【天天魔法】【S321】正宗原廠~磨力棒(止滑塊)~Roughing Sticks by Harry Robson (1)

卖【天天魔法】【S321】正宗原廠~磨力棒(止滑塊)~Roughing Sticks by Harry Robson最好的价格



【天天魔法】【S321】正宗原廠~磨力棒(止滑塊)~Roughing Sticks by Harry Robson 示範影片: https://youtu.be/-lHvHRaJ5eE 魔術效果: 你是紙牌魔術的愛好者嗎??你一定要擁有它!! 魔術師Harry Robson用了30年來研究, 才有了我們現在看到的這個產品。 只要在牌面畫個幾下,便可在牌的表面產生止滑的效果!! 因此不管是你想把二張牌暫時固定、X翻.... 甚至是想自己做一副綠野仙縱(Invisible Deck)都沒有問題! 小小一塊,無限可能!! 商品內容: 正宗原廠Roughing Sticks(止滑塊) 一塊+線上原文教學影片 產品特色: 1. 小小一塊,攜帶方便。 2. 使用起來非常的容易,不像噴止滑劑那麼麻煩。 3. 做一副綠野仙縱(Invisible Deck)只要幾分鐘。 4. 份量充足,可做約150份綠野仙縱(Invisible Deck)。 5. 可用於許多效果如:X翻、牌組、止滑......。 6. 無毒性,請安心使用。 Roughing Sticks by Harry Robson and Vanishing Inc. Description: "One of the main benefits is that you can create an entire deck very quickly. On the instructions Harry shows how to put one together in less than a few minutes. It’s the perfect size to take in your close-up kit should you need to touch up cards or create a deck quickly." -Paul Romhany, *Reviews Vanish Magazine Thirty years of research from Harry Robson has led to the exact formula of what we now present: the Roughing Stick. This is a stick of a hard substance and what it does is simply incredible. When you rub the surface of the stick against a card, it will act as roughing fluid does, only better. The cards stay together in roughed pairs, yet are more easily separated without fumbling whenever you want. The stick leaves NO RESIDUE, and with the roughing stick supplied you can create at least 150 Invisible Decks! This is, for all purposes, a LIFETIME supply. The best part? It's so inexpensive. Imagine the possibilities Packet tricks, Brainwave, Invisible Deck, and more just got MUCH easier to make, on your own, and many original tricks that would have required a spraying shed or a craftsman to manufacture can now be done at your kitchen table within minutes. To see just how practical it is, you can watch Harry Robson make an Invisible Deck in less than two minutes in the trailer. It's a great new technology at an unbeatable price.

