特惠☆正版 地心游記 英文原版 Journey to the Center of the Earth★loveyoumi (1)

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Journey to the Center of the Earth《地心游記》是“科幻小說之父”儒勒·凡爾納于1864年出版的作品。凡爾納將嚴謹的科學知識和其非凡的想象力結合在一起,再加上緊湊流暢的筆觸,描繪了一個光怪陸離的地下世界,故事復雜離奇,情節生動曲折,語言通俗易懂,是一部集文學性、科學性和預言性為一體的杰作,科幻小說愛好者必讀。 From the discovery of a strange parchment in an old book to the fantastic descent through a dormant volcano into a subterranean world of danger and beauty,A Journey to the Center of the Earth is as wonderfully entertaining today as when it was first published. One of Jules Verne’s finest novels, its unique combination of “hard” science and vivid imagination helped establish this brilliant Frenchman as the father of modern science fiction. A high-tension odyssey, it depicts three men who venture into an unknown, fearsome underworld to discover what lies at the mysterious center of the earth—while risking their chances of ever returning to the surface alive. With an Introduction by Bear Grylls and an Afterword by Leonard Nimoy 德國科學家李登布洛克教授在一本古老的書籍里偶然得到一張羊皮紙,并從前人阿爾納·薩科努塞姆的得到了啟發,偕同侄子阿克塞爾和向導漢斯,進行了一次穿越地心的探險旅行。他們從冰島的斯奈菲爾火山口下降,在地心經歷三個月的艱辛跋涉,一路克服缺水、迷路、暴風雨等艱難險阻,從西西里島的火山口返回地面。 From a father of science fiction —a perilous and astonishing adventure into the earth's core that details encounters with natural hazards, 40 foot mushrooms, and prehistoric beasts After decoding a scrap of paper in runic script, the intrepid Professor Lidenbrock and his nervous nephew Axel travel across Iceland to find the secret passage to the center of the earth. Enlisting the silent Hans as a guide, the trio encounter a perilous and astonishing subterranean world of natural hazards, curious sights, prehistoric beasts, and sea monsters. 儒勒·凡爾納(Jules Verne),19世紀法國著名的科幻小說和冒險小說作家,被譽為“科學幻想小說之父”。凡爾納一生著述頗豐,創作的長篇小說和短篇小說集共計六十六部,以及《法國地理》一卷,《偉大的旅行家和偉大的旅行史》六卷。代表作品有《八十天環游地球》《海底兩萬里》《格蘭特船長和他的兒女》《神秘島》《氣球上的五星期》和《地心游記》等。 Jules Verne (1828-1905) wasbornin Nantes, France, in 1828, of legal and seafaring stock. He was the author of innumerable adventure stories that combined a vivid imagination with a gift for popularizing science. Although he studied law at Paris, he devoted his life entirely to writing. His most popular stories, besides 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1870), include: Five Weeks in a Balloon (1863), Journey to the Center of the Earth (1864), A Trip to the Moon (1865), Around the World in Eighty Days (1872), and Michael Strogoff (1876). In addition, he was the author of a number of successful plays, as well as a popular history of exploration from Phoenician times to the mid-nineteenth century, The Discovery of the Earth (1878-80). After a long and active career in literature, Jules Verne died at Amiens, France. Looking back to all that has occurred to me since 欢迎光临--_-- 小店隨時會更新目前最熱銷的商品哦,喜歡的加個關注吧,能第一時間收到最新款的上架通知哦 我們的貨都是廠家一手貨源直接出貨的,所以沒有實體店,無法自取哦 下標後72小時內會寄出,能下標的商品都有貨,出貨後(7-10)天就可以到的呢,節假日受海關放假影響可能會有延遲,請見諒) 我們已經是選用最快的加急貨運派送的,會第一時間給您派達,所以不必催單,把控時間方面我們很注重的呢 下標超商的水水注意下哈:7-11、全家、萊爾富、OK取件的重量有要求,每單限制5kg,超重需要分單哦。 不懂分單的水水請聯繫我喲,量大還有優惠的呢。


