The Touch: Spaces Designed for the /Gestalten/ 誠品eslite (1)
The Touch: Spaces Designed for the /Gestalten/ 誠品eslite (2)
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以感官體驗建築,25組令人耳目一新的室內空間設計精選 《Kinfolk雜誌》創辦人Nathan Williams和Norm Architects建築事務所聯手出擊 精選當代室內設計大師作品,包括英國設計大師Ilse Crawford、印度建築大師Bijoy Jain和丹麥巨匠Arne Jacobsen,作品貫穿美麗的住宅、飯店、博物館和零售店等,邀請讀者一同探索光影、自然、物質、色彩等元素,如何將我們的感官重新開啟,感受更豐富及有層次的居住環境。 除了精彩攝影作品及歐洲極簡建築大師John Pawson和丹麥建築師David Thulstrup的深度訪談,更詳細介紹哲學和藝術史如何反映在傳統設計和色彩理論之中。為了更深入探索感官與建築的關係,書中附錄眾多建築大師的介紹,包括巴西建築師麗娜‧波‧芭蒂和傳奇建築師理察·諾伊特拉,同時也列出許多曾經造成重大影響的建築運動。The Touch is a new collaboration between Nathan Williams of Kinfolk and Jonas Bjerre-Poulsen of Norm Architects that welcome readers into over 25 inspiring spaces where interior design is not only visually appealing but engages all of the human senses. Through beautiful homes, hotels, museums, and retail stores―from contemporary designs by Ilse Crawford and Bijoy Jain to classic cases by Arne Jacobsen―readers are invited to explore how experiencing elements such as light, nature, materiality, color, and community can deliberately bring us back to our senses and imbue every day with a richer quality. 【詳細資料】 誠品26碼/2681779073006 ISBN13/9783899559781 ISBN10/3899559789 EAN/9783899559781 頁數/288 尺寸/33X24.5X0CM 級別/無 裝訂/精裝 語言/英文 ■作者簡介Gestalten/ Kinfolk/ Norm Architects/ Ed.gestalten gestalten continues to actively reimagine the way in which we approach publishing. With our extensive range of titles, we not only seek to enhance and to enrich our reader's lives, but to continually engage with the surrounding creative landscape. Our origin story began with a focus on the aesthetic, particularly that of graphic design and, over the last two decades, the scope of both our content and our expertise has widened. Today, using a myriad of observations of culture, people, art, and other intimate inspirational informants, we document and anticipate vital movements in architecture, visual culture, design & fashion, escapism, food & beverages, travel, and contemporary art. In 2014, Little Gestalten joined the literary ranks and ensured that there was a place for readers of all ages within the world of gestalten.




