英语 中的 sense 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 sense 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 sense 的说明。

英语 中的sense 表示感官,…觉 gǎn guān, 感觉 gǎn jué, 感知 gǎn zhī, 判断力 pàn duàn lì, 感觉到 gǎn jué dào, 察觉 chá jué, 共识 gòng shí, 意义 yì yì, 广义, 更广泛的层面,更广义的角度, 常识 cháng shí, 时尚嗅觉,时尚品味,时尚感, 好眼光 hǎo yǎn guāng, 没有…该有的官能,没有…该有的智力, 理解 lǐ jiě, 普通常识 pǔ tōng cháng shí, 从某种意义上 cóng mǒu zhǒng yì yì shàng, 从真正意义来说,确确实实, 就...而言, 有道理 yǒu dào lǐ, 能够被理解, 了解,弄明白 liǎo jiě ,nòng míng bái, 道德感 dào dé gǎn, 乐感 yuè gǎn, 新感觉 xīn gǎn jué, 讲不通 jiǎng bù tōng, 难以理解 nán yǐ lǐ jiě, 正义的,正股的 zhèng yì de, 实用性检查, 冒险精神, 归属感, 方向感, 目标意识, 责任感 zé rèn gǎn, 听觉 tīng jué, 幽默感 yōu mò gǎn, 节奏感 jié zòu gǎn, 分辨是非对错的能力 fēn biàn shì fēi duì cuò de néng lì, 自我意识 zì wǒ yì shí, 视觉 shì jué, 嗅觉 xiù jué, 时尚感,品味 pǐn wèi, 味觉 wèi jué, 辨识能力 biàn shí néng lì, 触觉 chù jué, 感觉器官 gǎn jué qì guān, 对…进行可行性检查, 第六感 dì liù gǎn, 第六感,直觉 dì liù gǎn,zhí jué。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 sense 的含义

感官,…觉 gǎn guān

noun (smell, sight, touch, etc.) (感觉,嗅觉、视觉等)

Dogs have a keen sense of smell.

感觉 gǎn jué

noun (rational thinking)

He had the sense to go home before it started raining.

感知 gǎn zhī

noun (perception)

I have the sense that she is telling the truth.

判断力 pàn duàn lì

plural noun (judgment, sanity)

The poor man has lost his senses.

感觉到 gǎn jué dào

transitive verb (become aware of)

He suddenly sensed another person in the room.

察觉 chá jué

transitive verb (detect)

I sensed that she was telling the truth.

共识 gòng shí

noun (consensus)

The sense of the people is that this law is right.

意义 yì yì

noun (meaning)

It's hard to get the sense of this phrase.


noun (general meaning)


noun (more general meaning)

常识 cháng shí

noun (practical thinking)

He's an educated man, but he doesn't have much common sense.


noun (instinct for what is stylish)

She has an innate fashion sense that allows her to spot the latest trends.

好眼光 hǎo yǎn guāng

noun (sensible judgement)

It is good sense to take the time to carefully consider the available options.


verbal expression (be as sensible or practical as)

He doesn't have the sense of a five-year-old.

理解 lǐ jiě

verbal expression (understand, grasp main idea of [sth])

I think you finally have the sense of it.

普通常识 pǔ tōng cháng shí

noun (common sense, practicality)

从某种意义上 cóng mǒu zhǒng yì yì shàng

adverb (in some ways)

It's pretty in a sense, yes, but in truth it isn't really beautiful.


adverb (genuinely or literally)

Our family was puritan in a very real sense: never smoked, swore, drank, or even danced.


expression (for a specified reason)

有道理 yǒu dào lǐ

verbal expression (be logical)

It makes sense to book train tickets in advance because they are cheaper.


verbal expression (be comprehensible)

After her stroke nothing the patient said made sense.

了解,弄明白 liǎo jiě ,nòng míng bái

verbal expression (work out meaning of)

The Egyptologist tried to make sense of the hieroglyphics.

道德感 dào dé gǎn

noun (conscience)

It has been shown that even very young children have a strong moral sense, though they may lack the self-control necessary to always follow it.

乐感 yuè gǎn

noun (natural aptitude or feeling for music)

Her musical sense was so terrible she couldn't sing even simple children's songs.

新感觉 xīn gǎn jué

noun (renewed feeling)

After recovering from cancer, I had a new sense of the beauty of the world.

讲不通 jiǎng bù tōng

verbal expression (be illogical)

It does not make sense to butter your bread with axle grease.

难以理解 nán yǐ lǐ jiě

verbal expression (be incomprehensible)

Ainsley was drunk and what he was saying was not making sense.

正义的,正股的 zhèng yì de

adjective (biology: of DNA) (生物学:DNA)


noun (review of practicality)


noun (desire for new experiences)


noun (feeling of being accepted or fitting in)

A sense of belonging is important to teenagers as they form their own identity.


noun (ability to orientate oneself)


noun (figurative (commitment to a purpose, goal)

责任感 zé rèn gǎn

noun (feeling of responsibility)

The volunteer continued her work only out of a sense of duty.

听觉 tīng jué

noun (ability to detect sound)

Her sense of hearing was so good she could hear a cricket from 100 yards away.

幽默感 yōu mò gǎn

noun (finding things funny)

Wally has a strange sense of humor: he's always making jokes that no-one else understands.

节奏感 jié zòu gǎn

noun (ability to follow a beat)

I'm an awful dancer because I have no sense of rhythm.

分辨是非对错的能力 fēn biàn shì fēi duì cuò de néng lì

noun (morality)

At around the age of four, children start to demonstrate a sense of right and wrong.

自我意识 zì wǒ yì shí

noun (idea of one's own identity)

视觉 shì jué

noun (vision)

嗅觉 xiù jué

noun (ability to detect scents)

Dogs have a strong sense of smell.

时尚感,品味 pǐn wèi

noun (awareness of what is tasteful or fashionable)

味觉 wèi jué

noun (ability to detect flavour)

When she burned her tongue she temporarily lost her sense of taste.

辨识能力 biàn shí néng lì

noun (discernment)

触觉 chù jué

noun (ability to feel)

感觉器官 gǎn jué qì guān

noun (often plural (anatomy: part sensitive to stimuli)


transitive verb (review practicality)

第六感 dì liù gǎn

noun (supernatural perception)

Charlie can see ghosts: he was born with the sixth sense.

第六感,直觉 dì liù gǎn,zhí jué

noun (figurative (intuition, instinct) (比喻)

He has a sixth sense for when things are about to go wrong.

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sense 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。