英语 中的 pack 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 pack 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 pack 的说明。

英语 中的pack 表示捆扎 kǔn zhā, 装(箱), 把…放进行李箱, 打包 dǎ bāo, 一包 yì bāo, 一包,一盒 yì bāo,yì hé, 背包 bēi bāo, 狼群, 一群 yì qún, 一群 yì qún, 一副 yí fù, 一伙,一群,一帮 yì huǒ ,yì qún,yì bāng, 一盒 yì hé, 打包以便装运 dǎ bāo yǐ biàn zhuāng yùn, 把…装入, 塞满, 挤满, 打包 dǎ bāo, 压紧 yā jǐn, 把...装进, 携带 xié dài, 塞满,挤满 sāi mǎn,jǐ mǎn, 塞满,挤满 sāi mǎn,jǐ mǎn, 打包整理, 大量储存, 大量吃, 压紧 yā jǐn, 结束 jié shù, 吸引(大批观众) xī yǐn ( dà pī guān zhòng ), 容纳 róng nà, 送某人去..., 收起 shōu qǐ, 将…收好 jiāng shōu hǎo, 打包 dǎ bāo, 出故障, 坏了, 电池组, 铝塑包装, 冰袋 bīng dài, 一副扑克牌, 面膜, 腰包 yāo bāo, 扁平包装的家具,平装家具,没有组装的家具, 扁平包装的, 平装的, 尚未组装的, 有敛物癖者, 热敷布 rè fū bù, 冰袋 bīng dài, 冰袋 bīng dài, 冰袋 bīng dài, 大型浮冰, 喷射背包, 猛力出击,奋力一击 měng lì chū jī,fèn lì yì jī, 驮畜 tuó chù, 驮运货物的马 duò yùn huò wù de mǎ, 浮冰块,浮冰群 fú bīng kuài,fú bīng qún, 放弃,停止 fàng qì,tíng zhǐ, 首领猎犬, 一包香烟, 一群野狗 yì qún yě gǒu, 瞎话连篇,谎话连篇 xiā huà lián piān,huǎng huà lián piān, 收集无用小玩意的人 shōu jí wú yòng xiǎo wán yì de rén, 林鼠, 将…重新打好包 jiāng chóng xīn dǎ hǎo bāo, 收拾衣物, 收拾东西走人, 电源机组 diàn yuán jī zǔ, 媒体资料包, 狼群, 饿狼帮, 群狼袭击队。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 pack 的含义

捆扎 kǔn zhā

transitive verb (wrap for shipment)

Pack the books in a padded mailing envelope.


transitive verb (fill: suitcase, bag)

Have you packed your bags yet?


transitive verb (put in luggage)

Don't forget to pack your toothbrush and pyjamas.

打包 dǎ bāo

intransitive verb (fill suitcase, bag)

I need to pack for the trip to the beach.

一包 yì bāo

noun (bundle, package)

The beer comes in packs of six.

一包,一盒 yì bāo,yì hé

noun (US (packet, carton) (香烟)

Josh shook his last cigarette out of the pack.

背包 bēi bāo

noun (rucksack)

We went hiking for a week with all the food in my pack.


noun (group of wolves)

The wolf pack worked together to catch its prey.

一群 yì qún

noun (group of dogs) (狗)

The pack of wild dogs howled all night.

一群 yì qún

noun (figurative, informal (batch, group)

Those politicians are a pack of liars.

一副 yí fù

noun (UK (set of playing cards) (纸牌)

While we had a newer pack of cards, we still preferred to use this one.

一伙,一群,一帮 yì huǒ ,yì qún,yì bāng

noun (figurative (people: band) (人)

The travellers were robbed by a pack of thieves.

一盒 yì hé

noun (book, box: of matches) (火柴)

Do you have a pack of matches that I can use to light the candles?

打包以便装运 dǎ bāo yǐ biàn zhuāng yùn

intransitive verb (wrap packages for shipment)

We try to pick and pack the day an order is received.


transitive verb (fit, cram)

She packed everything tightly into a small box.

塞满, 挤满

transitive verb (figurative (cram together)

My wife always packs a lot of activities into a day.

打包 dǎ bāo

transitive verb (wrap up)

Pack everything in a duffel bag.

压紧 yā jǐn

transitive verb (compact, compress)

The sand was packed down by the weight of the trucks.


transitive verb (load into a car)

I need to pack the suitcases in the car before we go.

携带 xié dài

transitive verb (informal (carry or wear)

Watch out - he's packing a gun!

塞满,挤满 sāi mǎn,jǐ mǎn

(usu passive (fill with partisans)

The candidate's staff packed the hall with friendly supporters.

