāng shì,qiáng shàng shì pǐn, 调整使船平稳航行 tiáo zhěng shǐ chuán píng wěn háng xíng, 削减 xuē jiǎn, 缩减,减短 suō jiǎn,jiǎn duǎn, 将…修剪成某一形状, 装饰 zhuāng shì, 割草机,修草机 gē cǎo jī, 电动树篱修理机 diàn dòng shù lí xiū lǐ jī。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 trimmer 的含义

更加整齐的,更整洁的 gèng jiā zhěng qí de,gèng zhěng jié de

adjective (person, figure: slimmer) (trim的比较级)

Martha looks quite a bit trimmer than she did last summer.

修剪机, 修边机

noun (cutting tool) (修剪草坪等)

The gardener used a trimmer to finish the grass at the edge of the yard.

修剪 xiū jiǎn

transitive verb (cut: hair) (胡须、头发等)

The hairdresser trimmed John's hair.

修剪 xiū jiǎn

transitive verb (plant, grass: cut) (花木、苗木)

Melanie trimmed the hedge to make it look neat.

修剪,剪 xiū jiǎn,jiǎn

transitive verb (cut: a beard) (胡须)

Henry trims his beard regularly.

修剪 xiū jiǎn

noun (hair, beard: cut) (头发、胡子)

My hair's getting a bit long; it needs a trim.

整齐的,整洁的 zhěng qí de ,zhěng jié de

adjective (neat, tidy)

The lawns in this neighborhood are all kept trim.

苗条的,纤秀的,修长的 miáo tiáo de ,xiān xiù de ,xiū cháng de

adjective (person: slim) (人体)

Harriet is a trim woman, probably because she eats healthily and does a lot of exercise.

调整使飞机平稳飞行 tiáo zhěng shǐ fēi jī píng wěn fēi xíng

noun (plane: angle between axes) (飞机飞行中)

The pilot adjusted the trim, then put the plane on autopilot.

饰物,配件,内部装潢 shì wù,pèi jiàn,nèi bù zhuāng huáng

noun (car: interior decor) (汽车等)

When you buy a new car, you can usually choose the trim.

家庭装饰,墙上饰品 jiā tíng zhuāng shì,qiáng shàng shì pǐn

noun (decorative mouldings) (装饰)

The house still had the original doors, windows, and trim.

调整使船平稳航行 tiáo zhěng shǐ chuán píng wěn háng xíng

noun (direction of ship's sails) (船只航行中)

The crew adjusted the trim to take full advantage of the wind.

削减 xuē jiǎn

transitive verb (cut, reduce size)

This department will have to trim its budget next year.

缩减,减短 suō jiǎn,jiǎn duǎn

transitive verb (figurative (edit, cut)

This is a good essay, but it's too long; could you trim it a bit?


transitive verb (cut to shape or size)

The dressmaker trimmed the material to fit the pattern. The carpenter trimmed the boards to size.

装饰 zhuāng shì


The family trimmed the Christmas tree with tinsel and baubles.

割草机,修草机 gē cǎo jī

noun (tool for cutting grass)

Grass trimmers are great for areas that are too small for a lawn mower.

电动树篱修理机 diàn dòng shù lí xiū lǐ jī

noun (garden tool for cutting hedges)

A hedge trimmer will save you a lot of effort, but for a small hedge a pair of garden shears will do the job quite well.

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你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。