英语 中的 screw 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 screw 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 screw 的说明。

英语 中的screw 表示螺钉 luó dīng, 螺丝钉 luó sī dīng, 拧螺丝 níng luó sī, 拧动, 旋 xuán, 钉住 dīng zhù, 把…拧成, 把…弄皱成, 与…性交 yǔ … xìng jiāo, 性交 xìng jiāo, 上床, 做爱, 性交, 螺旋桨 luó xuán jiǎng, 监狱看守人员 jiān yù kān shǒu rén yuán, 工钱,工资 gōng qián,gōng zī, 胁迫, 压力, 胁迫 xié pò, 像螺丝一样转动 xiàng luó sī yí yàng zhuǎn dòng, 旋转 xuán zhuǎn, 敲诈 qiāo zhà, 榨干 zhà gān, 勒索 lè suǒ, 利用,欺骗 lì yòng,qī piàn, 鬼混 guǐ hùn, 和异性乱搞, 拧进 níng jìn / nǐng jìn, 离开 lí kāi, 背叛某人 bèi pàn mǒu rén, 扭曲 niǔ qū, 做错事 zuò cuò shì, 犯大错 fàn dà cuò, 搞糟, 弄糟, 欺骗 qī piàn, 耍,愚弄 yú nòng, 无头螺钉,无头螺丝, 脑袋有点不对劲, 拉力螺钉, 机器螺钉 jī qì luó dīng, 锚定螺栓, 拧回 níng huí / nǐng huí, 把...拧回...上, 螺帽 luó mào, 拧下, 拧紧, 将…拧上, 把…揉成一团 bǎ róu chéng yì tuán, 去你的吧,见你的鬼 qù nǐ de ba,jiàn nǐ de guǐ, 可用螺丝拧紧的, 可用螺栓固定的, 错误,错 cuò wù,cuò, 犯错误的人 fàn cuò wù de rén, 螺丝刀 luó sī dāo。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 screw 的含义

螺钉 luó dīng

noun (fastener)

Screws have a better holding power than nails.

螺丝钉 luó sī dīng

noun (threaded pin)

The screws have a slot or star-shaped head.

拧螺丝 níng luó sī

noun (turn of a screw)

The manual calls for five screws clockwise.


intransitive verb (fasten with a screw)

The bottle cap screws on and off.

旋 xuán

transitive verb (turn, twist)

You need to screw it the other way or it won't work.

钉住 dīng zhù

(fasten) (用螺钉)

He screwed the bookshelves to the wall.



He screwed his face into an expression of extreme concentration.



She screwed the paper into a ball and threw it in the bin.

与…性交 yǔ … xìng jiāo

transitive verb (vulgar, slang (have sex with) (粗俗用语)

I think Jay screwed that girl last night.

性交 xìng jiāo

intransitive verb (vulgar, slang (have sex) (粗俗用语)

Jack and I spent all night screwing instead of going to the party.

上床, 做爱, 性交

noun (vulgar, slang (sex) (粗俗用语)

He doesn't love her; he just wants a screw.

螺旋桨 luó xuán jiǎng

noun (propeller)

The submarine had a very quiet screw, undetectable by some sonar devices.

监狱看守人员 jiān yù kān shǒu rén yuán

noun (slang (prison guard) (俚语)

His years as a prison screw were tough.

工钱,工资 gōng qián,gōng zī

noun (dated, UK, slang (wages) (英国俚语)

We're going to the pub when we've had our screw.

胁迫, 压力

plural noun (figurative, informal (coercion) (常作screws)

Vinny G. tightened the screws by putting the guy's wife in danger.

胁迫 xié pò

verbal expression (figurative, informal (coerce)

They screwed the hostage into giving them the names they wanted.

像螺丝一样转动 xiàng luó sī yí yàng zhuǎn dòng

intransitive verb (turn like a screw)

The stage set screws around to reveal a second scene.

旋转 xuán zhuǎn

intransitive verb (rotate)

The bolt won't screw in the hole.

敲诈 qiāo zhà

intransitive verb (extort)

He has never done an honest day's work, just stealing and screwing.

榨干 zhà gān

transitive verb (figurative, informal (extract)

They screwed every last penny out of him.

勒索 lè suǒ

transitive verb (figurative, informal (extort)

The taxman screws all the profit out of the business.

利用,欺骗 lì yòng,qī piàn

transitive verb (figurative, informal (cheat)

The embezzler had screwed the system.

鬼混 guǐ hùn

phrasal verb, intransitive (vulgar, slang (waste time)

Norman didn't finish his homework because he was screwing around on his skateboard.


phrasal verb, intransitive (vulgar, slang (be promiscuous)

We were surprised when Bill stopped screwing around and settled down with Sally.

拧进 níng jìn / nǐng jìn

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (twist into place)

The light bulb broke as he was screwing it in.

离开 lí kāi

phrasal verb, intransitive (potentially offensive, US, slang (go away, leave)

背叛某人 bèi pàn mǒu rén

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (slang, vulgar (betray)

He screwed me over by not putting my name on the report.

扭曲 niǔ qū

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (twist)

The kids screwed up their faces when I suggested they tidy their rooms.

做错事 zuò cuò shì

phrasal verb, intransitive (informal (make an error, do [sth] incorrectly)

I was counting on him to do the calculations correctly, but he screwed up.

犯大错 fàn dà cuò

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (informal (do badly)

We've only got one chance so don't screw this up.

搞糟, 弄糟

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (informal (ruin or spoil)

I've totally screwed up this soup by putting too much salt in it.

欺骗 qī piàn

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (US, figurative, slang, vulgar (try to deceive)

耍,愚弄 yú nòng

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (US, figurative, slang, vulgar (waste the time of)


noun (headless metal bolt)


verbal expression (figurative, slang (be slightly crazy) (俚语)


noun (type of threaded bolt)

机器螺钉 jī qì luó dīng

noun (small bolt)


noun (small reinforcing rod)

拧回 níng huí / nǐng huí

verbal expression (twist back into place)

Don't forget to screw the top of the toothpaste tube back on.


verbal expression (twist back into place)

If you don't screw the top back on the bottle, the ketchup will congeal.

螺帽 luó mào

noun (lid that is secured by twisting)

Screw caps can be difficult to open for people with severe arthritis.


(remove by unscrewing)


(fasten by twisting)

This attachment screws on to the machine.


(twist into place)

把…揉成一团 bǎ róu chéng yì tuán

(crumple into ball)

Marilyn screwed up the piece of paper and threw it in the bin.

去你的吧,见你的鬼 qù nǐ de ba,jiàn nǐ de guǐ

interjection (slang, vulgar (expressing contempt) (俚语,粗俗语)

“Hey buddy, screw you,” said the drunk.


adjective (made to be twisted in)

I need a screw-in lightbulb, but this one has a bayonet fitting.


adjective (made to be fastened with screws)

错误,错 cuò wù,cuò

noun (US, slang (mistake, blunder)

There was a screw-up at the restaurant and we were charged too much on the bill.

犯错误的人 fàn cuò wù de rén

noun (US, slang (person who habitually makes mistakes)

I have always been such a screw-up; I can't even hold down a job!

螺丝刀 luó sī dāo

noun (tool)

Have you got a screwdriver? I need one to put up this shelf.

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screw 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。