英语 中的 liking 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 liking 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 liking 的说明。

英语 中的liking 表示喜爱 xǐ ài, 口味,喜好 kǒu wèi,xǐ hào, 喜欢 xǐ huān, 喜欢, 喜爱, 倾心于, 觉得好, 喜欢,喜爱,乐于接受 xǐ huān,xǐ ài,lè yú jiē shòu, 愿意 yuàn yì, 喜欢做某事, 和…相像,接近于,类似于 hé … xiāng xiàng,jiē jìn yú ,lèi sì yú, 接近于,差不多,大概,近乎 jiē jìn yú ,chà bù duō,dà gài,jìn hū, 同样的 tóng yàng de, 相似的事物,类似的东西 xiāng shì de shì wù,lèi sì de dōng xī, 相似的,相像的 xiāng shì de ,xiāng xiàng de, 类似的 lèi sì de, 可以说,简直就是 kě yǐ shuō ,jiǎn zhí jiù shì, 几乎…了,快要…了, 类似的人或物 lèi sì de rén huò wù, 像…一样好的人或物 xiàng yí yàng hǎo de rén huò wù, 赞, 与…同一类的人,与…相似的人, 具有…的特征 jù yǒu de tè zhēng, [加强语气,无实义] wú shí yì, 比如,诸如 bǐ rú,zhū rú, 那样,说,一副(态度) nà yàng, 给…点赞, 如某人所愿, 合...口味地。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 liking 的含义

喜爱 xǐ ài

noun (fondness)

She has a liking for everything connected with Ancient Rome.

口味,喜好 kǒu wèi,xǐ hào

noun (approval, taste)

None of the shoes they had were really to my liking.

喜欢 xǐ huān

transitive verb (find personable) (友谊)

I like him. He seems like a good guy.

喜欢, 喜爱, 倾心于

transitive verb (be romantically attracted to) (爱情)

He really likes her a lot.


transitive verb (consider good)

I like that idea. Let's suggest it to the boss.

喜欢,喜爱,乐于接受 xǐ huān,xǐ ài,lè yú jiē shòu

transitive verb (be fond of)

Do you like pizza?

愿意 yuàn yì

transitive verb (desire, prefer)

You can do what you like till I get home, then we are cleaning the house.


verbal expression (activity: enjoy)

Liz likes cooking Thai food.

和…相像,接近于,类似于 hé … xiāng xiàng,jiē jìn yú ,lèi sì yú

preposition (informal (in the same way as) (非正式用语)

She talks like her brother.

接近于,差不多,大概,近乎 jiē jìn yú ,chà bù duō,dà gài,jìn hū

adverb (US, slang (approximately, more or less) (俚语)

He's like six feet tall.

同样的 tóng yàng de

adjective (formal (the same, identical)

We always agree: We are of like mind.

相似的事物,类似的东西 xiāng shì de shì wù,lèi sì de dōng xī

noun (something similar)

What a strange car. I've never seen the like.

相似的,相像的 xiāng shì de ,xiāng xiàng de

adjective (formal (similar)

Like poles repel; opposite poles attract.

类似的 lèi sì de

adjective (formal (analogous, comparable)

Writing poems, odes, and like forms requires linguistic skills and imagination.

可以说,简直就是 kě yǐ shuō ,jiǎn zhí jiù shì

adverb (UK, regional, slang (as it were) (地方用语,俚语)

But I really wanted that job, like.


expression (US, regional (almost)

The poor kid like to froze.

类似的人或物 lèi sì de rén huò wù

noun (counterpart)

I don't think they have his like in any other firm.

像…一样好的人或物 xiàng yí yàng hǎo de rén huò wù

noun (equal)

He is the kindest man I know. I have never met his like.

noun (social media: approval) (社交媒体)

I posted a photo and it got 60 likes.


plural noun (informal (people similar to [sb])

My mother wouldn't let me go round with the likes of him. You'll end up in trouble if you go out with the likes of her.

具有…的特征 jù yǒu de tè zhēng

preposition (in the way that)

It was hot again today, like summer should be.

[加强语气,无实义] wú shí yì

preposition (intensifier) (表强调)

He ran like hell.

比如,诸如 bǐ rú,zhū rú

preposition (informal (such as) (非正式用语)

So you want a new challenge; like what? I visited many famous monuments on my trip to France, like the Eiffel Tower.

那样,说,一副(态度) nà yàng

verbal expression (slang (say: expressing attitude) (俚语)

He was like, "I don't want to do that".


transitive verb (social media: favorite) (社交媒体)

I wished Danny a happy birthday and he "liked" my post.


adjective (in preferred way)

I'm afraid the colour green is not to my liking; I prefer blue.


adverb (in preferred way)

Choose a steak and we will cook it to your liking.

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liking 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。