What does April in Indonesian mean?

What is the meaning of the word April in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use April in Indonesian.

The word April in Indonesian means April, Apr, April, april, Apr. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word April



Kamu harus mengembalikan bukunya sebelum akhir April.
You must return the book by the end of April.



Whitney Clayton, “Pilihlah untuk Percaya,” Konferensi Umum April 2015.
Whitney Clayton, “Choose to Believe,” Apr. 2015 general conference.


propernoun (fourth month of the Gregorian calendar)

Kamu harus mengembalikan bukunya sebelum akhir April.
You must return the book by the end of April.



Kamu harus mengembalikan bukunya sebelum akhir April.
You must return the book by the end of April.



Whitney Clayton, “Pilihlah untuk Percaya,” Konferensi Umum April 2015.
Whitney Clayton, “Choose to Believe,” Apr. 2015 general conference.

See more examples

Amira Hass, “Empat penolakan Amerika Serikat membatalkan resolusi Dewan Keamanan,” Ha’aretz, 13 April 2001.
Amira Hass, “Four U.S. rejections scuttled Security Council resolution,” Ha’aretz, April 13, 2001.
Senat Amerika Serikat memulai penyelidikan bencana pada tanggal 19 April, sehari setelah Carpathia tiba New York.
The U.S. Senate's inquiry into the disaster was initiated on 19 April, a day after Carpathia arrived in New York.
Dengan 3.624.091 pengajaran Alkitab dipimpin setiap bulan dan dengan 9.950.058 hadir pada Peringatan Kematian Kristus pada tanggal 10 April tahun lalu, potensinya sangat baik.
With 3,624,091 Bible studies being held each month and with 9,950,058 attending the Memorial of Jesus’ death last April 10, the potential is very good.
Ia kembali menawarkan dirinya untuk berhubungan intim dengan Saddam Hussein pada Oktober 2002, ketika Irak menolak tekanan internasional untuk mengizinkan inspeksi senjata pemusnah massal, dan pada April 2006, ia membuat tawaran yang sama kepada Usamah bin Ladin.
She renewed her offer to have sex with Saddam Hussein in October 2002, when Iraq was resisting international pressure to allow inspections for weapons of mass destruction, and in April 2006, she made the same offer to Osama bin Laden.
Hari peringatannya adalah 29 April.
Her feast day is 29 April.
Bulan April, Jeon mengumpulkan pasukan di Gunung Baek dan merebut kembali Gobu.
In April, Jeon gathered an army in Mount Baek and recaptured Gobu.
Pada tahun 2012, 33 anggota pertama Hall of Fame diumumkan pada 23 April 2012 di konferensi Global INET Internet Society di Jenewa, Swiss.
In 2012, there were 33 inaugural inductees into the Hall of Fame, announced on April 23, 2012 at the Internet Society’s Global INET conference in Geneva, Switzerland.
6 Sebuah khotbah umum istimewa yg berjudul ”Agama Sejati Memenuhi Kebutuhan Masyarakat Manusia” akan disampaikan di kebanyakan sidang pd tanggal 10 April.
6 A special public talk entitled “True Religion Meets the Needs of Human Society” will be given in most congregations on April 10.
Pada 7 April 2006, hakim Pengadilan Tinggi Sir Peter Smith menolak klaim pelanggaran hak cipta oleh Michael Baigent dan Richard Leight, sehingga Random House memenangkan kasus ini.
On April 7, 2006, High Court judge Sir Peter Smith rejected the copyright-infringement claim by Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh, and Random House won the court case.
Pada April 2011 ia memainkan peran sebagai Sister James dalam terjemahan Sepanyol dari drama karya John Patrick Shanley Doubt: A Parable.
On April 2011 she played the role of Sister James in a Spanish translation of John Patrick Shanley's Doubt: A Parable.
Rancangan tersebut dinyatakan sah secara hukum oleh Mahkamah Konstitusi Portugal pada April 2010.
The bill was declared legally valid by the Portuguese Constitutional Court in April 2010.
Cerpennya, yang ditulis pada 1958 dan pertama kali terbit pada keluaran April 1959 The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, memenangkan Penghargaan Hugo untuk Cerita Pendek Terbaik pada 1960.
The short story, written in 1958 and first published in the April 1959 issue of The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, won the Hugo Award for Best Short Story in 1960.
Pada tanggal 27 April, mereka merilis film artis untuk album ini.
On April 27, they released an artist film for the album.
8 April, pasca-revolusi
April 8, Revolution aftermath
▪ Perayaan Peringatan akan diadakan pd hari Selasa, 2 April 1996.
▪ The Memorial celebration will be held on Tuesday, April 2, 1996.
Kerangka hukum Rumelia Timur diatur oleh Statuta Organik yang ditetapkan pada 14 April 1879 dan berlaku hingga penyatuan dengan Bulgaria pada tahun 1885.
The law frame of Eastern Rumelia was defined with the Organic Statute which was adopted on 14 April 1879 and was in force until the Unification with Bulgaria in 1885.
Jangan kembali sampai April.
Do not return until April.
Pada April 2018, Samuel akan merilis single Jepang keduanya, "Candy (Japanese Ver.)"
In April 2018, Samuel would release his second Japanese single, "Candy (Japanese Ver.)" on May 16.
Impressions of the West Lake adalah sebuah album karya musisi new age Jepang, Kitaro, yang dirilis pada April 2009.
Impressions of the West Lake is an album by Japanese new age musician Kitarō, released in April 2009.
Dewan Penasihat Jepang didirikan berdasarkan ordonansi kekaisaran dari Kaisar Meiji tanggal 28 April 1888, di bawah pimpinan Ito Hirobumi, untuk memusyawarahkan rancangan konstitusi.
The Privy Council of Japan was established by an imperial ordinance of Emperor Meiji dated 28 April 1888, under the presidency of Itō Hirobumi, to deliberate on the draft constitution.
Pertunjukan sandiwara tersebut selesai setelah tampil 39 kali pada 29 Maret 1969, namun Pacino mendapat sambutan hangat dan memenangkan Tony Award pada 20 April 1969.
It closed after 39 performances on March 29, 1969, but Pacino received rave reviews and won the Tony Award on April 20, 1969.
Musim semi hangat dan cerah, dengan bunga sakura muncul pada akhir Maret atau awal April.
Spring is warm and sunnier, with cherry blossoms appearing in late March or early April.
▪ Pd Minggu, 17 April, hari Peringatan, tidak ada perhimpunan selain pertemuan utk dinas lapangan.
▪ No meetings other than those for field service are to be held on Sunday, April 17, the day of the Memorial.
Oh, April!
Oh, April!
Pada bulan April 2014, kantor cabang di Kinshasa, Kongo, menerima surat yang menyentuh hati dari sekelompok nelayan di Pulau Ibinja di Danau Kivu.
In April 2014, the branch office in Congo (Kinshasa) received a touching letter from a group of fishermen living on Ibinja Island on Lake Kivu.

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Do you know about Indonesian

Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.