【天天魔法】【H1761】Unreal by Joshua Jay(全四集) (1)

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【天天魔法】【H1761】Unreal by Joshua Jay(全四集) 示範影片: https://youtu.be/WSCbNUIg9fg 魔術效果: 我要從哪裡開始介紹Joshua Jay呢? 1981年出生在美國俄亥俄州……是個很厲害的魔術師…… 《Unreal by Joshua Jay and Luis De Matos》 他的EMC專輯在萬眾期盼之下終於在2015年問世了! 4集共9小時的精采內容,客制化的魔術,精湛的手法跟演藝, 具有巧思跟影響力的魔術,源源不絕的靈感,絕對是今年最強作品之一! Disc 1 - Live Show: Joshua Jay的個人秀,讓你看看在上千人的劇院之中他是如何震撼大家的。 當然,他會分享他的魔術流程。 Disc 2 - Parlor Miracles: 時常有人不知道近距離魔術,或是一些紙牌魔術要怎麼面對更多的觀眾, 讓他來告訴你如何設計給較多的觀眾的魔術吧。完整地解說魔術。 Disc 3 - Close Up Magic: 近距離魔術,曾數度拿下魔術城堡近距離魔術師獎的他, 對於近距離魔術有什麼樣的巧思呢?他將分享數個非常厲害的紙牌魔術。 Disc 4 - Miscellaneous: 這片根本是超值Bonus!更多近距離紙牌和硬幣魔術的技法, 還有更深悟的面談,Joshua Jay將分享他的人生以及對於魔術的看法跟如何運用魔術。 商品內容: 原文教學影片(全四集)(資料檔) Unreal by Joshua Jay and Luis De Matos Description: "This is an outstanding DVD production. (German review)" -Andreas Sucker, Magie Germany THE BEST OF MAGIC FROM THE MIND OF JOSHUA JAY Joshua Jay is a performer, writer and creator. In Unreal he performs and explains some of his finest effects. Practical, tried and tested routines that amaze audiences and confound magicians. The album also includes his professional theatre show recorded at the San Bernardo Theatre in Coimbra, Portugal. For the first time you'll see how Joshua puts together a full evening show. Advice, performance and explanations from one of magic's greatest teachers. DISC 1 - LIVE SHOW ONE MAN SHOW PERFORMED AT SAN BERNARDO THEATRE COIMBRA, PORTUGAL DISC 2 - PARLOR MIRACLES ROUTINES DESIGNED FOR LARGER AUDIENCES EVERY DETAIL EXPLAINED IN FULL DISC 3 - CLOSE UP MAGIC JOSHUA'S FAVOURITE CLOSE-UP EFFECTS INCLUDING PRISM, TOTALLY TRIUMPH, SIGNS AND BLIND MAN'S BLUFF DISC 4 - MISCELLANEOUS MORE EXCELLENT CLOSE UP CARD AND COIN MAGIC PLUS TECHNIQUE The DVDs include an extensive interview with Joshua Jay about his life, his magic and his career as a performer. Plus more Extras. UNREAL is an English language production. Four DVD Box Set. Subtitled in 4 languages. English, Spanish, French and Japanese. Total Running Time: 9 Hours. Shot in HD in Portugal by Luis de Matos Productions. WHAT THE GREATEST ARE SAYING... JEFF MCBRIDE "Joshua's magic is thoughtful, practical and powerful." MICHAEL AMMAR "This is a must-have in any magic library." SHIN LIM "An amazing and influential magician." DAVID BLAINE "I consider Joshua an important, emerging voice in our art." LENNART GREEN "He scares me because he is so good." ROBERTO GIOBBI "One of the most talented, intelligent and influential magicians." PIT HARTLING "Original, practical and very strong material." GREGORY WILSON "Josh is a massively accomplished talent. It's been great watching the student evolve into the teacher." SIMON ARONSON "Unreal is a very real display of Josh Jay's many talents: deceptive magic, amazing technical skill, and engaging his spectators warmth, human interest and humor. Very few one-man magic shows rise to the level of sophisticated, dramatic theatre-"Unreal" is one of them." TOTAL RUNNING TIME: 09h00m


