現貨/英文 原子習慣 Atomic Habit 建立好習慣打破壞習慣 心理勵志書籍 (1)
現貨/英文 原子習慣 Atomic Habit 建立好習慣打破壞習慣 心理勵志書籍 (2)
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Make good use of the "compound interest" effect, let the little atoms get used to being profitable, and make a big difference in life! Small changes every day will accumulate huge differences. This is the amazing power of atomic habits! The author of this book, James Clear, was accidentally hit by a bat in the face during a sophomore year in a baseball game, severely injured, and even artificially unconscious. After several months of treatment, although he recovered and was discharged from the hospital, he was able to set foot on the court again and later entered the college baseball team, but he could only sit on the bench and had almost no chance to play. However, in the sixth year after a serious head injury, he was selected as the best male athlete in his university and was selected to ESPN's All-America star lineup-only 33 people in the entire United States won this award. From the end of his athletic career, to being selected for the All-American star lineup, and even getting the Presidential Medal for his studies upon graduation, how did he do it? All because he knows and makes good use of the power of "atomic habits"! ◎ Effectively establish the systematic "Four Laws of Behavior Change" for permanent good habits Although you know that habit is very important, but you often worry about your bad habits, but you want to get rid of it but are unable to do so? Or, do you want to develop a good habit, but always give up halfway? In fact, the problem is not with you, but with the behavior change system that you follow! ================================================= ❤️歡迎光臨湯姆英文館❤️ 品一杯好茶,讀一本好書,種一顆種子 讓生命溢滿書香,讓書香滋養心靈 湯姆英文館,與您共度好時光! 📣【活動訊息】 👉關注禮:新客戶關注湯姆英文館賣場立減$10 👉滿199減5元 滿299減10元 滿599減25元 滿899減40元 滿1899減80元 👉您收到書籍後,認為本店的各方面不錯,全單五星好評+上傳好看的買家秀,回購可立減$20 📣【出貨時間】 💡賣場中部分商品需要下單1-3天寄出,寄出后3-5天左右能到超商門市,急要,時間趕的請聊💡聊聯繫我們確認! 📣【問題咨詢】 👩購買所遇到的問題請及時聯繫我們,我們會耐心真誠替您解決 👩客服人員回覆時間:隨叫隨到 (睡覺除外) 👩如果聯繫客服消息未回,請多聯繫一次,以免漏了消息 📣【退換貨須知】 💡產品出現問題,賣家絕不迴避,定及時處理您的售後問題, 💡申請退貨時,請保持書籍與其內包裝及外包裝的完整性,如有發現使用痕跡,恕不退款! 💡收到商品如遇貨運運輸過程中擦損,不影響使用的,概不退換! 💡有問題請及時留言聊聊,收到會及時回復您,如果沒有回復可能在忙,請耐心等 ※因上架時間有限,如有欲購買的書籍但賣場內搜尋不到之商品。可私訊聊聊詢問



