【天天魔法】【1507】無影迷蹤牌~~~Gone Deck by Shin Lim~ (1)

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【天天魔法】【1507】無影迷蹤牌~~~Gone Deck by Shin Lim~ 示範影片: https://youtu.be/cU94ohIB91M https://youtu.be/wRcgr-vsX_4 魔術效果: Gone Deck是由魔術師Shin Lim和Tom Elderfield共同設計,是一個非常視覺的道具。 不管是在世界各國的表演,還是FISM的比賽之中, Shin Lin都有使用到這它,這樣的道具除了完美,還有什麼好說的呢?? 「Gone Deck」不只可以拿來消失牌盒,還可以使牌盒瞬間出現, 這也使得它有更多的變化,可以加入任何您任何的程序之中。 經過五年的設計和製作,每組「Gone Deck」都已經幫您把道具最困難的部份完成, 你拿到之後可以直接把它加在任何您常用的牌盒之上。 而最棒的是,道具做好之後約只有一張牌的厚度, 所以你可以把它混在整副牌之中,完全不會影像整副牌的操作, 也因此不管是開場、中間的效果,還是結尾, 你都可以使用它來做出牌盒消失、出現的效果。 "WTF!!! 這拿來當紙牌程序的開場和結尾都超屌的!!"- Rich Piccone 商品內容: 特殊道具組+線上教學連結 產品特色: 1. 完整的道具製作教學,任何造型的牌盒都可使用。 2. 多種的消失、出現和不同的應用方式。 3. 道具製作完成只有約一張牌的厚度。 4. 和一般牌盒消失的道具不同,可以在程序的任何階段使用。 5. 效果非常的視覺。 6. 道具已經幫您完成一半,讓您製作更加快速。 7. 與Nicolas Lawrence的 Unboxing結構類似,但為各自獨立發展。 Gone Deck by Shin Lim Description: "I like it." -Sean Heydon, Wizard Product Reviews Full Review A visual masterpiece designed by Shin Lim and Tom Elderfield is used as a closer to Shin's Encore Act performed on the Illusionists Show from broadway. What more is there to say? Gone Deck can both be used as an APPEARING and VANISHING card box, making this a very versatile prop to anyones repertoire. Every package comes with a premade template so that you can apply any deck of your choosing and use it in the beginning, end, or even middle of your routine. And because it is simply one card thin and works as one unit with no separate parts to worry about, Gone Deck will not get in the way of your performances. Gone deck comes with an instructional tutorial on how to perform different vanishes, appearances, and even color changes. In addition, Shin Lim teaches you how to not only take care of your gimmick, but also how to create new ones of your own. Witness this incredible appearing and vanishing card box 5 years in the making "WTF!!! The Holy grail effect to open or close your card act!" - Rich Piccone *SansMinds and Nicholas Lawrence had independently created a similar effect called Unboxing.


