What does dara in Indonesian mean?
What is the meaning of the word dara in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use dara in Indonesian.
The word dara in Indonesian means pigeon, dove, wench. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word dara
pigeonnoun (bird of the pigeon and dove family Columbidae) Kami juga akan mengupayakan lebih jauh bagi burung dara pelintas. We're also going to push ahead with the passenger pigeon. |
dovenoun (bird of the pigeon and dove family Columbidae) Seperti merpati, burung dara bertubuh gempal, berkaki pendek, dengan bulu-bulu yang licin dan rapat. Like the dove, the pigeon is a stout-bodied, short-legged bird with smooth and compact plumage. |
wenchnoun |
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Dara-laut, anggota famili Sternidae, juga banyak ditemukan di pesisir-pesisir Palestina. The tern, a member of the family Sternidae, is also abundant on Palestine’s shores. |
Yang satu Dara Singh, dan yang satunya Dharmendra. One is a Dara Singh, and the other a Dharmendra. |
Badan apa ini, tak kuat menggendong dara! What sort of body was this, incapable of even carrying a girl! |
Maka mereka bertindak selaras dengan Mazmur 148:12, 13, ”Hai teruna dan anak-anak dara, orang tua dan orang muda! They thus act in harmony with Psalm 148:12, 13: “You young men and also you virgins, you old men together with boys. |
Namun, selaput dara juga bisa pecah secara spontan saat berolahraga (termasuk menunggang kuda) atau diregangkan oleh aktivitas normal seperti penggunaan tampon dan cangkir haid, atau selaput daranya sangat kecil hingga seakan tidak terlihat. However, the hymen may also rupture spontaneously during exercise or be stretched by normal activities such as the use of tampons and menstrual cups, or be so minor as to be unnoticeable, or be absent. |
Sejalan dengan proposal Howard-Carter, telah diketahui bahwa kawasan ini memang terletak sebelah timur Sumer ("tempat matahari terbit"), dan tepian sungai tempat anak-anak dara Dilmun telah digagahi terletak sejajar dengan Sungai Shatt al-Arab yakni di tengah-tengah rawa. In favor of Howard-Carter's proposal, it has been noted that this area does lie to the east of Sumer ("where the sun rises"), and the riverbank where Dilmun's maidens would have been accosted aligns with the Shat al-Arab which is in the midst of marshes. |
Di antara film-film klasik pada masa keemasan ini adalah Lea Haey Duong Dara (Selamat tinggal Duong Dara) dan Pos Keng Kang (Istri Raja Ular) yang di sutradarai oleh Tea Lim Kun. Among the classic films of this period are Lea Haey Duong Dara (Goodbye Duong Dara) and Pos Keng Kang (The Snake King's Wife) by Tea Lim Kun. |
Bagaimana nasib Yerusalem, ”anak dara Yehuda”, menggambarkan Susunan Kristen, menurut Ratapan 1:15? What does the fate of Jerusalem, “the virgin daughter of Judah,” portend for Christendom, according to Lamentations 1:15? |
anak Dara, dia selalu menjaga penampilannya. Dara's son, he always takes care of his appearance. |
Romeo! tidak, bukan dia, meskipun wajahnya menjadi lebih baik dari setiap manusia, namun kakinya unggul semua laki- laki, dan untuk tangan dan kaki, dan tubuh, - meskipun mereka akan tidak akan berbicara di, namun mereka adalah masa lalu membandingkan: ia tidak bunga kesopanan, - tapi aku akan menjamin dia sebagai lembut seperti anak domba yang. -- Go cara- Mu, dara; melayani Allah. Romeo! no, not he; though his face be better than any man's, yet his leg excels all men's; and for a hand and a foot, and a body, -- though they be not to be talked on, yet they are past compare: he is not the flower of courtesy, -- but I'll warrant him as gentle as a lamb. -- Go thy ways, wench; serve God. |
”Hal itu terjadi supaya genaplah yang difirmankan TUHAN [Yehuwa] oleh nabi: ’Sesungguhnya, anak dara itu [menurut Septuaginta dalam basa Yunani] akan mengandung dan melahirkan seorang anak laki2, dan mereka akan menamakan Dia Imanuel’—yang berarti: Allah menyertai kita. “All this actually came about for that to be fulfilled which was spoken by Jehovah through his prophet, saying: ‘Look! The virgin [according to the Greek Septuagint] will become pregnant and will give birth to a son, and they will call his name Immanuel,’ which means, when translated, ‘With Us Is God.’ |
" Dara sedikit ́th ́ Seni tha dari India? " Tanyanya. " Art tha'th'little wench from India? " he asked. |
Tetapi mukjizat berupa satu sister Lembaga Pertolongan yang tiba untuk membantu tepat pada waktunya dilipatgandakan melalui kekuatan darai suatu lembaga para sister yang dipersatukan. But the miracle of one Relief Society sister arriving to help just in time is multiplied through the power of a unified society of sisters. |