塞满,挤满 sāi mǎn,jǐ mǎn

(informal (fill with people) (人)

They packed the concert hall with so many people that you couldn't even see the band.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (tidy away in a box or bag)


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (store in large quantities)


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (slang, figurative (eat a lot of [sth]) (俚语)

压紧 yā jǐn

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (make [sth] more compact)

Irene packed down the blanket so that it would fit in the drawer.

结束 jié shù

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (slang (activity: finish)

I think I'm going to pack it in for the night, it's been a long day.

吸引(大批观众) xī yǐn ( dà pī guān zhòng )

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (audience: attract)

The Black-Eyed Peas really pack them in at their concerts.

容纳 róng nà

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (slang (fit)

How many countries can we pack in during our two-week trip?


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (send [sb] somewhere)

收起 shōu qǐ

phrasal verb, intransitive (tidy away)

It is getting dark, so the workmen are packing up for the day.

将…收好 jiāng shōu hǎo

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (tidy away)

The campers packed up their tents and went home.

打包 dǎ bāo

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (package ready for posting) (供邮寄)

Helen packed up the gift and took it to the post office.

出故障, 坏了

phrasal verb, intransitive (UK, slang (machine: stop working)

The washing machine's packed up so I am having to wash all my clothes by hand.


noun (set of batteries)

My husband has to carry extra battery packs for his camera, but I just buy AA batteries anywhere for mine.


noun (tablets: push-through packet) (药片)

冰袋 bīng dài

noun (ice pack, compress)

After getting hit in the eye, I put a cold pack on it to prevent swelling.


noun (set of playing cards)


noun (facial skin cleansing substance)

腰包 yāo bāo

noun (pouch worn round the waist)


noun (UK (piece of self-assembly furniture)

That store only sells flat-packs, so you have to put everything together yourself.

扁平包装的, 平装的, 尚未组装的

noun as adjective (UK (needing to be assembled)

I bought a flat-pack entertainment centre; do you want to come over and help me assemble it?


noun (person who keeps or collects)

Stacks of boxes filled the hoarder's house.

热敷布 rè fū bù

noun (heated compress for pain relief)

冰袋 bīng dài

noun (ice-filled compress for pain relief) (镇痛用的)

For an hour after the fight, he sat with an ice bag over his right eye.

冰袋 bīng dài

noun (freezable pack used in coolers) (用于冰箱中的)

冰袋 bīng dài

noun (ice-filled compress for pain relief) (镇痛用)

I applied an ice pack to my twisted ankle to relieve the pain.


noun (floating ice mass)

The size of the permanent Arctic ice pack is diminishing.


noun (fuel-powered propelling device)

猛力出击,奋力一击 měng lì chū jī,fèn lì yì jī

verbal expression (figurative, informal (be powerful) (比喻,非正式用语)

Wow! That whiskey really packs a punch!

驮畜 tuó chù

noun (animal used for carrying)

驮运货物的马 duò yùn huò wù de mǎ

noun (horse used for carrying)

There is too much equipment for one pack horse to carry.

浮冰块,浮冰群 fú bīng kuài,fú bīng qún

noun (ice mass, ice floe) (海上的)

Their ship was crushed after becoming trapped in pack ice.

放弃,停止 fàng qì,tíng zhǐ

verbal expression (UK, slang (stop)


noun (dominant dog in a hunting group)


noun (10 or 20 cigarettes in a carton)

一群野狗 yì qún yě gǒu

noun (group of wild dogs)

瞎话连篇,谎话连篇 xiā huà lián piān,huǎng huà lián piān

noun (informal (false account) (非正式用语)

His statement to the Police was a pack of lies.

收集无用小玩意的人 shōu jí wú yòng xiǎo wán yì de rén

noun (US, figurative (person who hoards or collects)

The old lady was a pack rat, and when she died it took several large moving vans to empty the house of her belongings.


noun (animal: Neotoma cinerea)

将…重新打好包 jiāng chóng xīn dǎ hǎo bāo

verbal expression (return [sth] to container)


verbal expression (prepare luggage)

I had bought so much clothing, I could barely pack my bags.


verbal expression (informal, figurative (prepare to leave)

When Sandra found out about her husband's affair with another woman, she told him to pack his bags.

电源机组 diàn yuán jī zǔ

noun (electrical adaptor, converter)

This power pack's losing its charge: I'll be needing a new one soon.


noun (media publicity pack)

The marketing department is preparing a press kit for the launch of the product.


noun (group of wolves)


noun (figurative (group of aggressive people) (流氓集团)


noun (figurative (group of attacking submarines) (大批潜水艇)

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你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。