英语 中的 chief 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 chief 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 chief 的说明。

英语 中的chief 表示首领 shǒu lǐng, 酋长 qiú zhǎng, 首位的,首要的 shǒu wèi de ,shǒu yào de, 头儿,老板,长官 tóu er ,lǎo bǎn,zhǎng guān, 首席执行官 shǒu xí zhí xíng guān, 首席财务官, 首席顾问, 郡警察局长 jùn jǐng chá jú zhǎng, 行政首长 xíng zhèng shǒu zhǎng, 首席执行官 shǒu xí zhí xíng guān, 首席财政官 shǒu xí cái zhèng guān, 首席大法官, 图书馆馆长 tú shū guǎn guǎn zhǎng, 大副 dà fù, 丧主, 警察局长 jǐng chá jú zhǎng, 警察署长 jǐng chá shǔ zhǎng, 参谋长, 幕僚长 mù liáo zhǎng, 主任, 国家元首 guó jiā yuán shǒu, 大副 dà fù, 首席运营官 shǒu xí yùn yíng guān, 首席党鞭,党鞭长, 总司令, 总司令, 首席运营官 shǒu xí yùn yíng guān, 主编 zhǔ biān, 消防队长 xiāo fáng duì zhǎng, 主要的 zhǔ yào de, 警察局长 jǐng chá jú zhǎng。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 chief 的含义

首领 shǒu lǐng

noun (person in charge)

The chief of our department is in a meeting now.

酋长 qiú zhǎng

noun (tribal leader)

The explorers met with a local chief to learn about the area.

首位的,首要的 shǒu wèi de ,shǒu yào de

adjective (main)

The chief concern is how to maximize efficiency.

头儿,老板,长官 tóu er ,lǎo bǎn,zhǎng guān

interjection (term of address for a superior) (称呼语)

I'll do it right away, Chief.

首席执行官 shǒu xí zhí xíng guān

noun (initialism (Chief Executive Officer)

Being the CEO of a tech company made Tom a billionaire.


noun (initialism (chief financial officer)

The CFO has ultimate responsibility for the company's bookkeeping.


noun (senior advice-giver)

郡警察局长 jùn jǐng chá jú zhǎng

noun (UK (senior police officer)

The reporters asked the chief constable for her comments on the case.

行政首长 xíng zhèng shǒu zhǎng

noun (high-ranking official)

The chief executive took responsibility for the company's poor performance.

首席执行官 shǒu xí zhí xíng guān

noun (CEO: senior manager)

The firm is looking for a new chief executive officer.

首席财政官 shǒu xí cái zhèng guān

noun (senior financial manager)


noun (US (presiding judge of Supreme Court) (美国)

图书馆馆长 tú shū guǎn guǎn zhǎng

noun (manager of a library)

大副 dà fù

noun (nautical)


noun ([sb] who leads grieving at a funeral) (丧事的主持人)

警察局长 jǐng chá jú zhǎng

noun (US (head of police department)

The reporters asked the chief of police for his comments on the case.

警察署长 jǐng chá shǔ zhǎng

noun (UK (head of police force)


noun (military officer) (陆海空军的)

幕僚长 mù liáo zhǎng

noun (politician's aide)

The U.S. President’s Chief of Staff is a very powerful position, sometimes dubbed “The Second-Most Powerful Man in Washington”.


noun (head of any staff group)

国家元首 guó jiā yuán shǒu

(country head)

大副 dà fù

noun (navy: second in command)

首席运营官 shǒu xí yùn yíng guān

noun (executive in charge)


noun (politics: head of whip system) (政治)


noun (commander of a nation's military)


noun (head of a military branch)

首席运营官 shǒu xí yùn yíng guān

noun (initialism (Chief Operating Officer)

The COO will be visiting this week, so clean up your desk.

主编 zhǔ biān

noun (editorial head of publication)

To have an opinion letter published, please contact the editor in chief of the newspaper.

消防队长 xiāo fáng duì zhǎng

noun (leader of a fire fighting team)

The fire chief directs his team during a fire.

主要的 zhǔ yào de

adjective (in charge)

The role of editor in chief brought a whole new set of pressures.

警察局长 jǐng chá jú zhǎng

noun (US (chief of police: head of a US police force)

Many uniformed officers report to the police chief.

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chief 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。