(3) Binatang yang dipersembahkan dan prosedurnya: Lembu jantan, domba jantan, kambing jantan, tekukur, atau burung dara muda. (3) Animals offered and procedure: Bull, ram, male goat, turtledove, or young pigeon. |
Pada bulan Juni / Juli 530, selama Perang Iberia, dia membawa orang Romawi meraih kemenangan menakjubkan atas Sassaniyah dalam Pertempuran Dara, diikuti oleh kekalahan taktis pada Pertempuran Callinicum di Efrat tahun 531 - ini mungkin merupakan kemenangan strategis karena orang Persia mundur ke perbatasan mereka sendiri. In June/July 530, during the Iberian War, he led the Romans to a stunning victory over the Sassanids in the Battle of Dara, followed by a tactical defeat at the Battle of Callinicum on the Euphrates in 531—this was perhaps a strategic victory in that the Persians retreated to their own borders. |
Jadi dia dan Ryan menyelenggarakan sebuah pertemuan di Wyss Institute di Harvard yang mengumpulkan spesialis burung dara pelintas, ahli konservasi ornitologi, ahli bioetika, dan untungnya pada saat itu DNA burung dara pelintas sudah selesai disekuen oleh seorang ahli biologi molekuler bernama Beth Shapiro. So he and Ryan organized and hosted a meeting at the Wyss Institute in Harvard bringing together specialists on passenger pigeons, conservation ornithologists, bioethicists, and fortunately passenger pigeon DNA had already been sequenced by a molecular biologist named Beth Shapiro. |
Kota ini dikenal karena burung dara tanah liatnya - jenis khusus dari ocarina. It is known for its clay cuckoos — a special kind of ocarina. |
Secara genetik, burung dara ekor pita adalah keturunan burung dara pelintas yang masih hidup. Genetically, the band- tailed pigeon already is mostly living passenger pigeon. |
(24:3, 7, 14, 45-47; 25:31) Yesus mengakhiri nubuat yang penting ini dengan perumpamaan tentang sepuluh anak dara dan tentang talenta, yang mengemukakan berkat-berkat menyenangkan bagi orang yang waspada dan setia, serta perumpamaan tentang domba dan kambing, yang menunjukkan bahwa orang-orang yang bersifat kambing akan ”masuk ke tempat siksaan yang kekal, tetapi orang benar ke dalam hidup yang kekal.”—25:46. (24:3, 7, 14, 45-47 25:31) Jesus concludes this important prophecy with the illustrations of the ten virgins and of the talents, which hold forth joyful rewards to the alert and faithful, and the illustration of the sheep and the goats, which shows goatish people departing “into everlasting cutting-off, but the righteous ones into everlasting life.” —25:46. |
Matius 1:22-25 (TB) menambahkan: ”Hal itu terjadi supaya genaplah yang difirmankan Tuhan oleh nabi: ’Sesungguhnya, anak dara itu [”seorang perawan”, BIS] akan mengandung dan melahirkan seorang anak laki-laki, dan mereka akan menamakan Dia Imanuel’—yang berarti: Allah menyertai kita. Matthew 1:22-25 (JB) adds: “Now all this took place to fulfil the words spoken by the Lord through the prophet: The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son and they will call him Immanuel, a name which means ‘God-is-with-us’. |
Satu Pappardelle, satu Foie Gras, satu Halibut, satu burung dara. One pappardelle, one foie gras, one halibut, one pigeon. |
(Lukas 1:31) Lalu, pada hari ke-40, mereka membawanya dari Betlehem ke bait di Yerusalem, yang berjarak beberapa kilometer, dan mempersembahkan korban pentahiran yang ditentukan Hukum bagi orang miskin —dua tekukur atau dua burung dara. (Luke 1:31) Then, on the 40th day, they took him from Bethlehem to the temple in Jerusalem, a few miles away, and presented the purification offerings that the Law allowed for poorer folk —two turtledoves or two pigeons. |
Penyelenggaraan dalam Hukum yang memberikan pilihan antara tekukur atau burung dara muda sangat berguna bagi orang Yahudi, sebab kebanyakan tekukur bermigrasi dari negeri Israel selama bulan-bulan musim dingin, sedangkan burung dara, sebagai binatang yang tidak bermigrasi, tersedia sepanjang tahun. The provision of the Law in making optional the use of either young pigeons or turtledoves was a helpful arrangement for the Jews, inasmuch as most turtledoves migrated from the land of Israel during the winter months, while the nonmigratory pigeons were available the year round. |
Penyair Turki Sunay Akın, yang sering menyebut menara ini dalam tulisannya, pernah berkata, ”Pemandangan terburuk Istambul adalah dari Menara sang Dara karena pada saat itu keindahan Menara sang Dara tidak terlihat.” Turkish poet Sunay Akın, who frequently muses about the tower in his writings, once said: “The worst view of Istanbul is from the Maiden’s Tower because then the beauty of the Maiden’s Tower is missing.” |
Tapak dara Rosy periwinkle |
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Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.