英语 中的 neck 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 neck 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 neck 的说明。

英语 中的neck 表示颈 jǐng, 瓶颈 píng jǐng, 领子 lǐng zi, 颈状部分, 搂着脖子亲吻,拥吻 lǒu zhe bó zi qīn wěn,yōng wěn, 如同套在脖子上的磨盘, 扭断你的脖子 niǔ duàn nǐ de bó zi, 尽全力做某事 jìn quán lì zuò mǒu shì, 想尽一切办法 xiǎng jìn yí qiè bàn fǎ, 重褶领, 重褶领的, 伸长脖子看, 贴脖圆领,圆领, 水手领汗衫 shuǐ shǒu lǐng hàn shān, 圆领的, 水手领的, 颈部肌肉痛性强直 jǐng bù jī ròu tòng xìng qiáng zhí, 心理上, 用脑子,靠脑子, 颈部吊带式, 并驾齐驱的 bìng jià qí qū de, 不分上下地,平分秋色地, 地带,地段 dì dài,dì duàn, 脖套, 领带 lǐng dài, 烦恼的来源,烦恼的根源 fán nǎo de gēn yuán, 圆高领 yuán gāo lǐng, 翻领 fān lǐng, 有翻领的, 冒险 mào xiǎn, 颈部僵硬 jǐng bù jiāng yìng, 小牛或小羊的胸腺, 高翻领衣服, 高领套头毛衣 gāo lǐng tào tóu máo yī, V 领, V 领上衣, V 领的, V 领上衣。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 neck 的含义

颈 jǐng

noun (body part: top of spine)

His neck hurt from bending it all day.

瓶颈 píng jǐng

noun (narrow part at top of a bottle)

The neck broke when he tried to open the beer bottle by hitting it on a rock.

领子 lǐng zi

noun (opening at top of garment)

The neck of the shirt was too small.


noun (narrow part of a guitar) (吉他等弦乐器)

The neck of the electric guitar is made of maple.

搂着脖子亲吻,拥吻 lǒu zhe bó zi qīn wěn,yōng wěn

intransitive verb (informal (hug and kiss) (口语)

The teens were seen necking behind the stadium seats.


expression (figurative (burden: mental or emotional)

扭断你的脖子 niǔ duàn nǐ de bó zi

verbal expression (fracture a neck bone)

Chris ended up paralysed after breaking his neck in a motorcycle accident.

尽全力做某事 jìn quán lì zuò mǒu shì

verbal expression (figurative (make effort)

This project is so much work; I've been breaking my neck all week and I still don't feel like I'm getting anywhere!

想尽一切办法 xiǎng jìn yí qiè bàn fǎ

verbal expression (figurative (make effort)

We broke our necks to get our candidate elected.


noun (clothing: style of loose neckline)

Tania is knitting a sweater with a cowl neck.


noun as adjective (having loose style of neckline)

Cowl-neck dresses are very fashionable this year.


verbal expression (stretch your neck to see [sth])

They craned their necks to try to get a glimpse of the princess.


noun (neckline: round) (服装)

The t-shirt had a crew neck as opposed to a V neck

水手领汗衫 shuǐ shǒu lǐng hàn shān

noun (top: rounded neckline)

Because it was his day off, he threw on a crew neck instead of a collared shirt.

圆领的, 水手领的

noun as adjective (having a rounded neckline)

颈部肌肉痛性强直 jǐng bù jī ròu tòng xìng qiáng zhí

noun (neck cramp)

I've had a crick in my neck all day because I slept in an awkward position.


adverb (informal (mentally, psychologically)

From the neck up she's fine, but she has a lot of medical problems.


adverb (with your mind, with thought)

If you would do a little more work from the neck up, you would not have to sweat so hard.


noun (clothing: strap around neck)

This bikini has a halterneck.

并驾齐驱的 bìng jià qí qū de

adjective (competitors: even)

These two candidates are neck and neck for the job.


adverb (competitors: even) (比赛、竞争等)

Until to the last lap, the horses were running neck and neck.

地带,地段 dì dài,dì duàn

noun (figurative (area, locale) (比喻)

Stop by and see me the next time you're in my neck of the woods.


noun (cowl or short scarf)

This neck warmer is ideal for all outdoor activities.

领带 lǐng dài

noun (US (tie worn around the neck)

I won't work in an office that requires me to wear a necktie.

烦恼的来源,烦恼的根源 fán nǎo de gēn yuán

noun (figurative, slang (source of annoyance)

Filling out the forms for my recent insurance claim was a real pain in the neck.

圆高领 yuán gāo lǐng

noun (UK (high turtleneck collar)

Irena's black jumper has a polo neck.

翻领 fān lǐng

noun (mainly UK (collar: folded over)

This sweater has a roll neck.


adjective (mainly UK (garment: with folded collar)

Joseph bought a roll-neck jumper.

冒险 mào xiǎn

expression (do [sth] risky)

颈部僵硬 jǐng bù jiāng yìng

noun (pain or difficulty moving one's neck)

After sitting near a draughty window I had a stiff neck.


noun (often plural (animal glands eaten as food)


noun (rolled-down collar)

Sweaters with turtlenecks make Caleb feel constricted and uncomfortable.

高领套头毛衣 gāo lǐng tào tóu máo yī

noun (informal (sweater with a rolled-down collar)

With his turtleneck jumper, William looks like a 1950s intellectual.

V 领

noun (clothing: V-shaped neckline)

This pullover has a V neck.

V 领上衣

noun (top with a V neck)

Dave was wearing a V neck.

V 领的

noun as adjective (having a V neck)

I bought Sam a V-neck sweater for his birthday.

V 领上衣

noun (top with V-shaped neckline)

These V-neck shirts are available in white or blue.

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neck 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。