英语 中的 fever 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 fever 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 fever 的说明。

英语 中的fever 表示发烧 fā shāo, 一时的狂热 yì shí de kuáng rè, 脑膜炎 nǎo mó yán, 致使…狂热 zhì shǐ kuáng rè, 幽居病, 登革热 dēng gé rè, 热病性疱疹, 梦幻经历, 极度兴奋, 腺热病,单核血球增多症 xiàn rè bìng,dān hé xiě qiú zēng duō zhèng / dān hé xuè qiú zēng duō zhèng, 淘金狂 táo jīn kuáng, 枯草热 kū cǎo rè, 高烧, 丛林热 cóng lín rè, 细螺旋体病,钩端螺旋体病, 疟疾 nüè jí, 风湿热 fēng shī rè, 发高烧, 猩红热 xīng hóng rè, 斑疹热 bān zhěn rè, 春日疲倦症 chūn rì pí juàn zhèng, 猪流感, 伤寒 shāng hán, 伤寒 shāng hán, 斑疹伤寒症, 斑疹伤寒 bān zhěn shāng hán, 黄热病 huáng rè bìng。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 fever 的含义

发烧 fā shāo

noun (medical: high temperature)

Nate didn't go to work because he has a fever.

一时的狂热 yì shí de kuáng rè

noun (figurative, informal, as suffix (desire) (比喻)

Tom has baby fever, but his wife doesn't want to have children yet.

脑膜炎 nǎo mó yán


致使…狂热 zhì shǐ kuáng rè

verbal expression (informal (make frenzied)

The crowd were brought to fever pitch when the band walked onto the stage.


noun (figurative (boredom caused by confinement)

登革热 dēng gé rè

noun (tropical disease) (一种热带传染病)

The man contracted dengue from a mosquito bite.


noun (oral herpes: cold sore)

Fever blisters are caused by a herpes virus so they are highly contagious.


noun (delirium)


noun (much excitement)

腺热病,单核血球增多症 xiàn rè bìng,dān hé xiě qiú zēng duō zhèng / dān hé xuè qiú zēng duō zhèng

noun (UK (infection: mononucleosis) (一种传染性疾病)

淘金狂 táo jīn kuáng

noun (frenzy over gold mining)

Thousands of men with gold fever streamed into the Yukon.

枯草热 kū cǎo rè

noun (allergy to pollen) (病症)

He takes medication for his hay fever every summer. I dread springtime, because I always suffer from hay fever.


noun (extremely elevated temperature)

She had such a high fever that we took her to the emergency room.

丛林热 cóng lín rè

noun (malaria: tropical disease)

Many of the troops who fought in the Far East in WW2 suffered from jungle fever.


noun (medicine: disease) (医学)

疟疾 nüè jí

noun (infectious disease)

Many thousands of children die from malaria each year.

风湿热 fēng shī rè

noun (infection causing joint pain)


verbal expression (have a high temperature)

The baby was running a fever of 39C so her mother took her to the hospital.

猩红热 xīng hóng rè

noun (contagious disease with rash) (一种疾病)

斑疹热 bān zhěn rè

noun (disease with high temperature and rash) (一种疾病)

春日疲倦症 chūn rì pí juàn zhèng

noun (informal, figurative (excitement at spring)

Spring fever's upon me again: I went and bought 200 seedlings this morning.


noun (pig disease)

伤寒 shāng hán

noun (typhoid fever)

Zeke passed away soon after he contracted typhoid.

伤寒 shāng hán

noun (infectious disease)

Typhoid fever is transmitted by ingesting contaminated food or water.


noun (typhus fever)

斑疹伤寒 bān zhěn shāng hán

noun (infectious disease)

Typhus fever was often common in prisons due to crowded conditions and poor hygiene.

黄热病 huáng rè bìng

noun (infectious febrile disease)

I caught yellow fever on a trip to Africa.

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fever 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。