Hvað þýðir pull í Enska?
Hver er merking orðsins pull í Enska? Greinin útskýrir alla merkingu, framburð ásamt tvítyngdum dæmum og leiðbeiningum um hvernig á að nota pull í Enska.
Orðið pull í Enska þýðir toga í, taka í, aðdráttarafl, toga, róa, gera, toga, fjarlægja, togna, draga úr, gera, ná í, draga sig til baka, fara í burtu, stinga af, draga sig til baka, afla, draga að sér, handtaka, fara úr, takast, komast upp með, beygja útaf, fara í, toga í, toga í, fara af stað, hætta við, draga sig út úr, leggja, staðnæmast við, lyfta upp, draga frá, draga niður, rífa, taka úr, draga úr, taka úr, sérblað, brottför, taka til hliðar, taka saman höndum, safna saman, taka upp. Til að fá frekari upplýsingar, vinsamlegast skoðaðu upplýsingarnar hér að neðan.
Merking orðsins pull
toga ítransitive verb (tug) The girl pulled her father's coat. |
taka ítransitive verb (squeeze) Pull the trigger firmly. |
aðdráttaraflnoun (figurative (emotional: lure) The pull of the beach finally made him move to California. |
togaintransitive verb (tug, haul) Don't stop pulling, even if you get tired. |
róaintransitive verb (row) Keep pulling! We need to get to shore in fifteen minutes. |
geratransitive verb (slang (do: [sth] sneaky) Don't pull any silly tricks at dinner. |
togatransitive verb (row with oars) She pulled the oars as hard as she could in an attempt to win the race. |
fjarlægjatransitive verb (slang (remove) We had to pull the item from our stores when it was found to be faulty. |
tognatransitive verb (strain: a muscle) He pulled his leg muscle and had to stop playing in the game. |
draga úrtransitive verb (informal, often passive (tooth: extract) I've just had a tooth pulled and it hurts. |
geratransitive verb (US, slang (stunt, trick: play) How could you pull such a mean trick on me? |
ná ítransitive verb (UK, slang (attract [sb] sexually) You'll never pull a bird with that awful chat-up line! |
draga sig til bakaphrasal verb, intransitive ([sb]: retreat) She pulled away just as he was about to kiss her. |
fara í burtuphrasal verb, intransitive (vehicle: move off) After he received his food, the driver pulled away from the drive-through window. |
stinga afphrasal verb, intransitive (move ahead) The sprinter pulled away from the rest of the runners. |
draga sig til bakaphrasal verb, intransitive (retreat, flinch) The child pulled back as the nurse tried to inject him. |
aflaphrasal verb, transitive, separable (earn, acquire) The movie pulled in $20 million in its first week of release. |
draga að sérphrasal verb, transitive, separable (crowds: attract, draw) Circuses are not so popular today, but they used to pull in huge crowds. |
handtakaphrasal verb, transitive, separable (mainly UK (police: detain, arrest) The police pulled Jake in for questioning about the burglary. |
fara úrphrasal verb, transitive, separable (remove: clothing) He pulled off his shirt. |
takastphrasal verb, transitive, separable (figurative, informal (succeed in doing [sth]) The spy was able to pull off his mission with none the wiser. He surprised me - I didn't think he could pull it off. |
komast upp meðphrasal verb, transitive, separable (figurative, informal (look, clothing) Not many people could pull off that shirt with those trousers, but it actually looks good on you! |
beygja útafphrasal verb, intransitive (vehicle: turn off road) We should pull off at the restaurant ahead. |
fara íphrasal verb, transitive, separable (clothing: put on) She pulled on a sweater and jeans and went to investigate the noise. |
toga íphrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (tug at) The little boy pulled impatiently on his mother's arm. |
toga íphrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (stretch) Please don't pull on that sweater, you will ruin it. |
fara af staðphrasal verb, intransitive (vehicle: move off) Remember to check your mirror and signal before you pull out. |
hætta viðphrasal verb, intransitive (withdraw involvement) It is too late to pull out once you have signed the contract. |
draga sig út úr(withdraw involvement in) The new president was forced to make a decision as to whether or not to pull out of the war. |
leggjaphrasal verb, intransitive (move vehicle to kerb) When he saw the flashing lights in the rear-view mirror, he pulled over. |
staðnæmast viðphrasal verb, intransitive (vehicle: stop) The taxi pulled up to the curb, and the woman got out. |
lyfta uppphrasal verb, intransitive (pilot: raise aircraft) The plane was losing altitude when suddenly the pilot pulled up. |
draga frá(draw aside: curtain, cover) Doris pulled the curtain back and peered out of the window. |
draga niður(draw downwards) I always pull down the shades at night. |
rífa(building: demolish) They pulled down the old movie theater to make way for new houses. |
taka úr(figurative, informal (person: remove from project) My boss pulled me off the project with no explanation. |
draga úr(extract, remove) The dentist pulled out the infected tooth. |
taka úr(withdraw) Shay's parents were unhappy with the academic standards at her school, so they pulled her out. |
sérblaðnoun (part of magazine) This magazine includes an eight-page pull-out on the royal wedding. |
brottförnoun (withdrawal, esp. of involvement) Following the army's pull-out from the region, their bases fell into disrepair. |
taka til hliðar(draw aside) She pulled him over and had a quiet word about his behaviour. |
taka saman höndum(figurative, informal (make a joint effort) Everyone pulled together to make the concert a success. |
safna saman(assemble, gather) Brian pulled a team together to come up with a plan. |
taka upp(figurative, informal (reprimand) Whenever I use bad grammar, my English teacher pulls me up. |
Við skulum læra Enska
Þannig að nú þegar þú veist meira um merkingu pull í Enska geturðu lært hvernig á að nota þau með völdum dæmum og hvernig á að lestu þau. Og mundu að læra tengd orð sem við mælum með. Vefsíðan okkar er stöðugt að uppfæra með nýjum orðum og nýjum dæmum svo þú getir flett upp merkingu annarra orða sem þú þekkir ekki í Enska.
Tengd orð pull
Uppfærð orð Enska
Veistu um Enska
Enska kemur frá germönskum ættbálkum sem fluttu til Englands og hefur þróast á meira en 1.400 ára tímabili. Enska er þriðja mest talaða tungumál í heimi, á eftir kínversku og spænsku. Það er mest lærða annað tungumálið og opinbert tungumál næstum 60 fullvalda ríkja. Þetta tungumál hefur fleiri málara sem annað og erlent tungumál en móðurmál. Enska er einnig sameiginlegt tungumál Sameinuðu þjóðanna, Evrópusambandsins og margra annarra alþjóðlegra tungumála og svæðisbundin samtök. Nú á dögum geta enskumælandi um allan heim átt samskipti með tiltölulega auðveldum hætti.