What does menyuruh in Indonesian mean?

What is the meaning of the word menyuruh in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use menyuruh in Indonesian.

The word menyuruh in Indonesian means order, tell, send. To learn more, please see the details below.

Listen to pronunciation

Meaning of the word menyuruh



Tapi apakah istrinya tahu betapa mudahnya dia menyuruh anak buahnya untuk membunuh?
But did she know how easily he ordered his men to kill?



Apakah kau menyuruhku turun ke air dengan gaun yang super mahal ini atau apa?
Are you telling me to drown on a ship with this super expensive dress on, or what?



Seorang waniata menyuruh suaminya kerja saat pagi seperti biasa.
A married woman sends her husband to work in the morning as usual.

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Sebelum serial ini dimulai, dikisahkan Gideon sempat depresi setelah dia menyuruh enam orang memasuki gudang dan ternyata ada bom di dalamnya; keenam agen tersebut terbunuh dan dia mendapat kritikan pedas tentang kejadian itu.
Prior to the series, he was said to have had a "nervous breakdown" (or "major depressive episode") after he sent six agents into a warehouse with a bomb in it; all six agents and a hostage were killed, and he was heavily criticized about the event.
Aku menyuruh Frank menyelidiki dia.
I had him investigate her.
Beberapa terjemahan mengalihbahasakannya, ”Yang membuat angin sebagai suruhan-suruhan-Mu, dan api yang menyala sebagai pelayan-pelayan-Mu”, atau mirip dengan itu.
Some translations would render this: “Who makest the winds thy messengers, fire and flame thy ministers,” or similarly.
(Mat 26:59-61; Mrk 14:56-59) Akhirnya Yesus disuruh bersumpah oleh imam besar dan ditanyai apakah ia adalah Kristus, Putra Allah.
(Mt 26:59-61; Mr 14:56-59) Finally Jesus was put under oath by the high priest and questioned as to whether he was the Christ the Son of God.
Pertama, Ia menyuruh mereka menggarap dan mengurus bumi tempat tinggal mereka hingga akhirnya memenuhi bumi dengan keturunan mereka.
First, he directed them to cultivate and care for their earthly home and eventually fill it with their offspring.
Kemudian dia memberi tahu Akbar tentang perselingkuhan mereka dan dia menjadi marah dan menyuruh Anarkali pergi dari Salim jika dia ingin menyelamatkan hidupnya.
Then she tells Akbar about their affair and he becomes furious and tells Anarkali to go away from Salim, if she wants to save her life.
Doktor menyuruhmu agar tidur telungkup, dan bukan terlentang.
The doctor's asked you to sleep on your stomach... not your back.
Aku disuruh mencuci pakaian rombengku dan setumpuk lagi pakaian rombeng yang bau.
I had been ordered to wash my ragged clothes and another heap of smelly rags.
Aku yang menyuruhnya mengambil madu.
I'm the one who asked for the honey.
Apakah kau menyuruhku turun ke air dengan gaun yang super mahal ini atau apa?
Are you telling me to drown on a ship with this super expensive dress on, or what?
35 Dan terjadilah bahwa siapa pun dari orang-orang Amalikia yang tidak mau masuk ke dalam sebuah perjanjian untuk mendukung perkara kebebasan, agar mereka boleh mempertahankan sebuah pemerintahan yang bebas, dia suruh hukum mati; dan hanya ada sedikit yang menolak perjanjian kebebasan.
35 And it came to pass that whomsoever of the Amalickiahites that would not enter into a covenant to support the acause of freedom, that they might maintain a free bgovernment, he caused to be put to death; and there were but few who denied the covenant of freedom.
Mungkin hanya getaran, tetapi suruh tim memeriksa
Probably just a tremor, but have a team check it
Itukah sebabnya kamu menyuruh aku menemuinya?
Isn't that why you just asked to see him?
Saya akan menyuruhnya memotong huruf dari kertas karton untuk papan. "
I'll have him cut out letters out of construction paper for the board. "
Ia hanya memberi Hiyoshi sedikit uang dan menyuruhnya bermalam di losmen-losmen murah di salah satu gang kecil.
He gave Hiyoshi only a little money and told him to stay at one of the cheap lodging houses in the back streets.
Tidak, pelajaran berharga dari tindakan ini akan membuatku untuk melanjutkan misiku dan tak memberikan tanda pada adipati betapa dekatnya kau datang mengganggunya karena disuruh raja.
No, the wisest course of action would be to allow me to continue my mission and give the Duke no indication of how close you came to disrupting his efforts on behalf of the king.
Kau menyuruhku ke mari tidak untuk membicarakan soal gugatan, kan?
You didn't call me here to talk about the lawsuit, did you?
Aku tidak tahu mengapa aku tidak bisa menyuruh suamiku untuk mengirim sesuatu.
I don't know why I can't get my husband to send me something.
Aku menyuruh Agen Malik untuk menyelidiki....
I asked agent malik to look into...
Ada bertahan dengan kebaikan tetangganya, di mana salah satu tetangganya akhirnya menyuruh putri Stobrod, Ruby Thewes (Renée Zellweger), untuk membantu Ada.
She survives on the kindness of her neighbors, particularly Esco and Sally Swanger, who eventually send for Ruby Thewes—Stobrod's daughter—to help.
Suruh dia memindahkan mobilnya ke belakang.
Tell him to move the RV to the back.
Lalu Yehoram berkata, ”Suruh seorang prajurit berkuda menemui mereka dan bertanya, ’Apakah kalian datang dengan damai?’”
Je·hoʹram said: “Take a cavalryman and send him to meet them, and let him say, ‘Are you coming in peace?’”
Suruh semua beredar dari laut!
Get everyone out of the water!
Dia menyuruhmu untuk menjauhinya.
She asked you to leave her alone.
tidak, bukan pesuruh.
No, not slaves.

Let's learn Indonesian

So now that you know more about the meaning of menyuruh in Indonesian, you can learn how to use them through selected examples and how to read them. And remember to learn the related words that we suggest. Our website is constantly updating with new words and new examples so you can look up the meanings of other words you don't know in Indonesian.

Do you know about Indonesian

Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.